[00:01.43](当你怀孕时,你该期待什么) [00:08.47]Did you know that during pregnancy.. 你知道怀孕的时候… [00:11.31]your fingers swell up to twice their size and never go back? 你的手指会肿成两倍大 而且再也不会消了吗? [00:17.01]Oh, my God! Let me see that. 天啊,让我看看 [00:20.52]You fall for it every time. 你每次都会上当 [00:24.52]Hey! I brought you my old maternity clothes. 我把我的旧孕妇装 拿来给你 [00:27.76]Oh, Pheebs, that's so sweet. Oh, those are so cute! 菲比,那真的是太棒了 好可爱喔! [00:32.96]Look. See how they expand as the baby grows? 你看,宝宝越长越大 它们也会跟着撑开来 [00:37.37]And after the baby's born they're great for shoplifting melons. 宝宝出生后 可以穿它去偷西瓜 [00:44.71]Good, you're all here. Thanksgiving, 4:00. 太好了,你们都在 感恩节,明天四点 [00:48.24]Guess who I invited? Remember Will Culvert from high school? 你猜我邀请了谁? 还记得高中同学威尔卡佛特吗? [00:53.35]-No. -He was in Ross' class. -不 -他跟罗斯同班 [00:55.75]Marching band, was kind of overweight. Really overweight. 他是仪仗队的,有点胖 他是个大胖子 [01:00.69]I was his thin friend. 我属于他瘦朋友那一群 [01:04.49]I don't remember. Are you talking about your imaginary boyfriend? 我不记得 你是说你假想的男朋友吗? [01:09.10]No, that was Jared. 不,那是贾拉德 [01:13.20]Wow. Haven't thought about him in a long time. 我好久 没有想起他了 [01:19.31]Will's here on business, and he didn't have a place to go, so I invited him here. 威尔来城里出差,他没地方可去 所以我邀请他过来 [01:24.01]-That's nice. -Oh, he's lost a bunch of weight. -那很好啊 -他减肥成功 [01:28.58]He looks good. Okay, I mean really gorgeous. 他看起来很不错 好吧,他真的是帅呆了 [01:36.62]-I still love Chandler. -Wouldn't hurt you to say it once in a while. -我还爱着钱德 -偶尔说一下不会要你命的 [01:42.80]Just so you know, I'm not gonna make a turkey this year.. 先说好了 今年我不煮火鸡… [01:46.84]-What? -Phoebe doesn't eat turkey. -什么? -菲比不吃火鸡 [01:49.34]-Phoebe! -Turkeys are beautiful, intelligent animals. -菲比 -火鸡是漂亮聪明的动物 [01:53.98]No, they're not! They're ugly and stupid and delicious! 不是的 他们既丑又笨,也很好吃 [01:59.25]Plus, eating them is like a tradition. 而且吃火鸡是传统 [02:01.38]It goes back to the first Thanksgiving when the lndians sat down with the cowboys. 这得回溯至第一次过感恩节时 印第安人跟牛仔坐在一起 [02:06.86]Oh, right. That's when they had that big rodeo at Plymouth Rock. 对,那个时候 他们在普利茅斯石办牛仔表演 [02:12.49]It's not just Phoebe. Will's still on a diet, Chandler doesn't eat Thanksgiving food.. 不只是菲比,威尔还在节食 钱德不吃感恩节食物… [02:16.90]-Rachel's having her aversion to poultry. -She is? -瑞秋对家禽类反胃 -是吗? [02:20.54]Yeah. Remember? I had to leave the other day when you had that chicken. 对,记得吗? 那天你吃鸡肉时我得走开 [02:24.11]I thought that was because I put the whole thing.. 我以为那是因为 我手里… [02:26.54]on my hand and made it walk across the table. 拿着鸡要他在桌上走的关系 [02:29.94]It's not worth it to make a whole turkey for just three people. It's a lot of work. 为了三个人做一只火鸡太不划算了 那真的很费功夫 [02:35.12]But you gotta have turkey on Thanksgiving! 