[00:04.43]Wait. Before we go in, I just want you to know that I love you. 等一下,在进屋之前 我要你知道我爱你 [00:09.94]I had a great time on our honeymoon. 我蜜月时玩得很高兴 [00:12.97]I can't wait to spend our life together. 我等不及 要跟你共度一生了 [00:16.78]You're sticking with the shell necklace, huh? 你还戴着 那条贝壳项链? [00:20.82]You're back! 你们回来了 [00:24.45]Come on in! 快进来 [00:30.13]How was the honeymoon? 你们蜜月玩得开心吗? [00:32.13]So much fun. The best part is, we met this great couple. 我们很开心,最棒的是 我们认识一对很棒的夫妇 [00:36.70]That was the best part? Good honeymooning, tiger. 那是最棒的吗? 这真的是很棒的蜜月,小子 [00:41.64]They're cool. It was their honeymoon too. 他们很酷 他们也是去度蜜月的 [00:44.97]They live here in the city. 他们就住在城里 [00:47.14]Can we go call them? Is it too soon to call? 我们能打电话给他们吗? 现在打会不会太快了? [00:50.61]We're excited. We finally have a couple to hang out with. 我们很兴奋 我们终于认识一对夫妇朋友了 [00:54.95]Oh, were you looking for that? 你们想要那么做吗? [00:58.15]Well, yeah. 对 [00:59.99]A couple? Like two people? Like one, two people? 夫妇朋友?你是说两个人吗? 像是一、二,两个人 [01:05.36]It's different. Greg and Jenny are married. 那不一样 葛瑞格跟珍妮结婚了 [01:08.73]Greg and Jenny? "Hi, Greg. I'm Chandler." 葛瑞格跟珍妮? “嗨,葛瑞格,我是钱德” [01:12.57]"Hi, Monica. This is Jenny." "Hi, Jenny. Hi, Greg." “嗨,摩妮卡,她是珍妮” “嗨,珍妮,嗨,摩妮卡” [01:17.74]-They're great. If you just.. -You know what? -他们真的很棒,如果你们… -你知道吗? [01:21.01]Give us our souvenirs and get out of here. 快送我们纪念品 然后滚出去 [01:25.71]-We didn't get a chance to.. -You're kidding! -我们没有机会… -你是在开玩笑 [01:29.88]-We didn't get anything for anyone. -Nice necklace. -我们没有买任何人的礼物 -好漂亮的项链 [01:35.16]That you can have. 你可以把它拿走 [01:38.39]The One With The Videotape 本集播出:录影带风波 [00:00.00] [02:17.40]-Welcome home. -How was the honeymoon? -欢迎你们回来 -蜜月还好玩吧? [02:20.94]Great! How about you? You're having a baby! 太棒了,你们呢? 你们要有宝宝了 [02:24.17]Yeah, we are. It's so exciting. 没错,那真的很刺激 [02:26.47]I always knew you two would have a child out of wedlock. 我就知道 你们会未婚生子 [02:32.15]-Look, I have a sonogram picture. -Good. -你看,我有宝宝的超音波照片 -太棒了 [02:37.25]Ross, it's got your wavy, black lines. 罗斯,宝宝遗传了你的黑色卷发 [02:42.66]Now that Ross knows, how'd it happen? When? How many times? 现在罗斯知道了,到底是怎么发生的? 在什么时候?你们做了几次? [02:48.26]Monica, that's not right. Start with where. 摩妮卡,那么问是不对的 从你们在哪里做开始说吧 [02:55.04]It happened about six weeks ago. 事情发生在六个星期前 [02:58.61]I got home and Ross was there. He'd been hanging out with Joey. 我回到家,发现罗斯也在 他跟乔伊混在一起 [03:04.11]You're welcome, buddy. 别客气,兄弟 [03:10.69]Yeah, thanks. 对,谢谢 [03:13.82]I had a lot of work, and Ross offered to help. 我有很多事要做 罗斯主动说要帮忙 [03:17.93]We had wine, we got to talking. 我们边喝酒边聊天 [03:20.83]Next thing you know, Ross comes on to me. 接下来 罗斯采取主动 [03:26.10]That's a little misleading. 