-Guys, guess what? -What? -大伙们,你们猜怎么了? -什么? We're having a Halloween party! 我们要办万圣节派对 -Good! -Great! -很好 -太棒了 -You have to wear a costume. -I can't make it. -你们得变装 -我没办法参加 Come on, it'll be fun. 少来了,一定会很好玩的 I'll be there. I have to wear a costume to my classes that day anyway. 我会去的 反正那天上课时我也要变装 Tell me you're not gonna dress like a dinosaur. 告诉我 你不会打扮成恐龙 Not two years in a row. 我不会连续两年那么做 -I'll come, but I'm not dressing up. -You have to. -我会去的,但我不会变装 -你得变装才行 No. Halloween is stupid. Dressing up, pretending to be someone you're not. 不,万圣节太愚蠢了 变装,假装你是另一个人 You're an actor. 你是个演员 Ross, are you gonna bring Mona? 罗斯,你会带蒙娜来吗? -I will. -The girl from the wedding? -我会的 -你在婚礼上认识的那个女孩? If she needs costume ideas, she could be a bikini model.. 如果她需要变装点子 她可以扮成比基尼模特儿… or a slutty nurse, or a sexy cheerleader. 或风流护士 或性感啦啦队长 Or Leatherface from Texas Chainsaw Massacre. No! Slutty Leatherface. 或是德州电锯杀人狂里的皮脸 不,还是风流皮脸好了 Wasn't Joey hitting on her too? 乔伊不也很喜欢她吗? That's right, he was hitting on her. 没错,他喜欢她 And I got her. I guess the better man won. 我把到她了 我猜最好的男人才能赢 Please don't take her from me. 拜托别把她抢走 The One With The Halloween Party 本集播出:万圣节派对 Ursula! 乌苏拉 Wait. It's me, Phoebe. 等一下,是我,菲比 I thought there was a mirror there. Okay. Bye. 我还以为那里有镜子 好吧,再见 Wait a second! 等一下 So, what's new with you? 你还好吗? Nothing. I'm getting married next week. 我很好 下星期我就要结婚了 What? 什么? It'll be a small ceremony. Just family. 婚礼很简单 我们只邀请家人观礼 His. 他的家人 Okay. 好吧 I'm happy for you. 我为你感到高兴 Wait. If you want to come, I guess that'd be okay. 等一下,如果你也想来的话 我猜应该没关系 -Really? -Sure. -真的吗? -当然 You could be my sister for the day. 你可以当我的妹妹一天 Yeah, okay. 好吧 My friends are having a party tonight, so you could come. 我朋友今晚要办派对 你可以来参加 Maybe I could meet the guy. 或许我可以看看他 Well, I'm supposed to work tonight. 我今晚要上班 I'm supposed to be working now, so who cares! 我现在应该去上班 谁在乎呢? -It's a costume party. -So that's why you're.. -那是化装派对 -所以你才会… No. 不 But thanks. 但谢谢 -You're supposed to wear a costume. -I am. -你应该变装的 -我有啊 I am a woman who spent money on a dress she wants to wear.. 我扮成花钱 买心爱洋装的女人… because soon she won't fit into it. 因为很快地 她会穿不下它 I'm Catwoman, who wants the dress when you're too big for it. 我是猫女 如果你穿不下它,可以把它送给我 -Trick or treat! -Can I give out candy? -不给糖就捣蛋 -我可以分糖果给他们吗? I want to be with kids. Since I got pregnant, I have maternal instincts. 我想跟孩子们打成一片 我怀孕后母性的直觉都跑出来了 -Trick or treat! -Just a minute! -不给糖就捣蛋 -等一下 Look at you guys! 看看你们 -Wow! You are a very scary witch. -Thank you. -哇,你是个可怕的巫婆 -谢谢 -And you are a very funny clown. -Thank you. -你是个好笑的小丑 -谢谢 And you.. 你… are so in style right now. 非常符合现在的流行趋势 I work at Ralph Lauren. The fall line has got this equestrian theme. 