但感恩节一定要吃火鸡啊 [02:37.82]Thanksgiving with no turkey is like Fourth of July with no apple pie. 感恩节不吃火鸡 就像国庆日不吃苹果派 [02:42.76]Or Friday with no two pizzas. 或是星期五不吃两个披萨 [02:47.00]Fine, if it means that much to you. But there's gonna be a ton left over. 好吧,如果它真的对你很重要 但到时候一定会剩下很多 [02:50.80]No. I promise I will finish that turkey. 不,我发誓我会把那只火鸡吃完 [02:53.57]You're telling me you can eat almost an entire turkey in one sitting? 你是说你可以一次 吃掉一整只火鸡? [02:57.71]That's right. Because I'm a Tribbiani! This is what we do. 没错,因为我是崔比亚尼家的人 这是我们的专长 [03:03.91]We may not be great thinkers or world leaders.. 我们不是伟大的思想家 或世界领袖… [03:08.12]we don't read a lot or run fast, but damn it, we can eat! 我们书念的不多,跑不快 但该死,我们是大胃王 [03:13.79]The One With The Rumour 本集播出:谣言 [03:48.56]Four wide receivers. On third and 18. 第四次长传,第三次18码 [03:51.76]Isn't it weird how next year there will be a baby at the table? 明年桌边会坐一个宝宝 感觉真的很奇怪吧? [04:00.37]Rachel's. But good to know where you're at. 我是指瑞秋的孩子 但我很高兴你还有在听我说话 [04:04.84]-Hey! -Hey! -嘿 -嘿 [04:06.37]-Happy Thanksgiving. -You too! -感恩节快乐 -你也是 [04:08.54]-Can I help? -Yes. -需要我帮忙吗? -好啊 [04:10.65]Chandler usually helps, but he's into the game. 通常钱德会帮忙 但他看球赛看得正入迷 [04:13.95]Could you fold these napkins? I'm gonna go across the hall to check on the yams. 麻烦你帮忙折餐巾 我要去对面看看地瓜泥好了没 [04:19.19]No, sweetie. No, not like that. 不,甜心,不是那样的 [04:23.19]We're not at a barn dance. 我们不是在办农场舞会 [04:26.53]Fold them like swans. I showed you at Christmas. Remember? 把它们折成天鹅的形状 我在耶诞节时教过你,记得吗? [04:30.33]Yeah, it all just came screaming back to me. 记得,一切历历如新 [04:36.64]-So how's the game? -I have no idea. -球赛还好看吗? -我不知道 [04:40.21]-What? -I'm pretending to watch.. -什么? -我假装看球赛… [04:42.68]so I don't have to help out. 那样子就不必帮忙 [04:45.88]I don't believe you! That is brilliant! 我不敢相信 这招太高明了 [04:52.35]-And Monica has no idea? -No. -摩妮卡不知道? -对 [04:54.42]Once in a while, I just yell stuff at the TV. 偶尔 我会对着电视大叫 [04:58.56]Hey! What? Aw! Hey! 嘿,什么?啊 [05:03.06]-Your team winning? -Anderson just scored again. -你的球队赢了吗? -安德森刚刚又得分了 [05:07.17]There is no Anderson. 根本就没有安德森这号人物 [05:11.41]I wanna get in on this. Hey, Mon? 我也想如法炮制,摩妮卡 [05:14.58]I can't help you after all. I didn't realize this game was on. 我真的没办法帮你 我不知道球赛打到哪里了 [05:19.18]-You like football? -Normally, I don't. -你喜欢美式足球? -通常我是不喜欢 [05:22.32]But, you know, Green Bay is playing. 但今天是绿湾队在比赛 [05:26.72]-You like Green Bay? -It's only my favorite bay. -你喜欢绿湾队? -那是我最喜欢的海湾 [05:42.64]-Happy Thanksgiving. -Will, I'm so glad that you came. -感恩节快乐 -威尔,我很高兴你能来 [05:46.97]You look great. You must've lost.. 你看起来帅呆了,你一定减掉了… [05:49.08]150 pounds. I'll be on one of those Subway commercials. 