[00:01.56]Hey, Ross. 嘿,罗斯 [00:02.86]I'm so glad someone's here. Could you zip me up? 真高兴有人在这里 你可以帮我把拉链拉起来吗? [00:09.27]- Sure. - Thank you. -当然可以 -谢谢 [00:10.87]Can you believe no one between my apartment and here.. 你相信从我家到这里的路上… [00:13.68]offered to do that for me? 竟然没有人愿意帮我拉拉链吗? [00:16.01]People. 真是的 [00:18.41]So why are you so dressed up? 你穿这么漂亮做什么呢? [00:21.58]Mike's picking me up for a date. 麦克要来接我去约会 [00:23.95]How's that going? Is it getting serious? 交往得如何呢? 是不是越来越认真了? [00:27.09]I don't know. I don't know. I mean, I like him. 我不知道,我不知道 我是蛮喜欢他的 [00:30.73]But am I ready to take my Grade A loins off the meat market? 但是我还没有准备好要退出江湖 [00:34.23]I'm not quite sure. 我不太确定 [00:37.90]You know, I really admire your whole dating attitude. 我真的很欣赏你的约会态度 [00:42.07]It's so healthy. I'm always like, "Is this moving too fast? 真是很健康的态度 我总是在想会不会进展太快了?… [00:45.37]Is this moving too slow? Where's this going?" 会不会进展太慢了? 这将怎么发展呢? [00:48.11]I know. You are a bit of a drama queen. 我知道 你就像是个戏剧女王 [00:51.88]You're so much better off. You just go from guy to guy having fun.. 你真是太厉害了 男朋友一个接着一个 享受乐趣... [00:56.32]and not worrying that it never turns into anything serious. 完全不担心没有结局 [01:00.79]I wouldn't say "never." 我不敢说“完全不” [01:03.19]You know, there is that guy. 有一次有个男的… [01:06.23]Okay, well, what about..? 好的,哪个…? [01:08.86]Okay, there's gotta be someone. 总该有个人吧 [01:11.60]- There isn't! That's what I'm saying. - Oh, my God, you're right! -根本就没有!我就说吧 -喔,天啊,你说的没错! [01:16.50]I know. And yet, here you are, all ready for the next date. 我知道,一段恋情才刚结束 马上又可以跟其他人约会 [01:21.48]I can't believe I never realized this before. 真不敢相信 我之前都没有注意到这点 [01:24.55]I'm in my 30s, and I've never been in a long-term relationship. 我已经三十几岁了 从来没有爱情长跑过 [01:28.98]Oh, my God, what's wrong with me? 喔,天啊,我是有什么毛病? [01:35.69]There's nothing wrong with you. 你没有什么毛病 [01:37.63]I mean, you don't strike me as the type of person that wants to get married. 我是说,你不像那种 看起来会想结婚的人 [01:43.13]I want to get married! 我想结婚! [01:45.67]No, please.. Please don't cry because of me. 别这样,拜托…别因为我而哭 [01:48.27]I don't know what I'm talking about, okay? I've been divorced three times. 我根本不知道我在说什么 我离婚三次了 [01:53.31]At least you've been married. 至少你结过婚 [01:55.14]Oh, my God! I want to trade lives with Ross?! 喔,我的天啊! 我竟然羡慕起罗斯了? [02:01.55]Phoebe. 菲比 [02:03.82]- What's wrong? - Nothing. I'm excited about our date. -怎么了? -没事,要跟你约会太兴奋了 [02:08.22]Mike, this is Ross Geller. Ross, this is Mike.. 麦克,这位是罗斯盖勒 罗斯,这位是麦克… [02:14.90]- Sorry, I didn't catch that. - Mike Hanigan. -对不起,我没有听清楚 -麦克汉尼根 [02:17.23]- Ross Geller. - Hey. -罗斯盖勒 -嘿 [02:19.40]So are you sure you're ready to go? 你确定准备好了吗? [02:23.37]How do I look? 我看起来怎样? [02:26.81]- Do you have a compact in your purse? - No. -你皮包里有小镜子吗? -没有 [02:30.41]You look great. 你看起来棒透了 [02:34.15]The One With The Sharks 本集播出:鲨鱼 [03:23.26]- Hey, Joey. - This girl won't turn around. -嘿,乔伊 -那个女的就是不转过来 [03:26.27]I can't tell if she's hot or not. What do you think? 