Joey? Are you in there? 乔伊,你在吗? -That's Rachel. -You have to talk to her. -是瑞秋 -你得跟她谈一谈 I can't. Not after the other night. It's too weird. 不行,经过那晚的事之后 感觉真的太奇怪了 Don't tell her I'm here. 别告诉她我在这里 Don't eat that! 别吃那个 -Hey! -Hey, Rachel. -嘿 -嘿,瑞秋 Is Joey here? 乔伊在吗? -I don't see him. You? -No. -我没有看到他,你呢? -没有 Maybe he's in the sugar bowl. Joey? Nope. 或许他在糖碗里 乔伊?没有 Well, at least you make each other laugh. 至少 你们能逗彼此笑 -What's up? -I haven't seen him since he said.. -怎么了? -我一直没见过他,自从他说… how he, you know.. 他怎么…你们知道的… I don't know, I think he's avoiding me. 我不知道 我想他在避我 Why is that bagel on the floor? 为什么地板上会有贝果? -We were playing a game. -Was Chandler naked? -我们在玩游戏? -钱德没穿衣服吗? Sort of like a ring-toss kind of situation? 像是在玩 套圈圈游戏吗? -Sure! -What? No! No! -没错 -什么?不 All right, listen. If you see Joey, will you just tell him that..? 好吧,听着,如果你们看到乔伊 能不能告诉他… Tell him I miss him. 告诉他我很想他 -Okay. Did you hear that? -Yeah. That naked bagel game? -好吧,你听到了吗? -是啊,裸体贝果游戏? Dude, I don't know. That's a pretty small hole. 我不知道 那个洞真的很小 -You've gotta talk to her. -I can't. -你得跟她谈一谈 -我没办法 You guys don't know what it's like to get shot down. 你们不知道 被拒绝的感觉有多难受 I don't know what that's like? 我不知道那种感觉? Until I was 25, I thought the response to "I love you" was "Oh, crap." 我在25岁前一直以为 “我爱你”的反应是“喔,天啊” No rejection? 我没有被拒绝过? I got shot down at fat camp. 我在减肥营时被拒绝过 Boy, kids are mean when they're hungry. 天啊,饥饿的孩子们 真的很残忍 So, what do I do? 我该怎么办? It's Rachel. You're gonna never talk to her again? 她是瑞秋 你永远都不要跟她说话吗? It's weird and it's awkward, but you gotta at least try. 那很奇怪,也很可怕 但至少你得试试看 Yeah, okay. 好吧 I forgot this was on your.. 我忘了这个曾套在你的… We didn't play it! 我们没有玩它 The One With The Tea Leaves 本集播出:茶叶算命法 (中央公园 咖啡馆) I'll look at your tea leaves and tell your fortune. 我会看你们的茶叶 帮你们算命 -You read tea leaves? -I've done it for years. -你会茶叶算命法? -我这么做有好几年 I actually stopped because I was so accurate. 后来我放弃 因为我算得太准了 And one of the great joys of life.. 生命的乐趣 之一… is its wondrous unpredictability, you know? 就是 不可预测性 And also, tea tends to give me the trots. 还有 茶叶会让我拉肚子 -Okay. I'm done. Read mine. -Okay. -我好了,帮我算吧 -好的 I see a ladder. 我看见一个梯子 Which can mean either a promotion or a violent death. 它的意思不是升职 就是暴力死亡 I'm the head chef. I can't get promoted. 我是主厨 我不可能被升职 Who's next? 下一个是谁? I'm done. Do mine. 我好了,帮我算 Okay. 好吧 Oh! Okay, I see a circle. 好吧,我看到一个圈圈 Which can either mean you're having a baby.. 那表示 你怀了孩子 or you'll make a scientific discovery! 或你会做出科学发现 Well, I have been spending a lot of time in the lab. 我一直都待在实验室里 -What does yours say, Pheebs? -All right. -你的茶叶又告诉你什么呢?菲比 -好吧 Wow! Yay! 哇,耶 Oh, I'm gonna meet a guy! And really soon! 我会认识一个男人 而且很快 He's gonna be the man of my dreams. 他会是我的梦中情人 Probably not the guy I had a dream about last night. 或许他不是 我昨晚梦到的那个男人 Has anyone seen my shirt? 有人看到我的衬衫吗? It's a button-down, like a faded salmon color? 它是前开式的衬衫 淡鲑鱼色 You mean your pink shirt? 你是说你的粉红色衬衫吗? Faded salmon color? 淡鲑鱼色? No, I haven't seen your pink shirt. 不,我没有看到你的粉红色衬衫 I must have left it at Mona's. I knew it! 