150磅 我会是潜水艇三明治广告的下一号人选 [05:55.72]-A pie! -It's no fat, no sugar, no dairy. -是派 -零脂肪,无糖,也没有奶 [06:00.36]-It's no good. Throw it out. -Meet some people. -它不好吃,丢了它 -我来介绍你们认识 [06:04.09]This is my husband, Chandler. This is Will. 他是我丈夫钱德 他是威尔 [06:07.30]Oh, hey. I'd shake your hand but I'm really into the game. 我很想跟你握手 但我忙着看球赛 [06:12.33]Plus, it'd be better for my ego if we didn't stand next to each other. 而且我们两个只要不站在一起 就不会伤了我的自尊 [06:19.04]-This is Phoebe. -Hi. -她是菲比 -嗨 [06:21.34]Hey. Wow! 嘿,哇 [06:27.38]Well done. 做的好 [06:29.68]-Wanna give me a hand? -I can't get over how great you look. -你要帮我吗? -我真的觉得你很漂亮 [06:35.06]-You look incredible too. You're so fit. -I'm watching the game, but I'm not deaf. -你也很帅,你的身材真棒 -我在看球赛,但我没聋 [06:41.56]-I meant to tell you, Ross is coming. -Great, I love Ross. -我一直想告诉你,罗斯也会来 -太棒了,我喜欢罗斯 [06:46.23]Good. And Rachel Greene too. 很好,瑞秋葛林也会来 [06:52.34]-Is there a problem? -No. It's okay. -有问题吗? -没有,没关系的 [06:56.14]It's just.. God, I hated her. 那只是…天啊,我恨她 [07:00.75]-What? -I hated her. -什么? -我恨她 [07:02.48]She was horrible to me in high school. 高中时她对我很凶 [07:05.95]But hey, that was a long time ago. I'm in a good place. Might be fun to see her again. 但那是很久以前的事了,现在我很好 或许再见到她会很有趣 [07:12.09]Got any cakes or cookies or something? 你有蛋糕或饼干吗? [07:17.06]No, Will! No! 不,威尔 [07:20.23]It's been a while since we screamed. Maybe we should. 我们很久没大叫了 或许我们该大叫一下 [07:23.07]-Oh, okay. No! -Come on! -好吧,不! -加油 [07:26.31]Damn you, ref! You burn in hell! 该死的裁判,下地狱去吧! [07:33.78]What are you doing? You've got an entire turkey to eat. 你在做什么? 你还得吃掉一整只火鸡 [07:38.39]Let me explain to you how the human body works. 让我跟你解释一下 人体的运作方式 [07:42.19]I have to warm up my stomach first. 我得先让我的胃暖暖身 [07:45.26]-Eating chips is like stretching. -Okay. -吃薯片像是在做拉筋运动 -好吧 [07:49.10]-Don't worry, Tribbianis never get full. -I'm here to tell you something. -别担心,崔比亚尼永远吃不饱 -我要告诉你一件事 [07:54.20]You can eat and eat, but nothing will ever fill that void. 你可以吃个不停 但你无法填满内心的空虚 [08:00.31]-Who the hell is this guy? -This is Will, from high school. This is Joey. -这家伙到底是谁? -他是我们的高中同学威尔,他是乔伊 [08:05.71]-Want some chips? -No. -要来点薯片吗? -不 [08:09.98]-Will! -Ross! -威尔 -罗斯 [08:11.52]Hey, you came! Man, you look incredible! Hot stuff! 你来了 天啊,你看起来棒极了,大帅哥 [08:18.53]-Hot stuff? -It's good to see you, man. -大帅哥? -很高兴能见到你 [08:22.00]Yeah. You too. So, what are you up to? 我也是,你是做哪一行的? [08:25.40]-I'm a commodities broker. -That sounds interesting. -我是期货经纪人 -听起来很有趣 [08:29.54]-Yeah, it's not. -Oh. -才怪 -喔 [08:32.37]-But I'm rich and thin. -Oh. -但我现在既有钱又苗条 -喔 [08:35.68]I haven't seen you since Lance Davis' graduation party. 