那么说是不对的 [03:29.00]-What is? -The lie you just told. -什么? -你刚刚说的谎话 [03:33.58]-That you came on to me? -There's the one! -我说是你主动的? -没错 [03:37.31]-But you did. Let's be honest. -Yes, let's. -但那是真的,老实一点吧 -没错,老实一点吧 [03:41.82]Ross. If it helps, I don't believe you. 罗斯,希望这有帮助,我不相信你 [03:47.62]It's not important. 那不重要 [03:49.82]What's important is, we're having a baby, not who came on to who. 重要的是我们要生孩子了 谁先泡“随”并不重要 [03:55.00]"Whom." 是“谁”才对 [03:59.63]That's right. 没错 [04:03.14]-You kissed me first. -You were begging for it! -你先吻我的 -是你求我的 [04:07.01]You were sending me signals! 你发暗号给我 [04:09.68]I was sending signals? Anyone think that I'd send Ross begging signals? 我发暗号给你? 谁觉得是我发暗号给罗斯求他的? [04:15.48]Please, show of hands. 请举手 [04:20.15]It doesn't matter what people believe! It happened. 别人怎么想并不重要 事情真的发生了 [04:24.73]Maybe I need to be more careful. Am I sending these signals now? 或许我得小心一点 我正在发送讯号吗? [04:30.33]-You know what? Just drop it. -Show me how I begged you. -你知道吗?别谈了 -告诉我我是怎么求你的 [04:35.14]I can show you! I have it on videotape. 我可以证明 我都录在录影带里了 [04:45.68]It's an expression. 那是一种说法 [04:56.36]Come on, Rachel, open up. Let me explain. 瑞秋,快开门 听我解释 [04:59.26]-Still won't let you in, huh? -No. -她还是不让你进去? -对 [05:01.76]I'm just gonna close this door so we can talk about you. 我要把门关上 我们得好好讨论你们的事 [05:09.10]I can't believe he taped them having sex. [05:11.97]Yeah. You gotta tell a girl before you tape her. 对,你得先告诉对方 才能开始录影 [05:16.48]Such a rookie mistake. 那是菜鸟才会犯的错误 [05:19.55]-Know who has a great camera? -Greg and Jenny? -你知道谁有很棒的摄影机吗? -葛瑞格跟珍妮? [05:23.99]-I want to call them. -Let's call. -我要打电话给他们 -快打吧 [05:26.72]Ask them if they brought their friends souvenirs. 问他们有没有 买纪念品送给朋友 [05:35.66]Hello. 8th Street Deli? 喂,第八街外送餐厅 [05:38.23]Hang up. You get food poisoning just talking to that place. 快挂掉,光跟他们说话 你就会食物中毒 [05:42.54]-Sorry, wrong number. -Here you go, babe. -抱歉,打错了 -来吧,宝贝 [05:48.14]Hello? It's the deli again! 喂 又是外送餐厅 [05:51.38]All right, I'll have a sandwich. 好吧,我要吃三明治 [05:54.48]I don't think this number's right. 我想这个电话号码是错的 [06:00.36]-What? -You got fake-numbered. -什么? -你们拿到假的电话 [06:05.09]-What? People don't do that. -Oh, I think we do. -什么?没有人会那么做 -我想我们会 [06:09.60]-Why would they do that? -I don't know. -他们为什么要那么做? -我不知道 [06:12.97]You were a delight. You asked those great questions. 你们聊的很开心 你问了那些很棒的问题 [06:17.34]And you were never funnier. Joke, joke, joke! You were a hoot! 你也很风趣 老是在开玩笑,你真的很耍宝 [06:22.48]You still got me and Phoebe. 你们还有我跟菲比 [06:25.25]Excuse me, I don't want Greg and Jenny's rejects. 对不起 我不要葛瑞格跟珍妮的退货 [06:30.89]Rachel won't talk to me. She won't open the door. 瑞秋不肯跟我说话 她不肯开门 [06:34.56]I wonder why, pervert. 