我无法判断她是不是很辣 你觉得呢? [03:29.97]Joey, I am not going to objectify women with you. 乔伊,我不会跟你一起把女性物化的 [03:34.34]But if her face is as nice as her ass.. 但是如果她的脸 跟她的屁股一样棒的话… [03:36.78]- Mama! - All right. Thanks. -妈妈咪啊! -好的,谢谢 [03:39.15]- Have you talked to Chandler? - He has to stay in Tulsa this weekend. -你有跟钱德讲电话了吗? -他这周末要留在土尔沙 [03:42.95]- How come? - I don't know. He has to work. -为什么? -我不知道,有工作要做 [03:45.52]There's some big rush on the.. 要赶那个… [03:51.49]Damn it. I'm gonna have to start listening when he talks about his job. 讨厌!我应该要开始 认真听他讲工作的事了 [03:56.86]Why don't you fly out there and surprise him? 你何不飞过去给他个惊喜呢? [03:59.07]I'd love to. I really miss him. 我很想啊,我真的很想念他 [04:01.27]But I can't. I have one day off and it's just too expensive. 但是不行,我只有放一天假 而且机票太贵了 [04:04.51]Interesting. So Chandler's not worth the price of a plane ticket to you. 真好玩,所以机票钱 比钱德还重要 [04:10.11]Of course he is. 当然是钱德较重要 [04:13.01]Maybe I will go. 或许我应该飞过去 [04:16.82]We'll have a little second honeymoon at the Tulsa Ramada. 我们可以在土尔沙的饭店 来个二度小蜜月 [04:20.99]You should bring your black see-through teddy with the attached garters. 你应该带你那件黑色透明性感内衣 加上吊带裤袜 [04:29.53]- How do you know I have one of those? - Didn't until just now. -你怎么知道我有那件呢? -本来不知道,现在知道了 [04:36.00]Hot. Not hot. 辣,不辣 [04:39.41]Hot! 辣! [04:41.71]Excuse me? 什么? [04:46.18]I said that I think you're hot. 我说我觉得你很辣 [04:48.98]And.. now I'm embarrassed. 而…现在我糗死了 [04:52.49]I thought you said "hi." 我以为你是说“嗨” [04:55.29]That would've been better. 如果是那样就好了 [04:57.53]I'll try that. Hi, I'm Joey. 我来试试看,嗨,我是乔伊 [05:00.90]I'm Hayley. 我是海莉 [05:03.13]Look, I don't normally ask out women that I meet in coffeehouses. 通常我不约在咖啡店遇到的女生出去 [05:12.01]Gesundheit. 保重 [05:18.78]But.. 但是… [05:21.35]This is hard. I'm kind of shy. 真是很难开口,我有点害羞 [05:27.79]Seriously, you should see someone about that cold. 真的,你应该去看医生的 [05:30.29]If it gets much worse, you could die. 如果感冒越来越严重,你可是会死的 [05:35.80]- Anyway.. - I would love to go out with you. -反正… -我很乐意跟你出去 [05:39.57]Really? Great. 真的吗?太棒了 [05:42.67]Did I..? Did I actually ask you? 我有…我有开口约你吗? [05:45.54]That's just where you were going. I figured I'd help you out. 由你说话的方式 我就猜得到你要做什么 [05:48.98]You don't seem like the kind of guy who does this a lot? 你不像是那种经常这样的男生吧? [05:57.45]Damn it, Gunther, you gave it to me. 真是的,阿甘,你传染给我了 [06:05.39]Oh, it's you. 喔,是你 [06:07.43]With vegetarian corndogs. 我带了素食热狗 [06:12.37]Come on, I just want to talk to you. 别这样,我只想跟你说说话 [06:14.24]About what? How few ova I have left? 说什么?说我还剩下几个卵子吗? [06:17.81]Come on, I just wanna apologize for what happened yesterday. 别这样,我只想为昨天发生的事道歉 [06:22.08]I'm sorry, Phoebe. 我很抱歉,菲比 [06:25.38]That's okay, Ross. 没关系,罗斯 [06:32.09]- So how'd the date go? - Well, it was awful. -约会还好吗? -糟透了 [06:34.99]I barely got through dinner. 我几乎撑不过晚餐 [06:36.76]Every time I thought about what you said, I cried. 每次我想到你说的话,我就哭了 [06:39.86]I'm pretty sure he spent most of the night just staring at me in horror. 