[00:00.100]From VOA Learning English, [00:03.050]this is the Economics Report. [00:05.890]The African Union has held [00:09.280]countless meetings and conferences [00:12.450]on how to increase trade between African countries, [00:17.030]the United Nations Economic Commission for Africa (UNECA) [00:22.160]has organized similar gatherings. [00:25.050]Yet these efforts have failed [00:28.330]to lead to a increase in intra-Africa trade. [00:32.420]Currently, African countries [00:36.050]do only 11 percent of their foreign trade [00:39.540]with other countries on the continent. [00:42.430]By comparison, Asian countries do 50 percent [00:47.610]of their trade with Asian countries. [00:50.510]Last year, the world bank reported that [00:54.640]Africa loses billions of dollars every year [00:58.680]because of trade barriers. [01:01.370]This past July, a U.N. report urged [01:06.140]African governments to provide more support [01:09.950]to private businesses, [01:11.790]reduce trade barriers and expand public services. [01:17.180]The slow progress makes it difficult for companies [01:21.660]to do business in surrounding countries. [01:25.040]Jittu Horticulture PLC [01:28.240]is Ethiopia's biggest exporter of horticulture products. [01:33.310]The company's General Manager Jan Prins says [01:38.190]Ethiopia has huge possibilities for trade, [01:41.980]but he says there are too many difficulties [01:46.420]when attempting to trade with neighboring countries. [01:50.100]"The major challenge is to reach these markets. [01:53.290]And it can either be logistic problems [01:56.120]like over flooded border areas, bad roads or no roads, [02:00.160]trade barriers, political issues or security issues. [02:05.040]For Ethiopia it is very difficult [02:07.380]to reach the markets in the surrounding countries." [02:10.430]Problems getting visas, corruption [02:13.520]and high transportation costs are some of the barriers [02:17.250]companies face when they attempt to trade within the continent. [02:22.040]A truck in Africa will travel, on average, [02:26.370]just nine kilometers an hour [02:28.670]because of the many security or inspection stations. [02:33.240]As a result, 40 percent of the cost of product is for transportation. [02:40.060]Intra-Africa trade, both imports and exports, [02:45.400]totaled $131 billion in 2011. [02:51.020]African Union countries have agreed [02:54.750]to make the continent a free trade zone by 2017. [02:59.840]Treasure Maphanga is the Director of the AU's Trade and Industry Department, [03:06.920]she says governments must make that goal [03:10.800]of a continental free trade area a reality. [03:14.390]"I see that in many countries there is political will [03:19.660]that exists at a certain level. [03:21.410]Intra-Africa trade does not just depend on one ministry, [03:25.340]it does not just depend on the head of state. [03:27.780]It depends on the whole government machinery. [03:30.680]And coordinating toward a specific goal." [03:33.360]The African Union will hold another conference [03:36.540]on increasing Intra-Africa trade at the end of October. [03:41.280]That is the Economics Report from VOA Learning English,