我在罗夫罗兰的公司工作 今年秋天流行马术主题 -Did you see the cover of Vogue..? -Could I just have the candy? -你看过时尚杂志的封面… -我可以拿糖果吗? Sure. 没问题 Catwoman. So we meet again. 猫女,我们又见面了 So we do, Supergirl. 没错,女超人 It's me, Phoebe. 我是菲比 Monica, can I talk to you for a second? 摩妮卡 我能跟你谈一谈吗? I appreciate the costume. 谢谢你帮我找衣服 You did this to him? 你帮他找衣服? I thought he'd love it. 我觉得他一定会喜欢 -He loves The Velveteen Rabbit. -That rabbit was brown and white. -他喜欢毛毛兔 -那只兔子是棕白相间 It was pink, or no bunny at all. 他们只剩下粉红色的兔子装 No bunny at all. Always no bunny at all! 没有兔子装 他们总是说没有兔子装 -You didn't dress up either? -Yes, I did. I'm Chandler. -你也没有变装? -不,我有,我扮成钱德 Dude, what happened? 兄弟,发生了什么事? How is that me? 我怎么会是那个样子? I'm Chandler. 我是钱德 That is so you! 那真的很像你 -When have I ever done that? -When have I ever done that? -我什么时候会那样? -我什么时候会那样? Trick or treat. 不给糖就捣蛋 -You're the prettiest ballerina ever. -Thank you. -你是最漂亮的芭蕾舞娘 -谢谢 That deserves another candy. 我该再给你一颗糖果 Thank you. 谢谢 I have to say, that earns "two-two" pieces of candy. 我得说 我该再给你一些糖果 I love you! 我爱你 Honey, here, take it all. 甜心,通通拿去吧 Monica? We need more candy. 摩妮卡,糖果没了 -There's only been four kids. -I know. -刚刚只来了四个孩子 -我知道 But one said she loved me, so I gave her everything. 但有个孩子说她爱我 于是我全部都给她了 No wonder you're pregnant. 难怪你会怀孕 -What are you supposed to be? -Remember the satellite, Sputnik? -你这次扮成什么了? -还记得史波尼克号卫星吗? Well, I'm a potato. Or a "spud".. 我扮成马铃薯或是“波特多”… and these are my antenna. 这是我的天线 So Sputnik becomes..? 所以史波尼克变成了… Spud-nik! 波特多尼克 Wow! I don't have the worst costume anymore. 哇 原来我不是变装最失败的人 All right! Ross came as doodie. 好吧,罗斯是团粪 -No, I'm not doodie. -No, space-doodie. -不,我不是粪 -对,你是太空之粪 Okay, I'm Spud-nik. 好吧,我是波特多尼克 -You know, like Sputnik. -What's a Sputnik, doodie-man? -我在模仿史波尼克 -什么是史波尼克?傻瓜 Hey, sweetie. 嘿,甜心 -Aren't you gonna kiss me? -Okay. -你不吻我吗? -好吧 But right after, you have to tell me who you are. 但我吻了你之后 你得告诉我你是谁 -Ursula? -Ursula's fiance? -乌苏拉? -乌苏拉的未婚夫? You're the sister. I just slapped my future sister-in-law's ass. 你是她的妹妹 我刚刚打了我未来小姨子的屁股 Is your mother here? I could slap her on the butt. 你妈妈在这里吗? 我可以打她的屁股 -My mother killed herself. -See, and I knew that. -我妈自杀死掉了 -看吧,我就知道 Now I'm sweating. 我满身大汗 I'm sweating. Now I'm saying look at me, I'm even sweatier. I should go. 我在流汗,看看我 我满身大汗,我该走了 No. We'll start over. 不,我们从头来过 -Hi, I'm Phoebe. -Eric. -嗨,我是菲比 -我是艾力克 -Why are you looking at me like that? -Sweat's burning my eyes. -你为什么要那样子看我? -汗滴到我眼睛里了 -Thank you. -There. -谢谢 -拿去吧 -What are you? -There's no name for it. -那是什么? -我不知道该怎么说 I get nervous, and I sweat like crazy. 我一紧张就会满身大汗 -No, I meant your costume. -I'm a solar system. -不,我是指你的服装 -我扮成太阳系 My second graders helped. 