我一定把它丢在蒙娜家了 我就知道 I'm sure you can get another one at Ann Taylor's. 我想你可以到安泰勒的专卖店 再买一件 That's my favorite shirt. I love it. 它是我最喜欢的衬衫 我爱它 Ask Mona to give it back. 请蒙娜把它还给你 I don't know. I could. 我不知道,或许吧 We didn't really end things on good terms. 我们不算是 好聚好散 If I went, I'd be ignoring the one thing she asked me to do.. 我想去她家 就得忘了她告诉我的一件事… jump up my own ass and die. 她要我去跳楼自杀 Oh, wait a second, you guys? 等一下 I've been seeing that guy everywhere I go. 我走到哪里 都会看到那个男人 We take the same bus, go to the same bookstore. 我们搭同一班公车 去同一家书局 Maybe he's the tea guy. 或许他就是我的真命天子 Did you see that? 你们看到了吗? He totally checked you out! And he is so cute! 他真的在看你 而且他很帅 Mine is a picture of the Village People. What does that mean? 我的茶叶出现乡巴佬的图案 那是什么意思? Hi. 嗨 Hey. 嘿 -Hi. -Hi. -嗨 -嗨 Tea gives Phoebe the trots! 茶叶让菲比拉肚子 I thought Joey and l would be okay.. 我以为 乔伊跟我可以不尴尬… but we don't know how to be together. 但我们不知道该怎么相处 By the way, I've been meaning to say this. 还有 我一直都想这么说 If you guys knew about this, a heads-up would have been nice. 如果你们知道这件事 我真的很希望你们提醒我一下 Just a little, you know. 只要给点提示就够了 "Joey loves you. Be prepared." “乔伊爱你 做好准备” -Sorry. -Well, for next time. -抱歉 -下次别再犯了 -It's tough, but things will improve. -How do you know? -那真的很难,但情况会有改善的 -你怎么知道? What if it gets worse and worse.. 如果情况恶化… to the point where we can't be in the same room? 我们无法共处一室呢? I'm not great at the advice. 我不善于给好建议 Can I interest you in a sarcastic comment? 要我讽刺你一下吗? Some cheese? 要起司吗? Honey, why is the Bruce Springsteen CD in the Cat Stevens case? 甜心,为什么布鲁斯史普林斯汀的CD 会放在凯特史帝文斯的盒子里? If I can't find the right case, I use the nearest one. 如果我找不到正确的盒子 我会随手拿一个盒子来装 -Where is the Cat Stevens CD? -The James Taylor case. -凯特史帝文斯的CD在哪里? -詹姆士泰勒的盒子里 -Where is that CD? -I'll save you time. -那张CD在哪里? -我帮你节省一些时间 Two hundred CDs, not one of them in the right case. 那200张CD 没有一张放在正确的盒子里 Okay. No need to panic. Deep breaths, everyone. 好吧,不需要慌张 大家深呼吸 We'll just have to put the CDs in their right cases. 我们只需要把CD 放在正确的盒子里 If we do that, we should come up with some kind of order. 那么做的话 应该能将CD排好 We have to talk this through. 我们得谈一谈这件事 Oh, my God, you have such problems! I feel so terrible for you! 天啊,你们真的有问题 我为你们感到难过 All right. Okay, I'm sorry. 好吧,对不起 You're both focusing on this uncomfortable thing. 你们两个 满脑子都是这件令人不舒服的事 Change the subject. 改变一下话题 Get him talking about something else. 让他谈别的事 Yeah, that makes sense. 对,那挺有道理的 Maybe you need his advice on a work problem.. 或许你在工作上有问题 需要他的建议… -I could do that. -Good. -我可以那么做 -很好 The Miami Vice soundtrack? Really? 迈阿密天龙的原声带? 真的吗? They were just giving those away at the store. 那是唱片行的赠品 In exchange for money. 我得拿钱去换 Hey. 嘿 I really don't know what to tell you. 我真的不知道该跟你说什么 Maybe Joey could help you out with your big work problem. 或许乔伊可以帮你 解决工作上的大问题 -What? -Yeah, Joey, she's.. -什么? -对,乔伊,她… Rachel's got this big work problem. It is a head-scratcher. 瑞秋工作上有个大问题 那真的很伤脑筋 Know what? If we're gonna make dinner, we're gonna have to leave. 你知道吗?我们想赶上晚餐预约 就得马上出发 Yeah, Joey, maybe you could help her out. 