自从兰西戴维斯的毕业派对之后 我就没有见过你 [08:40.62]That was such a fun night. 那一晚真的很疯狂 [08:42.62]Would've been good if we had gotten in, but still fun. 如果我们都有被邀请就好了 但那还是很疯狂 [08:47.02]We were lame. Do you remember how into dinosaurs we were? 那时我们逊呆了 你还记得我们多迷恐龙吗? [08:54.43]-Yeah. -So, what do you do now? -对 -你是做哪一行的? [08:59.20]So how long are you in town? 你要在城里待多久? [09:02.94]-Hi. -Hey, sweetie. Oh, good. -嗨 -嘿,甜心,太好了 [09:06.71]Rachel Greene. 瑞秋葛林 [09:09.94]Oh, that's right. Are you gonna be okay? 啊,对了 你没事吧? [09:12.91]Oh, I'll be fine. It's just.. God, I hate her, Ross! I hate her! 我没事,只是… 天啊,罗斯,我恨她 [09:21.06]High school was a long time ago. 高中是很久以前的事了 [09:23.56]Look at her standing there with those yams. 看看她拿着地瓜泥 站在那里的样子 [09:26.86]My two greatest enemies: Rachel Greene and complex carbohydrates. 我的两个死对头 瑞秋葛林跟碳水化合物 [09:33.87]Oh, my God. Who is that? 天啊,那是谁? [09:37.04]-That's Will, from high school. -Oh! I do not remember him. -他是我们的高中同学威尔 -我不记得他了 [09:42.54]Wow, really got that sexy smoldering thing going on. 他真的 越来越性感了 [09:52.12]Oh, my God. Look at the way he's just staring at me. 天啊 看他盯着我瞧的样子 [09:56.22]He's trying to mouth something to me. 他用唇语跟我说话 [09:59.09]I hate you! 我恨你 [10:03.70]-Okay, dinner's ready! -Okay! -好了,晚餐准备好了 -好吧 [10:06.40]-Solid effort. Solid effort. -Oh, so who won? -真的很精彩 -谁赢了? [10:10.47]-Green Bay. -Detroit. -绿湾队 -底特律队 [10:13.01]-What? -The Lions technically won. -什么? -技术上来说狮队赢了 [10:15.81]But it was a moral victory for the Green Bay Mermen. 但在士气方面 是绿湾美人鱼队赢了 [10:23.72]Hi! Will, right? Right, hi. I'm Rachel Greene. 嗨,你是威尔吧? 嗨,我是瑞秋葛林 [10:28.12]-Oh, I remember you. -Really? Aren't you sweet? -我记得你 -真的吗?你真好 [10:33.43]I gotta tell you, I'm having the hardest time placing you. 我得告诉你 我真的很难记得你的样子 [10:38.83]Hang on! I think I remember you. 等一下,我想我记得你 [10:41.47]Did we fool around at Lance Davis' graduation party? 我们在兰西戴维斯的毕业派对上 厮混过? [10:47.61]-You are unbelievable. -Thank you. -你真是不可思议 -谢谢你 [10:51.81]Rachel? Why don't you sit here? And Will, you sit way over there. 瑞秋,你坐这边 威尔,你坐到那边去 [11:02.89]That's it? Even if nobody helps me, I can eat that. No problem. 就那样?即使没有人帮我 我也可以吃掉它,没问题 [11:06.63]-At least give me a challenge. -This is Chandler's chicken. -至少给我一点挑战 -这是钱德的鸡肉 [11:13.50]This is the turkey. 这才是火鸡 [11:17.64]Oh. How big is that? 那有多大呢? [11:20.98]-About 19 pounds. -It's like me when I was born. -大约19磅 -它跟我刚出生时差不多大 [11:27.31]-Who would like some yams? Will? -You'd like that, wouldn't you? -谁想吃地瓜泥?威尔? -你喜欢那样做,对吧? [11:34.22]What? Oh, can we please keep the chicken.. 什么? 拜托把鸡肉… [11:37.36]and the turkey on the other side? 