我的二年级学生帮我变装 -I love the second grade. -Really? -我喜欢二年级 -真的吗? It's much better than first grade, and definitely better than third. 它比一年级好多了 也比三年级好 With all the politics and the mind games. 你可以玩尔虞我诈 的斗智游戏 -So, what do you do? -I'm a masseuse, by day. -你是做哪一行的? -我白天时是按摩师 -You don't have to stand with me. -I'm having fun. -你不必陪我 -我觉得很开心 -I'm excited for you and Ursula. -I feel very lucky. She's great. -我为你跟乌苏拉感到高兴 -我觉得自己很幸运,她太棒了 -She's the most beautiful woman ever. -Thank you. -她是最美丽的女人 -谢谢你 -Hey, Joey? -Yeah? -乔伊 -什么事? -You read comic books, right? -Exclusively. -你看漫画书吧? -我是专家 Who would win in a fight, Catwoman or Supergirl? 如果猫女跟女超人打架 谁会赢呢? -Catwoman, hands down. -Yeah. -当然是猫女 -太棒了 Between you and Phoebe? I'd give Phoebe the edge. 但你跟菲比吗? 我赌菲比会赢 -What? Really? -You kidding? -什么?真的吗? -你在开玩笑吗? Phoebe lived on the street, okay? Plus, she's got a crazy temper. 菲比在街上混过,好吗? 而且她生起气来跟疯婆子一样 She's not right behind me, is she? 她没有站在我后面吧? No, you're fine. 不,你很安全 -Could I take Rachel? -I'm not sure. -我能打倒瑞秋吗? -我不确定 What? Come on, I am tough! 什么?少来了,我很凶的 Punch me here, as hard as you can! 用力打我这里 Relax. Why are you so serious? It doesn't matter. 别激动,你为什么那么认真? 那不重要 Really? What if I told you Ross or Chandler could beat you up? 真的吗?如果我告诉你 罗斯或钱德能打倒你呢? I would say, "Woman, please." 我会说“拜托,女人家” Ursula's fiance is really sweet. 乌苏拉的未婚夫真的很帅 -You think you could take him? -The dude with the balls on his chest? -你觉得你能打倒他吗? -胸口贴着球的那个家伙? I think so. 我想可以 But what is he doing with my sister? He's so great. 但他跟我姐姐在一起做什么? 他真的太棒了 He's a teacher, he does volunteer work. 他是老师 他会做义工 Normally, I don't like sweaty guys. But I could just mop him up. 通常我不喜欢会流汗的男人 但我愿意帮他擦汗 -Oh, my God, Phoebe? -What? -天啊,菲比 -什么? -You're getting a crush on him. -No, I'm not, you are! -你在暗恋他 -不,我才没有,是你 Here comes the temper. 她的脾气来了 Trick or treat. 不给糖就捣蛋 Know what? We're out of candy. But someone went for more. 你知道吗?我们没有糖果了 但已经有人去买了 And I've been giving out money, but I'm out of that too. 我改给孩子们钱 但我的钱也都给光了 -Can I write you a check? -Okay. -我可以开张支票给你吗? -好吧 -Okay. What's your name? -Lelani Mayolanofavich. -好吧,你叫什么名字? -李兰妮马尤拉诺法维奇 Okay, I'm just gonna write this out to "cash." 好吧,我会写上 “现金支票” -Hi. -Hi, Mona. -嗨 -嗨,蒙娜 Joey's gonna be thrilled. He was hoping you'd be a slutty nurse. 乔伊一定会很兴奋 他希望你扮成风流护士 Actually, I'm just a nurse. 事实上我只是扮成护士 You'd think that would embarrass me, but I'm maxed out. 你以为我听了会觉得很丢脸 但我已经丢够脸了 -You made it. -Wait. -你来了 -等一下 -You're a potato? -Well, I'm a spud..? -你是马铃薯? -喔,我是波特多… -And the antenna.. You're Spud-nik! -Yes! -还有天线…你是波特多尼克 -答对了 Marry her. 娶她吧 Here's a good one. Who'd win a fight between Ross and Chandler? 