对,乔伊 或许你可以帮她 -Okay. -Oh, and you know what? -好吧 -你知道吗? While you're helping solve this problem.. 你帮忙 解决这个问题时… you might want to do something with your hands. Like, off the top of my head.. 或许你想手边找些事来说 我是不小心想到的… maybe put the CDs in their right cases. 譬如说将CD 放到正确的盒子里 Here we go. 来吧 So you have a big work problem? 你工作上出了大问题? Yeah. It's, uh.. 对,那是… Yeah, it's, uh.. 对,那是… You know, it's nothing. 真的没什么 Okay. 好吧 So I think I'm gonna take off. 我想我该走了 No, wait, Joey, it is. It's something. It's.. 不,乔伊,等一下,我有问题 它真的很严重,是… It's my boss. 是我的老板 -Yeah? -Yeah. And, uh.. -是吗? -对,跟… And my baby. 跟我的宝宝 Yeah? 是吗? My boss wants to buy my baby. 我老板想买我的宝宝 What? Oh, my God! 什么?我的天啊 I know, I told you, it's a really big problem! 我知道,我跟你说过了 这真的是个大问题 -He wants to buy your baby? -Can you believe that? -他要买你的宝宝? -你能相信吗? -That's crazy. -That's what I told him! -那太疯狂了 -我就是那么跟他说的 -How did this even happen? -Well, I'll tell you. -怎么会发生这种事? -我会告诉你 See, my boss and his wife, they can't have children, so.. 我老板跟他太太 他们不孕,所以… And then when we were at the Christmas party.. 在耶诞派对上 我们碰到了面… he got drunk and said to me, "Rachel, I want to buy your baby." 他喝醉了跟我说 “瑞秋,我要买下你的宝宝” When you said it was a problem about your boss and the baby.. 你说你老板跟宝宝 有问题的时候… I figured it was about maternity leave. 我以为 你是指产假的问题 Oh. Yeah. 对 Yeah, that would have been a much simpler problem. 对,那样子 问题简单多了 -Oh, hello. -Oh, it's you. I see you everywhere. -哈啰 -是你,我走到哪里都会碰到你 I'm Jim. Jim Nelson. 我是吉米,吉米尼尔森 Hi, Jim-Jim Nelson. I'm Phoebe-Phoebe Buffay. 嗨,吉米吉米尼尔森 我是菲比菲比布非 -We've seen each other a lot lately. -Yes. -我们最近常见面 -对 Maybe we'll see each other at dinner tomorrow. Around 8:00? 或许明天晚餐时我们也能碰面 八点可以吗? Well, maybe we will. 或许会吧 Mona? 蒙娜 Okay, if I were a salmon shirt, where would I be? 如果我是鲑鱼色衬衫 我会在哪里? Upstream. 上游 Damn, nobody's here for my good ones. 该死 没有人听到我的好笑话 I am so sorry I spilled wine all over your shirt. 抱歉我把酒 洒到你的衬衫上 -It's okay. -No, it's still wet. -没关系 -不,它还是湿的 Let me get it out before it sets. I have something you could wear. 我得把它拿去洗干净免得留下印子 我去找件衣服借你 Here. 拿去吧 I don't know if I want to wear a woman's shirt. 我真的不想 穿女人的衬衫 -That's a man's shirt. -Awfully pink. -那是男人的衬衫 -可怕的粉红色 It's not pink! 那不是粉红色 Honey, we are so meant to be together. 甜心 我们注定要在一起 -We both have the Annie soundtrack. -Honey, both yours. -我们都有安妮的原声带 -甜心,那都是你买的 Hey, great advice on that Joey thing. 谢谢你给我关于乔伊的建议 -The work problem? -lt was perfect. -你是工作的问题吗? -它真的是太棒了 It felt like he was my friend. 我觉得他是我的朋友 -What problem did you say you have? -Oh, that's not important. -你说你有什么问题? -那不重要 The point is, I think everything's gonna be okay. 重点是 我想一切都会没事 May I help you? 需要我效劳吗? You think you can just buy my friend's baby? 你觉得你可以买走 我朋友的宝宝? Isn't it funny how we kept meeting? It's as if someone wants us together. 我们一直巧遇真的很有趣吧? 那就像是有人要我们在一起 Someone does. Me. 没错,那就是我 Witty banter. Well done. Good. 聪明的家伙,做的好 -Tell me a little bit about yourself. -Okay. I'm a masseuse. -跟我谈谈你自己 -好吧,我是按摩师 -And I used to work at this place.. -Do you like to party? -我以前在这个地方工作… -你喜欢参加派对吗? I like parties. 我喜欢派对 You're wild, aren't you? 