我很好奇是为什么,变态 [06:37.09]Okay, I am not a pervert. 好吧,我不是变态 [06:39.43]That's, like, the pervert motto. 变态都是那么说的 [06:42.93]You raise your hand, put your left hand down your pants and repeat that. 你举起手,把左手放进裤子里 然后再说一次 [06:49.24]Filming Rachel was not planned. 我不是故意要拍瑞秋 [06:52.01]Here's what happened. Joey can back me up. 事情的经过是这样的 乔伊可以帮我作证 [06:55.44]A month and a half ago, remember I came to you with a problem? 还记得一个半月前 我跑去问你一个问题吗? [07:01.12]The personal thing? 我的私人问题? [07:05.09]-What personal thing? -About sex? -什么私人问题? -关于性的问题? [07:10.63]That I hadn't had sex in months? 我好几个月没有性生活了? [07:14.26]Yeah, I knew what you were talking about. 我知道 你在说什么 [07:19.40](六个星期前) [07:26.74]I'd like to talk about something I'm uncomfortable talking about. 我想谈一件 我很难启齿的事 [07:31.91]Sure. 没问题 [07:34.35]How about you showering with your mom? 你跟你妈 一起洗澡? [07:40.12]I actually had a topic in mind. 我真的有问题 [07:46.49]I'm kind of going through a dry spell, sex-wise. 我正进入了 性停滞期 [07:52.13]-For, like, months? -Five, to be.. -有好几个月了吗? -五个月… [07:55.17]lying. Six. 骗人的,是六个月 [07:57.61]Six months? That's rough. 六个月?那一定很难熬 [08:00.07]It's not all bad. I'm learning to appreciate the small things, like.. 没有那么糟糕 我学着去欣赏一些小事,譬如说… [08:05.68]the sound of a bird and the color of the sky. 鸟叫声 跟天空的颜色 [08:10.49]The sky's blue, Ross. And I had sex yesterday. 天空是蓝色的,罗斯 我昨天做过爱了 [08:16.22]Please help me. I have a date tonight. 拜托帮帮我 今晚我有约会 [08:19.29]It has to go well. I'm scared for my health. 我得顺利达阵 我很担心我的健康 [08:23.46]I got something. It's this story that I came up with. 我有个点子 我想出一个故事 [08:27.80]Very romantic. Any woman that hears it is putty. 非常浪漫 听到这个故事的女人都会心动 [08:31.81]Tell it to me. 说吧 [08:33.61]Now, you're gonna want to have sex with me when you hear it. 你听完后 一定会想跟我上床 [08:38.75]Remember, it is just the story. 记住,那只是一个故事 [08:43.15]I'll try to control myself. 我会试着控制自己 [08:48.92]Years ago, I was backpacking across Western Europe.. 多年前 我在西欧自助旅行… [08:53.23]-You were backpacking across Europe? -Have a nice six more months. -你在西欧自助旅行? -六个月后见 [08:58.87]I'm sorry. Please, please. You were in Western Europe, and..? 抱歉,求求你 你去了西欧,然后… [09:06.07]I was outside Barcelona, hiking in the foothills of Mount Tibidabo. 我在巴塞隆纳郊外 在第比达包山脚下健行 [09:12.85]-Nice. -Thanks. -太棒了 -谢谢 [09:16.18]I was at the end of this path, and there was a lake. 我走到小路的尽头 发现了一座湖 [09:20.99]Very secluded. There were tall trees all around. 它非常隐密 四周都是高大的树木 [09:25.29]It was dead silent. Gorgeous. 那里非常安静 美极了 [09:29.13]And across the lake I saw a beautiful woman bathing herself. 我看到在湖的对面 有个美女在洗澡 [09:35.30]But she was crying. 但她在哭 [09:39.91]Why? 为什么? [09:48.52]This is great wine. 酒真的很棒 [09:50.85]It's from France. 