[00:00.000]This is the Economics Report [00:02.520]from VOA Learning English. [00:05.730]India is hoping its economy will improve. [00:10.620]In the last two years, [00:12.670]economic growth dropped to its lowest levels in ten years. [00:17.870]But there are few signs that the economy could return [00:22.380]to the high growth rates that once made India [00:26.050]one of the world's fastest growing economies. [00:30.050]Gurdet Singh grows crops on about 40 hectares [00:35.040]of fertile land in northern Punjab state, [00:38.550]the area is financially successful because of farming. [00:43.600]Mr Singh says, he plans to buy a new and bigger tractor [00:49.200]to make his work easier. [00:51.500]Mr Singh is so successful that he hopes to buy a car [00:56.700]after he pays the loans for his new tractor. [01:00.340]India's automobile manufacturers have suffered [01:05.300]severe financial problems during the past two years. [01:09.650]Industry officials are hoping that people like Mr Singh [01:14.710]and others in rural areas will begin buying cars again. [01:19.700]Vishnu Mathur is the head of the Society of [01:24.000]Automobile Manufactures of India. [01:26.800]He says there is weak demand in urban areas for passenger cars, [01:32.800]but he says economic gains in India's rural areas [01:37.700]could help car makers. [01:39.810]Good feelings about the car industry may be a sign [01:44.800]that the worst could be over for the Indian economy. [01:48.710]Experts believe the economy will grow less than five percent [01:54.360]when the 2013 fiscal year ends in March, [01:59.010]but they say the country's agricultural industry [02:03.160]will show better growth. [02:04.910]The Indian currency - the rupee lost more than 20 percent of [02:10.750]its value compared to the dollar last year, [02:14.000]that should help India's exports which are increasing. [02:18.250]Rafique Ahmed is the head of the Federation of [02:23.000]Indian Export Organizations. [02:26.300]He says exports are growing because the devalued rupee [02:31.540]and better global economic conditions. [02:34.940]While growth is widely expected to increase, [02:39.700]economists say it is unlikely to reach levels seen in 2011 [02:45.640]for example, when growth was nine percent. [02:49.890]Economists say confidence among investors, [02:54.940]both in India and in other countries must return [02:59.400]before the Indian economy can improve. [03:03.460]Private investment has slowed because investors are concerned [03:09.700]by the lack of reform in government barriers to business. [03:16.060]Many investors and businesses are waiting to see [03:20.560]whom voters would choose to led the country [03:23.860]in national elections to be held by May. [03:28.150]Finance Minister P. Chidambaram has said [03:33.240]growth will increase to more than six percent in 2014. [03:38.750]And that's the Economics Report.