跟火鸡放到另一边去 [11:40.09]-The smell is just.. -Typical. -那个味道真的… -太典型了 [11:45.70]-What? -I said it was typical. -什么? -我说那太典型了 [11:48.30]Typical of you. Queen Rachel does whatever she wants in Rachel-land. 你的典型作风,瑞秋女王 在瑞秋王国想做什么就做什么 [11:58.85]Seriously, who is this guy? 说真的,这家伙是谁? [12:02.08]Sorry, do you have a problem with me? 抱歉,你对我有问题吗? [12:05.05]-I don't know. Do I? Do I? -I think you do. -我不知道,我有吗? -我想你有 [12:11.73]You were a little mean to him in high school. 你在高中时对他有点凶 [12:14.70]-A little mean? You made my life miserable. -I had no idea. I'm sorry. -有点凶?你让我活在痛苦深渊 -我不知道,抱歉 [12:19.57]Well, you should be. Screw it. Bring on the yams. 你应该抱歉的 去他的,把地瓜泥拿过来给我 [12:23.70]But you worked so hard. 但你很努力在减肥 [12:25.47]-Yams! -Okay. -地瓜泥 -好的 [12:30.64]I'm real sorry for whatever I did to you in high school. 不论在高中时我对你做了什么 我都非常抱歉 [12:35.48]It wasn't just me. We had a club. 不只是我,我们组了一个社团 [12:38.62]-You had a club? -The "I Hate Rachel Greene Club"! -你们组了一个社团? -“我恨瑞秋葛林社” [12:43.72]So you all just joined together to hate me? 你们全都聚在一起恨我? [12:47.60]-Who else was in this club? -Me and Ross. -还有谁加入那个社团? -我跟罗斯 [12:56.40]No need to point. She knows who Ross is. 你不必指我 她知道罗斯是谁 [13:06.58]-You were in an "I Hate Rachel" club? -Yes, he was. -你参加“我恨瑞秋社”? -没错 [13:11.12]No, no. 不 [13:14.05]-So who else was in this club? -That exchange student from Thailand. -还有谁参加了你们的社团? -那个来自泰国的交换学生 [13:20.13]But I don't think he knew what it was. 但我想他不知道那是怎么一回事 [13:24.60]You guys were cool. 你们太酷了 [13:27.70]So, Ross, we went out for two years.. 罗斯,我们交往了两年… [13:29.64]and you never told me you were in an "I Hate Rachel Club"? 你没有告诉我 你参加过“我恨瑞秋社”? [13:32.64]You went out with her? We had a pact. 你跟她交往过?我们说好的 [13:37.21]-It's not like it was binding forever. -It had the word "eternity" in it. -那不是永久的约定 -我们的确说了“永远” [13:44.72]I'm thinking of joining an "I Hate Turkey Club." 我考虑要加入“我恨火鸡社” [13:47.92]Although, I do love a turkey club. 虽然我喜欢吃火鸡三明治 [13:52.46]Monica? Did you know about this? 摩妮卡,你知道这件事吗? [13:55.56]I didn't. Is that why you used to lock the bedroom door? 我不知道 所以你们才会常把房门锁上吗? [13:59.93]-Yeah. -A little relieved, I gotta say. -对 -我得说我松了一口气 [14:05.27]Look, Rach, I'm sorry, okay? I was a stupid kid, okay? 听着,瑞秋,我很抱歉,好吗? 那时我是个愚蠢的孩子 [14:10.21]-The only reason I joined.. -Cofounded. -我会加入社团是因为… -是一起成立 [14:12.75]Cofounded. 一起成立 [14:16.08]Cofounded the club, was that I was in love with you. 我会一起成立那个社团 因为我那时疯狂地爱着你 [14:19.99]I didn't handle it very well. If you think about it, the "I Hate Rachel Club".. 我处理的不好 如果你把“我恨瑞秋社”… [14:24.16]was really the "I Love Rachel Club." 想成“我爱瑞秋社” [14:27.36]Except that it was really the "I Hate Rachel Club." 但它真的是 “我恨瑞秋社” [14:30.73]So you'd get together and say mean things about me? 