它是法国酒 [09:54.92]In Europe. 法国在欧洲 [09:57.43]Western Europe. 就在西欧 [10:02.46]A few years ago I was backpacking across Western Europe. 几年前 我在西欧自助旅行 [10:08.04]-Really? -Wait, it gets better. -真的吗? -等一下,后面的故事很精彩 [10:14.01]Yeah, I was in Barcelona. 对,我在巴塞隆纳 [10:16.71]I studied for a year in Barcelona. 我在巴塞隆纳念过一年书 [10:22.72]-You did? -Yeah. When were you there? -是吗? -对,你什么时候去的? [10:25.92]-Eighty.. -Nine? -8… -89年? [10:27.29]Three. 83年 [10:29.89]I was 13? 那时我才13岁? [10:34.80]-So anyway, I was hiking.. -I love hiking! -总之我在健行… -我喜欢健行 [10:38.93]That's great! 那真的太棒了 [10:42.77]I was hiking along the foothills of Mount Tibidaybo.. 我在第比达亚波山脚下 健行… [10:47.54]-I think it's "Tibidabo." -Do you want to tell the story? -我想是“第比达包山”才对 -你想说这个故事吗? [10:55.32]How'd your date go? 约会还顺利吗? [10:57.79]Great. I'm across the street having sex right now. [11:02.46]-Your story sucks. -Then you didn't tell it right. -你的故事烂透了 -是你说的方法不对 [11:07.63]-Show me how you did it. -No, I don't want to. -告诉我你是怎么说的 -不,我不想谈 [11:11.13]-How long since you seen a girl naked? -I was backpacking.. -你上次看到裸女是什么时候的事? -我在西欧… [11:16.70]-I'm not feeling it. -I was outside Barcelona, hiking.. -我没有感觉 -我在巴塞隆纳郊外健行… [11:22.14]-Ross, I'm not hot. Are you hot? -It's been six months. I'm always hot. [11:28.02]You're not selling the story. You don't believe it. 你不是在说故事 你根本就不相信它 [11:32.32]I gotta go, I got a date. But try this. 我得走了,我有约会 但试试这招 [11:35.52]Do what I do before an audition. 学我在试镜前做的那一招 [11:38.06]I'm not hungry. 我不饿 [11:41.40]No. 不 [11:42.76]Use my camera to record yourself and see what you're doing wrong. 我会用录影机来自拍 看看哪里做错了 [11:48.44]I'll try that. 我会试试看 [11:50.24]Now, you're all set up. Good to go. Just hit record. Good luck. 已经设定好了,可以拍了 按下录影键就可以了,祝你好运 [11:56.81]If you ever have any problem with the ladies, you know I'll help you out. 如果你跟女人约会出了问题 我可以帮你接手 [12:07.86]That means a lot to me, man. 那对我来说意义重大 [12:29.04]Can I get you anything? Lens cleaner? Your battery okay? 需要我帮你效劳吗? 要擦镜头吗?电池还有电吗? [12:36.08]Ross, thank God you're here. You have to help me. 罗斯,谢天谢地你在这里 你得帮我 [12:39.85]Were you talking to yourself? 你在自言自语吗? [12:42.89]That's less embarrassing. Yes. Yes, I was. 那会比较不丢脸 对,没错 [12:46.86]When she came in, I totally forgot about the camera. 她一走进来 我完全忘记录影机的事 [12:51.00]It kept rolling and recorded everything. 录影机一直在拍 录下了整个经过 [12:56.30]Yeah, we're gonna need to see that tape. 我们得看看 那卷录影带 [13:00.41]What a great idea! That'll get Rachel to forgive me. 那是个好主意 那会让瑞秋原谅我 [13:05.11]Come on, it'll be like watching the Discovery Channel.. 少来了,那就像是在看 探索频道… [13:08.18]only we'll know the monkeys. 