你很狂野,对吧? -Yeah, I guess. A little. -Ain't no thing. I'm wild too. -对,我猜是有一点 -那没有什么,我也很狂野 So anyway.. 总之… I've lived in New York, somewhat wildly, I guess.. 我住在纽约 我猜那有点狂野… for, well, since I was 14. 我从14岁就住在这里 I'm sorry. I'm staring. 抱歉我盯着你不放 It's just that you have the most beautiful eyes. 因为你有双最漂亮的眼睛 -Oh, stop it. -And your breasts! -别说了 -还有你的胸部 Okay. 好吧 Look, you're coming on a little strong. 听着,你有点太快了 I'll give you the benefit of the doubt. 我会解开你的疑虑 The universe wants us to be together. 宇宙要我们在一起 Why don't we start over? You can tell me about yourself. 我们为什么不开始呢? 你可以跟我谈谈你自己 -All right. -Okay. -好吧 -好吧 I write erotic novels.. 我写小孩子看的… for children. 色情小说 -What? -They're wildly unpopular. -什么? -它们非常不受欢迎 Oh, my God! 我的天啊 Also, you might like to know I have a Ph.D. 或许你会想知道 我是个博士 -Wow! You do? -Yep. A pretty huge.. -真的吗? -对,它真的很大… All right. 够了 -Hey. -Joey, honey, listen. -嘿 -乔伊,听我说 Thanks for talking to me yesterday. It meant a lot. 谢谢你昨天跟我谈 那对我来说意义重大 Not a problem. Just so you know.. 别客气 我得告诉你… that guy won't be bothering you about that baby thing anymore. 那家伙不会再为了宝宝的事 来烦你了 -What? -Let's just say I took care of it. -什么? -就说我已经解决了问题 Let's say more. 我们得谈一谈 Don't worry. I told him, very nicely: 别担心,我好好地跟他谈过 "You don't go buying people's babies! So back off!" “你不能买别人的宝宝 别闹了” -What? -What? -什么? -什么? No, no, no! 不 He doesn't want to buy my baby! I made that up! 他不想买我的宝宝 那是我编出来的 What? Why? 什么?为什么? So we would have something to talk about! 我们才有话题聊 And you couldn't think of anything else? 你想不出来 别的借口吗? You said your boss wants to buy your baby? 你说你老板 要买你的宝宝? You yelled at my boss! I'll lose my job! What am I gonna do? 你对我老板大叫 我会被开除,我该怎么办? You could always sell your baby. 你可以卖掉你的宝宝 I can't believe you brought my boss into it! I'll be fired! 我不敢相信你会去找我老板 我会被开除 -You lied to me! -Well, she told me to! -你骗我 -是她要我那么做的 Chandler has two copies of Annie! 钱德有两张安妮的原声带 Oh, my God! 我的天啊 -Ross! -Hello! -罗斯 -哈啰 What are you doing? 你在做什么? Not touching myself, if that makes anyone less uncomfortable. 希望你们听了能够释怀 我没有自摸 Okay, then. I'll call you. 好吧,我会打电话给你 Morning. You wanted to see me? 早安,你找我? Please, come in. Have a seat. 请进,坐下 -Look, Mr. Zelner.. -It's best I speak first. -听着,佐纳先生… -让我先说吧 Yeah. 好吧 Lee from Human Resources is here as a witness to our conversation. 人事部的李 将是我们谈话的见证人 Oh, God. 天啊 If I in any way implied that I wanted to buy your baby.. 如果我有暗示过你 我想买你的宝宝… I am sorry. Okay? 我很抱歉,好吗? Last week, when I asked you when your due date was.. 上星期我问你 你的预产期是什么时候… I certainly did not mean that I felt that I was "due" your baby. 我并没有那个意思 要告诉你我想“买”你的宝宝 I want to be very clear.. 我希望清楚地告诉你… that I understand that it's your baby.. 我了解 它是你的宝宝… and it is not mine to purchase. 我不能买下它 Well, as long as we are clear about that. 只要把话说清楚就好了 There it is. 到了 -Not your regular cleaners. -I know. -这不是你常去的洗衣店 -我知道 That creep goes there. I had to find a new one. 那个怪胎会去那里 我得找新的洗衣店 I have to find a new bank, adult bookstore, grocery store.. 我还得找新的银行 成人书店,杂货店… -What? -A new grocery store. -什么? -新的杂货店 The universe said I'd meet a nice guy. I got that? 