你们一起说我的坏话? [14:35.27]-We did a little more than that. -No, no, no. -不只是那样 -不 [14:40.04]What else did you do? 你们还做了什么? [14:41.74]-We started a rumor. -What rumor? -我们散布一个谣言 -什么谣言? [14:46.18]Come on, Will, just take off your shirt and tell us. 快点,威尔 挣脱束缚告诉我们 [14:53.49]-Ross? -It was no big deal. -罗斯 -那真的没什么 [14:56.36]We said that.. The rumor was that.. 我们说…那个谣言是… [15:02.40]you had both male and female reproductive parts. 你同时有 男性跟女性的***官 [15:08.70]-What? -That's right. We said your parents.. -什么? -没错,我们说你爸妈… [15:11.07]flipped a coin, decided to raise you as a girl, but you still had a hint of a penis. 丢铜板决定把你当成女孩养大 但你还是有小*** [15:17.88]-Oh, my God! -You started that? -天啊 -那是你们编的? [15:20.88]-You heard that? -Everyone at our school heard it! -你也听过? -我们学校里每个人都听过 [15:25.59]Everyone at my school heard it. You were the hermaphrodite cheerleader? 我的学校里每个人都听过 你就是那个双性啦啦队员? [15:29.09]Oh, no! 不 [15:32.33]It makes sense now. This is why Adam Carter wouldn't go out with me. 现在我终于懂了 所以亚当卡特不想跟我约会 [15:36.90]Why Billy would just stay in this region. 为什么比利 只想停留在这一区 [15:40.13]Billy's gay now, so that one's not really our fault. 比利成了男同志 所以那不是我们的错 [15:45.27]-Why didn't you tell me? -I thought it might be true. -你为什么不告诉我? -我想或许那是真的 [15:49.31]I was afraid that you were gonna cry and then show it to me. 我担心你会大哭 把它掏出来给我看 [15:59.32]Stop staring! There's nothing there! It's not true! 别看了,那里面没有东西 那不是真的 [16:02.99]I'm afraid I'm gonna need proof. 恐怕我需要证据 [16:06.96]Come on, whip it out. 快掏出来吧 [16:25.18]You are my Everest. 你是我的圣母峰 [16:28.42]-You don't have to finish. -I do. Otherwise, what's next? -你不必吃完它 -我要,不然接下来是什么? [16:33.05]Today I can't finish a turkey, but tomorrow I eat half a PowerBar.. 今天我吃不完一只火鸡 明天我只能吃一半的三明治… [16:38.49]wrap it up and put it in the fridge? No! 把剩下的东西包起来 放在冰箱?不 [16:42.00]I gotta change my pants. What was I thinking? Jeans have no give. 我得去换条裤子,我在想什么? 牛仔裤根本没有伸缩性 [16:48.44]Guys, help me with the dishes. There's a lot of pots and pans. 大家来帮我洗碗 要洗的锅子真的很多 [16:51.44]Honey, I'd love to, but the second game is about to start. 甜心,我很想 但第二场比赛快开始了 [16:54.27]Oh, yeah, the second game. More football for the Pheebster. 对,第二场比赛 菲比队要看足球赛 [16:59.15]-Who's playing? -Los Angeles. -哪一队要比赛? -洛杉矶队 [17:01.55]Last time I checked, Los Angeles didn't have a football team. 据我所知 洛杉矶没有美式足球队 [17:04.59]Did I say Los Angeles? I meant the team that used to be in Los Angeles.. 我说洛杉矶吗? 我是说以前在洛杉矶… [17:08.62]and is now in St. Louis. I actually knew that. 现在在圣路易斯队的球队 我真的知道这件事 [17:12.53]Okay, quick, name three players on that team. 快说出 那只球队的三个球员 [17:15.66]Gretzky.. 葛瑞斯基… [17:18.93]Agassi.. 阿格西… [17:22.90]I'm a pretty little girl. 我是个小美女 [17:29.48]Listen to what Sean McMahon wrote in my yearbook senior year. 