[00:00.100]From VOA Learning English, [00:02.700]this is the Economics Report. [00:06.090]Detroit Mayor Dave Bing [00:08.730]had to report some bad news last month. [00:12.730]He said Detroit was seeking bankruptcy protection. [00:17.360]The move would give the city [00:20.150]court protection from creditors. [00:23.590]"This is very difficult for all of us [00:26.020]but if it's going to make the citizens better off, [00:30.700]then this is a new start for us." [00:33.590]The decision to declare bankruptcy [00:35.980]is an offer to restruction and reduce debt. [00:40.070]It comes at a difficult time for Detroit. [00:43.950]In March, Michigan Governor Rick Snyder named Kevyn Orr, [00:51.090]a bankruptcy expert to oversee the city's financial problems. [00:56.930]Detroit has been struggling to reduce a budget deficit of [01:03.140]more than $300 million. [01:05.820]In addtion, the city's long-term debt [01:09.960]has increased to at least $18 billion. [01:13.960]Detroit's problems have grown over many years. [01:19.320]Michigan State University professor Eric Scorsone says [01:25.590]the city depended to much on one-industry. [01:29.820]"You know, Unlike Chicago, New York [01:32.330]and other cities where had more economic diversity, [01:34.780]Detroit really didn't. [01:36.220]It had the auto industry, [01:37.810]it had suppliers to the auto industry, [01:40.100]and so as those went away, [01:41.450]the city began a very long decline [01:44.240]that's really occurred over 50 years essentially." [01:46.780]Jobs with car manufactures were a big reason why Detroit [01:52.310]was one of the country's largest cities half a centry ago. [01:57.590]In the 1950s, it had a population of about 1.8 million people. [02:05.370]Today, the number is down to less than 800,000. [02:11.340]Robin Boyle is a professor of urban planning [02:15.150]at Wayne State University. [02:17.740]He says over the years, many Detroit residents [02:22.720]moved to areas outside the city, or even left the state. [02:27.850]That hurt Detroit's ability to invest in the city. [02:33.220]"They have so little disposable income to reinvest in their communities, [02:38.600]that if they have money they leave, [02:40.840]they go to the suburbs or they go to find work elsewhere, [02:44.330]further putting us into this vicious cycle [02:48.960]that drives us further and further down. [02:51.050]How you break that is the challenge in Detroit." [02:54.290]It is rare for a large city to seek bankruptcy protection. [02:58.620]In 1975, New York City came close [03:03.810]before the federal government agree to provide money. [03:08.090]Detroit, however, is the largest city to seek bankruptcy. [03:13.970]A federal judge will consider Detroit's request. [03:18.650]The judge's decision is expected in one to three month. [03:23.820]One of the main issues is what to do [03:27.410]about the retirement pay of city workers. [03:31.200]Currently, there are many more retired workers [03:35.580]than those pay into the pension system. [03:39.210]And that's the Economics Report in VOA Learning English.