这真的很有趣 罗斯跟钱德打架谁会赢? I can't answer that. Chandler's my husband. 我没办法回答 钱德是我的老公 -So Ross? -Yeah. -罗斯会赢? -对 -Hey, beautiful. -Hello, handsome. -嘿,美女 -哈啰,帅哥 Oh, God. 天啊 Look at you two. When did you guys meet? 看看你们两个 你们什么时候认识的? -Two weeks ago. -That's it? -两个星期前 -就那样? I know. It sounds crazy, and I'm not impulsive, but.. 我知道这听起来很疯狂 我不是个冲动的人,但是… -we have so much in common. -Oh, really? -我们有很多共通点 -真的吗? We're both teachers. 我们都是老师 -And we were both in the Peace Corps. -Peace Corps, really? -我们都参加了和平工作团 -真的吗? When we were building in Uruguay, we were two towns apart and never met. 我们在乌拉圭做义工时 只距离两个小镇远,却从来没见过面 Yeah. It wasn't a town when I got there, but it was a town when I left. 对,我刚到时那里一片荒芜 但我离开时那里已经是个小镇了 -Shall we get me really drunk? -Sure. -我们可以去喝一杯吗? -没问题 Howdy, doodie. 你好,粪团 That's funny, yeah. 那真的很有趣 You're the funniest man here in a bunny costume his wife made him wear. 你是个最幽默的家伙 穿着你太太帮你挑的兔子装 Relax, man. You're looking a little flushed. 别激动 你看起来有点要化掉了 -Our question might get answered. -What question? -我们的问题有解了 -什么问题? Who could kick whose ass in a fight, you or Ross? 你跟罗斯打架 谁会赢? -There's no question. -So you think Ross too? -那不是问题 -你也觉得罗斯会赢? -You picked Ross? -Ross is strong. -你选罗斯? -罗斯很强壮 He's the strongest out of all three of you. Except for Joey. 他是你们三个之中最壮的 乔伊除外 -I can't believe you didn't pick me. -She's right. I am stronger. -我不敢相信你没有选我 -她说的对,我比你壮 I would destroy you. 我要毁了你 Really? You think you're stronger? Why don't you prove it? 真的吗?你觉得你比较壮吗? 你为什么不证明给大家看? I'll prove it like a theorem! 我一定会证明的 All right! Stop it! 好了,别吵了 Stop! No one's gonna fight. 别吵了,谁都不准打架 People came to see a fight, let's give them one! 大家来这里看人打架 快打给他们看吧 -You guys could arm-wrestle. -Listen to the slutty nurse. -你们可以比腕力 -听风流护士的话 -You're going down. -Oh, yeah? You're going downtown! -你死定了 -是吗?你才死定了 Seriously, guys, the trash talk is embarrassing. 说真的 你们的叫阵台词太逊了 Gunther, you brought candy. Thank you so much. 阿甘,你买到糖果了 谢谢你 -You are so sweet. -Really? -你真的是太棒了 -真的吗? You are gonna make some man the luckiest guy in the world. 跟你在一起的人 会是全世界最幸运的男朋友 -Got to go. -Trick or treat. -我得走了 -不给糖就捣蛋 Hi! Wow! There you go. 嗨,拿去吧 My friend Lewis told me you were giving out money. 我朋友路易斯说 你会给钱 We were, but now we've got candy. 没错,但现在我们有糖果了 I'd rather have the money. 我宁愿要钱 That's not your choice. Happy Halloween! 那由不得你来选 万圣节快乐 This isn't fair. 这不公平 Is it fair that you put on a cape and get stuff? 你披上斗篷就能跟别人要东西 那公平吗? Shut up! 闭嘴 You shut up! 你才闭嘴 -You can't tell me to shut up. -I think I just did. -你不能叫我闭嘴 -我想我刚刚说了 And here it comes again. Shut up! 我又想说了,闭嘴 No, I got it. I'm good. I got it. 