[00:00.100]From VOA Special English, [00:02.760]this is the Economics Report. [00:06.200]North and South Korea reopened [00:09.280]their joint factory zone this week. [00:11.870]Lines of trucks and cars [00:14.910]crossed South Korea's northern border Monday [00:18.840]on the way to Kaesong, North Korea. [00:22.120]About 800 South Korean workers and their supervisors [00:27.750]entered the jointly operated Kaesong Industrial Complex. [00:33.370]They brought materials and parts [00:36.560]to restart production for the first time in months. [00:41.840]South Korean managers expressed happiness at returning to work. [00:48.270]Ji Yoon-tae is deputy chief of a South Korean company in Kaesong. [00:55.490]He says it has been very hard [00:59.170]while the factories were closed. [01:01.660]From now on, he says, [01:04.290]he hopes everything works out well, [01:06.880]and the factory zone comes back to life. [01:10.120]In April, North Korea removed about 53,000 workers [01:16.200]from the joint manufactoring effort. [01:19.580]Their withdrawl resulted from military tensions [01:23.760]with South Korea and the United States. [01:27.740]South Korean companies say they lost about $1 billion [01:33.370]from the suspension of factories. [01:36.060]The industrial area produces cloths, watches, [01:40.990]and parts for electronic products. [01:44.400]After months of negotiations, [01:47.630]the two Koreas last week reached a deal to reopen the area. [01:53.450]They agreed to set up a joint committee to settle future problems. [01:59.790]Officials from the two sides have been holding weekly meetings [02:04.820]to discuss other details. [02:07.560]The reopening is seen as the most important sign of [02:11.840]warming relations between North and South Korea [02:16.270]since the North carried out missile and nuclear tests. [02:21.500]Choi Kyong-lim is South Korea's Deputy Minister of [02:27.580]Trade, Industry and Energy. [02:30.970]He told reporters in Seoul that the government [02:35.060]hopes many Chinese companies will invest in Kaesong. [02:39.830]He says it is important for Chinese companies [02:44.110]to use North Korean labor at Kaesong [02:47.260]where pay is low but productivity is high. [02:52.240]China is North Korea's closest ally. [02:56.970]It also is believed to have some limited influence [03:02.100]over the government in Pyongyang. [03:05.230]Cho Bong-hyun is with the Economic Research Center of [03:11.060]the Industrial Bank of Korea. [03:14.390]He says Kaesong offers better guarantees [03:19.520]than other investments in North Korea. [03:22.560]He says investment in other cities has more risk. [03:28.390]And that's the Economics Report from VOA Learning English.