你们看史恩麦马洪 在我的纪念册上写了什么 [17:34.75]"Dear Rach, you're such a great person." Not girl, "person." “亲爱的瑞秋,你真是个好人” 我不是女孩,我是“人” [17:39.99]I think you're reading a little too much into it. 我想你太敏感了 [17:44.02]"You're a great person. Sorry about your teeny weenie." “你是个好人 关于你有小***的事我很遗憾” [17:51.67]What do you want me to do.. 你要我怎么做? 你要我… [17:53.27]call everyone in the entire school and tell them it wasn't true? 打电话给全校的人 告诉他们那不是真的? [17:56.70]-Yes. -Also, tell them I'm skinny now. -对 -顺便告诉他们我变瘦了 [17:59.74]Oh! Me too! 还有我 [18:02.54]I won't call anybody. It was a million years ago. 我不会打电话给任何人 那是很久以前的事了 [18:06.28]I don't care. You told people that I was half and half! 我不在乎 你们告诉大家我是双性人 [18:12.02]I never did anything to hurt you in high school. 在高中时 我没有做过任何伤害你的事 [18:16.52]That's not totally true. 那不完全是真的 [18:18.63]-What? -What? -什么? -什么? [18:20.09]You did start that rumor about Ross.. 你告诉大家罗斯… [18:23.13]making out with Mrs. Altmann, our 50-year-old librarian. 跟50岁大的图书馆员 亚特曼太太亲亲抱抱 [18:28.50]How did you know that? 你怎么知道那个的? [18:33.77]-It's true? -No. -那是真的? -不 [18:37.44]Yes, it is. I saw you guys going at it behind the card catalog. 不,那是真的,我看到你们 躲在书卡柜的后面 [18:42.08]-Hey, what were you doing in the library? -They had magazines. -你在图书馆里做什么? -图书馆里有杂志 [18:47.29]Mrs. Altmann? She also made out.. 亚特曼太太,她在… [18:50.06]with Ta-Taka-Ki-Kek the night before he went back to Thailand. 塔塔卡奇奇回泰国前一晚 也跟他耳鬓厮磨了一下 [18:55.23]In high school you made out with a 50-year-old woman? 高中时 你跟50岁的女人耳鬓厮磨? [18:59.17]-Hey, she didn't look 50! -Did she look 16? -她看起来不像50岁了 -她看起来像16岁吗? [19:03.54]There's a picture of her in the yearbook actually. 事实上纪念册里 有她的照片 [19:08.18]-Wow. -She didn't photograph well! -哇 -她不太上相 [19:12.31]She probably wasn't familiar with the process.. 或者她不知道 该怎么… [19:14.85]having spent most of her life sitting for oil paintings. 花时间 练习坐下来当油画模特儿 [19:19.45]How did this happen? Did she lure you to an early-bird dinner? 这是怎么发生的? 她一放学就请你吃晚餐引诱你? [19:30.23]I was working late in the library one afternoon. It was just the two of us. 有一天下午我在图书馆里看书看得很晚 馆里只有我们两个 [19:36.04]She needed some help with her word jumble. 她需要人帮忙玩填字游戏 [19:40.41]And one thing led to another. 事情很自然就发生了 [19:44.75]If you must know, Anita was very gentle and tender. 我得告诉你们 安妮塔非常仁慈温柔 [19:53.42]May she rest in peace. 希望她能得到安息 [19:57.22]-Didn't she walk with a cane? -Only when it was damp! -她不是柱着?收茸呗仿穑 -只有在天气潮湿时 [20:02.13]I can't believe you told people about this. Everybody knew? 我不相信你告诉大家这件事 大家都知道吗? [20:07.43]-You know what? I'm back in the club! -Yeah! -好了,我要重回社团 -耶 [20:11.94]-Shall I call the meeting to order? -Is everybody present? -我要召开大会吗? -大家都得来吗? [20:15.01]With the exception of Ta-Taka. 