不,我可以,我很厉害的 Wait, I had one more thing to say. Right. Shut up. 等一下,我还有一句话要告诉你 对,闭嘴 You're a mean old woman. 你是个可怕的老女人 Wait! Shut.. Don't cry! 等一下,闭…别哭了 Let me get my checkbook! 我去拿支票簿 You don't have to do this. The strength inside you means the most. 你不必这么做 心地善良才是最重要的 You're loyal, you're honest and you have integrity. 你既忠心又老实 而且你的品德高贵 That's the strength I want in a man. 那才是我要的男人 That means nothing to me. Come on! 那对我来说毫无意义,来吧 -Hi, liar. -Hey. -嗨,骗子 -嘿 He's marrying you because he thinks the things you were saying were true. 他会娶你是因为 他以为你说的话是真的 -They could be true. -But they're not. -它们有可能是真的 -但你真的在说谎 It's a fine line. 真假只有一线之隔 -Why are you lying? -I don't know. -你为什么要说谎? -我不知道 He did this stuff, I said I did it too. He got so excited, it was fun. 他做了那些事,我说我也是 他变得很兴奋,我觉得很好玩 You can't do this. You're gonna ruin his life. 你不能那么做 你会毁了他的生活 Why are you taking this so seriously? It's just a marriage. 你为什么那么认真? 这只是婚姻而已 Besides, if I cheat on him, I can call it an affair. 而且如果我背着他偷人 我可以说那是外遇 Honey? 甜心 It's a disgusting habit, and I want you to quit now! 这是个坏习惯 我要你马上戒烟 She's helped so many people quit. 她帮助很多人戒烟 We'd better get going. 我们得走了 -You have a church group meeting. -Right. -你还得参加教会的聚会 -对 -It was nice meeting you. -You too. -很高兴能见到你 -我也是 And, Ursula, it was really nice meeting you tonight! 乌苏拉 我很高兴今晚能见到你 Come on! Bunny versus doodie. We're waiting! 快来吧,兔子大战粪团 我们在等你 Okay, guys. One match, winner take all. 好吧,一次决胜负 赢的人是英雄 Wait. What does the winner get? 等一下,冠军有什么奖品? -Pride. -And dignity. -骄傲 -跟自尊 Okay, if you say so. 好吧,你说了算 All right, ready, set, go! 好吧,就位,预备,开始 -Come on! -Come on! -加油 -加油 -Wow, they're both really strong. -Or equally weak. -他们都很壮 -或是一样逊 Oh, God. Chandler's making his sex face. 天啊 钱德露出他的性感表情了 -So you getting tired? -No. I could do this all day. -你累了吗? -不,我可以撑一整天 Yeah. Me too. 对,我也是 -Getting a little tired, though. -God, I'm exhausted. -但我有点累了 -天啊,我累坏了 This is starting to look bad for me, okay? Mona's standing right there. 我开始漏气了,好吗? 蒙娜就站在那里 She's talking to Joey! You gotta let me win! 她在跟乔伊说话 你得让我赢 Let me win. My wife thinks I'm a wimp. 让我赢 我太太以为我是三脚猫 At least you have a wife. I get divorces and knock people up. 至少你还有太太 我离婚了,还搞大别人的胜子 And I'm dressed as doodie. 我打扮的跟个傻瓜一样 -You're Spud-nik. -Come on, who we kidding? I'm doodie. -你是波特多尼克 -少来了,我们要骗谁呢?我是傻瓜 Please? She's watching. 拜托,她在看我 -Fine. -Thanks. -好吧 -谢谢 -Oh, no. -Oh, yeah! -不 -太棒了 My hero! 我的英雄 You're a weird lady. 你是个怪女人 Ursula said she left her purse. 乌苏拉忘了拿皮包 What a relief. It has the numbers for her prayer chain. 这真的是太好了 里面放了她祈祷团朋友的电话 I'm sure it does. 是啊 Guess I'll see you at the wedding. 我们婚礼上见了 I don't think I'm gonna make it to the wedding. 