只不过我们知道那两只猴子是谁 [13:11.05]Look, I'm not gonna let you guys watch us. [13:13.79]-I haven't even seen it yet. -I'll trade you two tapes of me having sex. -我自己都没有看过 -我可以用我的两卷录影带跟你换 [13:19.13]Thanks, I'm good. 谢谢,我很感激 [13:21.73]We don't wanna see the dirty stuff.. [13:23.93]-just the stuff leading up to it. -No. Rachel's gonna kill me as it is. -我们只想知道事情是怎么发生的 -不,瑞秋会杀了我的 [13:28.07]It's not fair to her. Let's forget the tape. 那对她来说不公平 忘了录影带的事吧 [13:31.44]Thank you. 谢谢 [13:36.48]-No. -You're right. -不 -你说的对 [13:41.05]-Joey, no. -Loud and clear. -乔伊,不 -我了解 [13:51.56]I don't get why they'd give us a fake number. 我不明白为什么 他们要给我们假的电话号码 [13:55.00]If they knew what they were doing, they didn't give you real names. 如果他们知道自己在做什么 他们不会给你们真名 [14:01.04]Maybe people give out fake numbers, but not fake names. 或许有人会给假电话号码 但没有人会给假名 [14:06.51]Hi. Ken Adams. Nice to meet you. 嗨,肯亚当斯 很高兴能认识你 [14:11.05]Regina Phalange. 蕾吉娜菲拉吉 [14:14.52]-We didn't do anything wrong. -I know. -我们没有做错事 -我知道 [14:19.12]Although you did tell an awful lot of jokes. 虽然你说了 很多冷笑话 [14:23.52]You said they were funny. Joke, joke, joke! 你说它们很好笑 快说笑话吧 [14:27.56]Joke, joke.. 说笑话… [14:35.14]-It was your questions. -What about them? -是你问了太多问题害的 -我的问题怎么了? [14:38.41]The sheer volume. It was like flying with the Riddler. 你问了太多问题 那像是跟谜题王坐在一起 [14:44.88]-Was that another joke? -Was that another question? -那也是笑话吗? -那也是问题吗? [14:51.62]Is Ross still here? 罗斯还在吗? [14:53.15]Watch out, honey. Someone else is asking questions now. 小心点,甜心 有人在问问题了 [15:00.46]No, but he told us what happened. It was an honest mistake. 不,但他告诉我们发生了什么事 那真的是个误会 [15:05.20]How would you like it if I had sex with you and I taped it? [15:10.27]Oh, forget it. 算了吧 [15:14.04]There he is, the father of my child, the porn king of the West Village. 他来了,我孩子的爹 西村的色情片之王 [15:20.18]It was an accident, okay? 那是个意外,行吗? [15:22.78]I feel bad. I swear, I didn't even watch it. 我觉得很难过 我发誓我还没有看过它 [15:26.29]Anyway, here. 总之,拿去吧 [15:29.29]You might be more comfortable destroying it yourself. 或许亲手毁了它 你会觉得舒服一点 [15:33.63]Thank you. 谢谢 [15:42.80]What? 什么? [15:46.34]-You don't want to see this, do you? -Hell, yeah! -你们不想看这玩意吧? -我们当然想 [15:51.05]I am not gonna show you this. 我不会让你们看这个 [15:53.85]Not the sex part. Just the stuff leading up to it. [15:58.02]Forget it. 算了,让她毁掉吧 [16:00.35]We'll think of another way to put the "who came on to who" thing to rest. 我们会想其他办法 解决“谁先主动”的问题 [16:06.39]Come on now, think! 快想 [16:10.10]It's Rachel's tape, and she can do whatever she wants. 那是瑞秋的录影带 她想怎么处置它是她的自由 [16:14.57]And she wants to destroy it, so end of story. 她想毁了它 别说了 [16:19.34]-I want to see it. -What? -我想看 -什么? [16:23.34]You don't want us to see this. 你不希望我们看录影带 [16:25.85]You so badly don't want us to see it that it makes me want to see it. 