只有塔塔卡没有 [20:17.61]-I wanna join! -Phoebe? -我要加入 -菲比 [20:19.71]I'm sorry, but I never got to be in a club. I didn't go to high school. 抱歉,我从来没有加入过社团 我没有念过高中 [20:24.32]But three of us would meet behind a dumpster to learn French. 但我们三个 可以躲在垃圾箱后面学法文 [20:29.16]Fine, you can have your stupid, little club. 好吧 你们可以继续那个愚蠢的小社团 [20:32.23]But what you did to me is way worse than what I did to you. 但你对我做的事 比我对你做的事更糟糕 [20:36.90]-You gave me a teeny weenie. -Yeah! -你说我有小*** -对 [20:43.54]You're just being silly. Rachel, even with that rumor.. 你真的太傻了 瑞秋,即使有那个谣言… [20:47.71]you were one of the most popular girls. Everyone wanted to be like you. 你还是最受欢迎的女孩 大家都希望能跟你一样 [20:52.18]One girl wanted to be like you so much, she stuffed her pants with a Tootsie Roll. 有个女孩太想变得跟你一样 她把棒条糖塞进裤档里 [20:56.25]Wow. 哇 [20:59.39]And Ross, if it weren't for her rumor, no one would've known who you were. 罗斯,要不是她的谣言 没有人会知道你是谁 [21:03.76]-She put you on the map. -As a romancer of the elderly. -是她让你成名 -以老女人的情人成名 [21:10.03]Mrs. Altmann, you can tell, she used to be pretty. 可以看得出来亚特曼太太 她以前很漂亮 [21:13.43]The eyes did still sparkle. 她的眼睛还是会发光 [21:18.27]This stuff is so way in the past. You've been through so much since then. 这是很久以前的事了 你们也经历过很多事 [21:23.11]You got so much more important stuff going on in your life. 你们的未来 还有许多更重要的事 [21:27.08]Can't you just let this go? 你们不能忘了这件事吗? [21:31.99]-She's right. -We are having a baby together. -她说的对 -我们的孩子快出生了 [21:35.96]Hold on. 等一下 [21:39.16]-You got her pregnant? -Yeah. -你让她怀孕了? -对 [21:42.33]-Are you getting married? -No. -你们要结婚了? -不 [21:44.87]So you knocked her up but you're not gonna marry her. Dude. 你搞大她的肚子 但你不娶她,兄弟 [21:52.57]-Anybody? -Okay. -有人要吗? -好吧 [22:00.18]It's exactly how I imagined it would be. 它跟我想像中完全一样 [22:05.59]All right, where's that turkey? 好吧,火鸡在哪里? [22:12.99]-Those are my maternity pants! -No, these are my Thanksgiving pants! -那是我的孕妇裤 -不,这是我的感恩节裤 [22:25.17]Well, that's it. I'm done. 好了,我吃完了 [22:30.84]Here come the meat sweats. 留下了肉汗 [22:37.35]Well, Joey, we're all very proud of you. 乔伊 我们非常以你为荣 [22:40.35]I believe we can expect a call from the president any moment now. 我相信 总统随时都会打电话来 [22:45.29]-Anything we can do? -No. Just nobody press on my stomach. -有什么我们可以帮忙的吗? -不必了,但千万别压我的胃 [22:49.90]You can keep those pants, by the way. 还有,那条裤子你不用还了 [22:54.13]What you got there? What is that, pie? 那是什么? 那是派吗? [22:58.44]-Yeah. You want some? -Just cut me a little sliver. -对,你要吃一点吗? -切一小块给我就行了 [23:04.64]Little bigger. 大一点 [23:07.95]Little bigger. 再大一点 [23:09.88]Are you afraid you're gonna run out? Cut me a real piece! 你害怕没派吃吗? 切一大块给我