我想我没办法 去参加婚礼 I wish you all the luck in the world. 祝你们好运 And I also want to give you a little piece of advice.. 我还要给你 一个小建议 that I give to everyone who's getting married. 我会给每对新人 这样的建议 Don't trust your wife. 别相信你的太太 I think we'll be okay. 我想我们会没事的 It's so perfect, and she's been saving herself for me. 它真的太完美了 她一直为我保持处子之身 -I can't let you do this. She's lying. -What? -我不能让你这么做,她在说谎 -什么? She is lying. And I bet I could prove it. Excuse me. 她在说谎 我想我可以证明,对不起 Okay. Yeah, not a prayer chain. 好吧,没有祈祷团的电话 But what looks like a detailed drawing of a bank floor plan. 但它看起来像是 银行的平面图 Here's the name tag from where she works as a waitress. 这是她在餐厅 当女服务生的名牌 Not a teacher, a waitress. 她不是老师,她是女服务生 Here, she always lies about this. 拿去,她总是会撒这个谎 -How old did she say she was? -She told me she was 25. -她跟你说她几岁了? -她说她25岁 I almost don't want to show you. 我真的不想拿给你看 Just remember, I'm a minute younger. 记住,我比她年轻一分钟 I am so stupid. 我太笨了 Of course she's not a teacher. 她当然不是老师 There's no such thing as a "Top Secret School for the Children of Spies." 根本不会有 “超机密儿童间谍学校” No, you're not stupid. 不,你不笨 I'm not smart. 我不聪明 I just wanted so much to be impulsive for once. 我只是很想 冲动一下 -To be romantic. -Good. -找一点浪漫 -很好 You should be impulsive and romantic. You did it with the wrong person. 你应该要冲动跟浪漫 只是你找错对象了 -What? -It's weird, two people look so alike. -什么? -那真的很奇怪,你们长得那么像 And so different. 却完全不一样 Eric! Let's go! 艾力克,我们走吧 -Better go deal with it. -Yeah, you should. -我得去解决问题 -没错,你该那么做 Hurry up! I gotta pray! 快点,我得去祷告 I had to give the kid 50 bucks to stop crying. 我得给那孩子50块 他才不哭 That's not bad. 那还不赖 I also had to go to a few houses as his girlfriend. 我还得当他的女朋友 陪他走一段路 I am awful with children. 我真的不会应付小孩子 You're good with kids. They're just crazy on Halloween. 你跟孩子们相处的很好 只是小孩子在万圣节都会抓狂 They're all greedy, hopped up on sugar. 他们贪心地 想多拿一些糖果 -That's all it is? -Absolutely. -就那样? -当然 Halloween is the worst. Except for Christmas. And their birthdays. 万圣节是最糟糕的 除了耶诞节跟他们的生日 They get crazy during the summer too. 他们在暑假也会抓狂 And any time they're hungry or sleepy. 还有他们胜子饿 跟想睡觉的时候 Kids are tough. Good luck with that. 小孩子很难缠 祝你好运 Look, I'm sorry you lost. 听着,我很遗憾你输了 I got a secret for you. I let him win. 我得告诉你一个秘密 我放水让他赢 Was that a secret, or a lie? 那是秘密还是谎话? -No, I let him.. Ross? -Yeah? -不,我让他…罗斯 -什么事? Would you tell her I let you win, please? 麻烦你告诉她 我放水让你赢 Chandler "let me win." 钱德“放水让我赢” No, Chandler's really strong. My arm is so sore. Oh, nurse? 不,钱德真的好壮 我的手好酸喔,护士 I am strong. I'll show you. 我很强壮,我要证明给你看 Chandler, please. 钱德,拜托 What's the matter? Scared? 怎么了?你害怕吗? Let's go, big bunny! 来吧,大兔子 One, two, three. Go! 一,二,三,开始 I'm gonna kill myself! 我要去自杀