你不希望我们看它 让我想要看个究竟 [16:34.22]Are we watching the tape or not? 我们到底要不要看录影带? [16:37.89]-It's for your sake. -I don't believe you. -我是要保护你 -我不相信你 [16:43.76]I think you don't want them to see you begging me. 我想你不希望 他们看到你求我 [16:48.70]-Rachel, please? -Oh, a little preview. -瑞秋,拜托 -这是预告部份 [16:54.24]Fine. I want the record to show that I tried to take the high road. 好吧,我要这卷录影带 证明我是想保护你 [16:59.75]Because in about five minutes, I'm gonna be saying.. 因为再过五分钟 我会说… [17:10.89]Okay, here we go. 好吧,要开始了 [17:16.13]I'm so happy. 我好快乐 [17:21.07]Thank God you're here. Help me. Were you talking to yourself? 谢天谢地你在这里,快帮帮我 你是在自言自语吗? [17:25.04]-There I am. -You're gonna get pregnant. -我出现了 -你就要怀孕了 [17:29.74]I screwed up so bad. 我搞砸了 [17:31.68]I told Monica that I'd send those wedding invitations weeks ago. 好几个星期前我告诉摩妮卡 我会把喜帖寄出去 [17:37.12]You didn't do it? 你没有寄? [17:38.85]I put them in my desk at work, and forgot about them until today. 我把它们放在办公桌上 直到今天才想起来 [17:47.19]Sweetie, it's okay. Everybody made it to the wedding. I'm fine. 甜心,没关系的 客人都来了,我没事的 [17:52.53]-Kind of hurting my hand though. -I know. -但你把我的手弄痛了 -我知道 [17:57.20]I can 't believe it, especially after Monica went on and on about it. 我不敢相信 何况摩妮卡每天都在盯我 [18:02.88]"Here are the invitations, Rachel. Be very careful, Rachel. 喜帖在这里,瑞秋 小心点,瑞秋 [18:07.48]Please, drinking no liquids around the invitations, Rachel." 拜托,别在喜帖附近 喝东西,瑞秋 [18:21.46]Did you do it on our invitations? [18:27.67]Not on the ones we sent out. 我们没在寄出去的喜帖上做 [18:31.61]So just the ones you gave back to us and we had framed? [18:43.92]It seems like yesterday they just got engaged. 感觉上像是 他们昨天才订婚 [18:47.69]I know. 我知道 [18:49.96]Remember the night they got engaged? How you and I almost.. 还记得他们订婚那一晚吗? 你跟我差一点… [18:55.16]Oh, I remember how we almost. 我记得我们差一点就做了 [18:59.17]You think we would've gone through with it? 你觉得 我们真的会做吗? [19:02.64]You think we would have done it? 你觉得我们会做吗? [19:07.34]I know I wanted to. I just wasn 't sure if you did. 我知道我想做 但我不知道你要不要 [19:11.95]Oh, I wanted to. 我也想 [19:15.35]So we both wanted to. 那么我们两个都想 [19:20.52]Interesting. 真有趣 [19:25.63]Anyway, it probably worked out for the best. 总之这样的结果 或许是最好的 [19:32.23]Yeah, sure. 没错 [19:34.30]In about 10 seconds, he kisses me. 再过十秒他就要吻我了 [19:36.97]In about 5 seconds, you'll see why. 再过五秒你们就会知道为什么 [19:44.38]Did I ever tell you about the time I backpacked through Western Europe? 我有没有跟你说过 我到西欧自助旅行的事? [19:57.26]Get ready to see some begging. 准备看她求我吧 [20:00.86]-Oh, you came on to Ross! -What? -是你对罗斯主动的 -什么? [20:04.90]Now I'm so happy. 