[00:00.100]This is the VOA Learning English Economics Report. [00:05.360]Organizations like the World Bank [00:08.060]and the International Monetary Fund [00:10.610]expect the international economy [00:12.910]to perform better this year than in 2013. [00:16.780]They also expect economic conditions to improve next year. [00:21.620]Yet one United Nations agency worries [00:25.020]that economic progress is not creating enough jobs [00:28.810]for the millions of people seeking employment. [00:32.540]The U.N.'s International Labor Organization [00:35.920]is saying current economic growth [00:38.220]has not helped the world's unemployed. [00:41.270]The ILO released a report on employment this week. [00:45.740]Guy Ryder of Britain is the Director General of the agency. [00:50.490]He says the unemployment numbers for 2013 [00:54.290]represent an increase from the year before. [00:59.030]That means new jobs created by economy growth [01:02.590]are not keeping up with the number of people [01:05.430]entering the job market. [01:07.330]"The bottom line figure for 2013 is that there are nearly [01:14.340]202 million people around the world unemployed, [01:18.290]and that represents an increase of nearly [01:22.290]five million on the previous year," said Ryder. [01:25.440]The ILO says much of the increase came from East and South Asia, [01:31.000]they were responsible for nearly half of the additional job seekers, [01:36.070]many others came from sub-Saharan Africa and Europe. [01:41.180]The Managing Director of the International Monetary Fund, [01:45.380]Christine Lagarde raised concerns about job creation [01:49.730]during a speech earlier this month. [01:52.270]She said unemployment remained, in her words, [01:56.330]worryingly high in Europe, [01:58.930]an area expected to show economic gains this year. [02:03.590]One question is whether the current period of economic growth [02:08.390]is leading to job creation. [02:10.440]The ILO says, based on current information, [02:14.740]the world will have 18 million more jobless individuals by 2018, [02:20.650]many of these are young people between the ages of 15 and 24. [02:26.500]Guy Ryder says youth unemployment is a major concern. [02:32.560]"Young people are the particular victims of unemployment: [02:36.910]74.5 million of the unemployed, aged between 15 and 24, [02:43.610]that is one million more than the year before," said Ryder. [02:47.570]The ILO says youth unemployment worldwide is over 13 percent. [02:53.830]There has been success in reducing the number of working poor [02:58.340]over the past 10 years. [03:00.850]The ILO defines the working poor [03:04.710]as individuals earning less than $1.25 a day. [03:10.120]However, the group says 839 million people [03:14.820]earn less than two dollars a day, [03:17.260]that represents one-forth of the globe work force. [03:21.380]Low wages, the group says, mean weak demand and fewer jobs [03:27.430]created in areas like manufacturing and services. [03:32.540]And that's the Economics Report for VOA Learning English.