宇宙说我会认识一个好男人 那是真的吗? When I get up there, I'm gonna kick some ass. 我上天堂后 一定会痛扁它 You'll meet someone. If I can meet a great guy, so can you. 你会认识某人的 如果我能找到好男人,你也可以 Yeah, we both can. And we both will. 对,我们都可以,也都会做到 -You didn't have to come in. -You kidding? -你不必进来 -你在开玩笑吗? This is where they get out stains. This is like Disneyland for me. 他们在这里把衣服洗干净 对我来说这里就像是迪士尼乐园 I'm gonna be over here watching the dance of the clean shirts. 我要到这里 看干净衬衫跳舞 Excuse me. I think you dropped.. 对不起 我想你掉了… -Wow! -What? -哇 -什么? Sorry. You're just so incredibly beautiful. 抱歉 你真的是美得不可思议 Well, I'm sorry about that too. But what are you gonna do? 我也这么觉得 但又能怎么办呢? Don't think I'm crazy, but I was meant to pick this up. 别觉得我疯了 我本来是要帮你捡这个 -Do you believe in that kind of thing? -A little. -你相信那种事吗? -有一点 Now you're talking. 你说的对 -Want to go for coffee? -I'd love to. Let me tell my friend. -你要去喝咖啡吗? -我很乐意,我去跟我朋友说一声 An ink stain! Can I watch how you get this out? 是墨水印子 我能看你把它洗干净吗? She must have left. 她一定是离开了 -So? What happened? -It's all gonna be okay. -所以呢?发生了什么事? -没事了 They're so happy I'm not suing, I got an extra month paid maternity leave. 他们很高兴我不告他们 我还能多放一个月领薪产假 So long as I understand the money should not be construed.. 只要我知道 那些钱绝不是… as a down payment on this or any other child. 这个宝宝 或其他宝宝的订金 Ralph Lauren is going out of their way.. 罗夫罗兰 真的想尽办法… to show they're not in the baby-buying business. 要证明 他们不是贩婴集团 -Give us a minute? -Kicking me out of my living room? -能让我们独处一下吗? -你要把我踢出我家的客厅? Yeah. 对 I'll be in there. 我会在那里 I'm sorry I lied to you. I was just trying to make things.. 抱歉我骗了你 我只是希望事情… I know. I know. 我知道 It kind of worked. 你的方法的确有效 I don't know about you, but I haven't thought about our thing. 我不知道你是怎么想的 但我一直没想到我们的事 Yeah, you're right. 对,你说的对 Yeah. It's kind of been like "us" again, a little bit. 对,我们又恢复了 “朋友”的样子 -Yeah, I know. I've missed that. -Me too. -我喜欢,我很想念那段时光 -我也是 I haven't thought about how I put myself out there.. 我没有想到 自己怎么会… and said that stuff. How you didn't feel the same.. 跟你说那些话 你跟我的感觉不同… and how it was really awkward. 那真的很可怕 My gynecologist tried to kill me. 我的妇产科医生想杀我 Item J437-A. 编号是J437-A Color: winterberry. 颜色,冬莓色 Hi, listen. Come here. Come.. 听着 过来,来吧… I'm so, so sorry about yesterday. 关于昨天的事我很抱歉 But what did I tell you about leaving your key outside the door like that? 但我不是跟你说过 不要在门外留备份钥匙吗? I mean, you're lucky it was me and not someone else. 还好那是我 不是别人 I guess lucky is too strong a word. 我想那么说太重了一点 Anyway, Mona, I'm really, really sorry. It's just.. 总之蒙娜,我真的很抱歉 那只是… Listen, you don't have to apologize. I understand why you were there. 听着,你不必道歉 我了解你为什么会去那里 -You do? -Yeah. You still have feelings for me. -真的吗? -对,你对我还有感觉 To be honest, I still have feelings for you. 老实说 我也对你还有感觉 I wish we could work it out, but we can't. 我希望我们能复合 那是不可能的 It's too complicated with you and Rachel and the baby. I just.. 你跟瑞秋还有宝宝的事 太复杂了,我只是… It just wasn't meant to be. 那个人不该是我 Oh, God. You're right. 天啊,你说的对 Ross, we have to be strong. 罗斯,我们得坚强 Okay, I'm gonna go. 好吧,我得走了 Can I? To remember you? 我能留下它来怀念你吗? No. 不行