现在我好快乐 [20:08.40]-What? -You used the Europe story! -什么? -你用了欧洲的故事 [20:12.04]That's the magic story you use when you want to have sex! [20:17.61]-How do you know about that story? -How do you know about that story? -你怎么知道那个故事? -你怎么知道那个故事? [20:23.25]My friend Irene heard it from some guy. 是一个家伙 告诉我朋友艾琳的 [20:27.25]Some guy! 就是我 [20:32.29]No, she told me that his name was Ken Adams. 不,她说那个家伙 叫做肯亚当斯 [20:37.73]Ken Adams! 我是肯亚当斯 [20:50.14]So, people are familiar with the Europe story? 大家都知道 欧洲的故事? [20:54.25]About that, the "who came on to who" thing really doesn't matter. 关于“谁主动”的问题 那真的不重要 [21:00.15]It would have happened either way. 反正结果圆满就好了 [21:03.32]If you hadn't initiated it, I know I would have. 你说的对 我知道我很快乐 [21:09.23]-It was an amazing night. -It was. It was amazing. -那是个神奇的夜晚 -没错,它很神奇 [21:15.97]You think it looked amazing? 你觉得它看起来会很神奇吗? [21:20.07]I don't know. I honestly didn't watch it. 我不知道 我真的没看 [21:25.15]Yeah, me neither. 对,我也没看 [21:27.05]Yet. 我还没有看 [21:33.95]-That may be weird. -Yeah, it would be really weird. -那应该会很奇怪 -对,它真的很奇怪 [21:49.84]-Good luck. -Good luck to you. -祝你好运 -祝你好运 [21:53.44]-Mind if I mute? -Oh, please. -我可以消音吗? -麻烦你了 [21:57.71]-There go the clothes. -You are undressing awfully quickly. -我们开始脱衣服了 -你脱衣服的速度真快 [22:02.62]Six months, Rachel. Six months. 我六个月没做了,瑞秋 [22:13.89]-We look pretty good. -I was gonna say. -我们看起来很不错 -我也那么认为 [22:18.67]-Nice tan. -Thank you. -你的皮夫晒得很漂亮 -谢谢 [22:21.87]I'd just gone to the beach that weekend. 那个周末 我才去过海边 [22:27.91]-Have you been working out? -I have been working out. -你有在健身吗? -我一直在健身 [22:34.35]This is so much better than I ever.. 这比我之前的经验 要好得多了… [22:43.52]Oh, that's not pretty. 那真的很难看 [22:47.99]-Make it stop. Make it stop. -Oh, no! -快停下来 -不 [22:57.20]Greg and Jenny's number is totally different in here. 葛瑞格跟珍妮的电话号码 完全不一样 [23:02.78]-I don't ask too many questions, do I? -No. -我没有问太多问题吗? -没有 [23:05.75]-Really? -Absolutely not. -真的吗? -绝对没有 [23:07.25]-Really? -Oh, God. -真的? -天啊 [23:11.72]I bet that phone thing was some sort of mix-up. I'm gonna call them. 我敢说电话号码的事是个误会 我要打电话给他们 [23:19.63]Hello, Greg? This is Monica from the plane. 喂,葛瑞格吗? 我是飞机上跟你们见过面的摩妮卡 [23:22.90]Listen, the number that you gave me,8-5-3.. 听着,你给我的电话号码 853… [23:27.40]Jenny's been giving out their old number! 珍妮老是给别人 他们的旧电话号码 [23:30.60]Jenny! That is so Jenny! 那真的很像珍妮的作风 [23:34.61]How would you like to get together next Saturday? 你们下星期六 要跟我们一起去玩吗? [23:38.85]Okay, how about Sunday? 好吧,星期天呢? [23:41.18]Okay, the week after that? 下星期呢? [23:43.92]The week after that? 下下星期呢? [23:46.15]You know what? We are interesting, funny people with good questions. 你知道吗? 我们是很会问问题的幽默大师 [23:52.33]And if you and your precious Jenny can't see that.. 如果你跟你的宝贝珍妮 不能了解… [23:56.30]January 15? 一月十五日? [23:58.27]We'll see you then! 到时候见