我非常肯定他整晚都惊恐的盯着我看 [06:45.07]But I couldn't know for sure because my eyes were swollen shut. 但是我无法真的确定 因为我的眼睛已经肿到张不开了 [06:50.37]You know I wasn't trying to make you cry. 你知道我不是故意要惹你哭的 [06:52.94]I was really trying to say something nice. 我本来是想要说一些很好听的话的 [06:55.74]I was basically saying even though you've never been in a serious relationship.. 我只是要说,即使你 从未有过认真的感情… [06:59.91]- Are we gonna do this again? - Sorry. -我们还要再讨论这个吗? -对不起 [07:03.05]- So he hasn't called? - Would you call this girl: -他还没打来吗? -你会打给这种女的吗? [07:06.09]"Thanks for.. a lovely.. evening"? “谢谢…美好…一晚” [07:10.36]Now I feel terrible. This is all my fault. 我觉得糟透了 这全都是我的错 [07:12.99]You know what you should feel terrible about? 你知道更糟的是什么吗? [07:15.70]This could have been my serious guy. 这男的有可能是可以认真的对象 [07:18.03]He was sweet and smart and funny. 他很体贴、聪明又风趣 [07:20.70]You know how hard it is to meet a guy like that? 你知道要遇到这样的男生有多难吗? [07:23.54]We are a rare breed. 我们的确是稀有动物 [07:29.84]Hey, maybe that's him. 嘿,可能就是他哦 [07:33.92]Hello? 喂? [07:35.35]Could you hold on one sec? 你可以等一下吗? [07:37.08]- I need some privacy. - Is it Mike? -我需要一点隐私 -是不是麦克呢? [07:39.92]No, it's a heavy breather. I'll take what I can get. 不,是骚扰电话 我现在什么都接了 [07:44.63]I'm listening. 我在线上 [07:51.47]What a great dinner. 晚餐实在太棒了 [07:53.33]Thanks again for letting me have that last piece of cake at the restaurant. 再次谢谢你让我吃最后一块蛋糕 [07:58.51]You're welcome again. I'm gonna go make some coffee. 不用客气,我要去煮咖啡 [08:02.04]- Can I get you anything? - Do you have any cake? -你要什么呢? -你有蛋糕吗? [08:10.82]So this is going pretty good. 真是进行的太顺利了 [08:13.15]Dinner was nice. We've got a lot in common. 晚餐很棒,我们有许多共同点 [08:16.56]Victoria 's Secret. “维多莉亚的秘密”(性感内衣目录) [08:18.79]We even like the same books. 我们甚至喜欢相同的书 [08:24.03]There's a scary painting. 这幅画真可怕 [08:26.50]Wait a minute. 等等 [08:28.04]I think I've been scared by that painting before. 我记得好像被这幅画给吓过 [08:33.04]You know what? This whole place looks familiar. 你知道吗? 这地方看起来真眼熟 [08:35.81]I have definitely been in this apartment. 我一定曾经来过这里 [08:38.08]I know I've seen this weird plant before. 我看过这棵可怕的植物 [08:41.78]It did that the last time! 它上次也是这样刺我! [08:44.55]Oh, my God. I've gone out with this girl before. 喔,天啊 我跟这个女的约会过 [08:47.69]Yeah! We had sex on this couch! 没错!我们在这沙发上做过爱! [08:50.26]And then on that chair, and.. No. 然后在那张椅子上 还有…,不对 [08:53.13]No, we didn't do it here.. 不对,没有在这里… [08:55.16]which is weird, because it seems like a perfectly good place. 这倒是很奇怪,看起来超适合的 [08:59.20]That's why. 这就是为什么 [09:08.84]Hey, Mike. Sorry to just drop by like this. Can I come in? 嘿,麦克,很抱歉这样跑过来 我可以进来吗? [09:13.38]Sure. 当然 [09:15.42]Who are you? 你是谁呢? [09:17.65]I'm Ross. Phoebe's friend from the coffeehouse? 我是罗斯,菲比在咖啡屋的朋友 [09:20.82]I really, really need to talk to you about something. 我真的非常需要跟你谈一件事 [09:24.79]Unless.. 除非… [09:26.16]You're not gonna try and get me to join a cult, are you? 你不是要拉我信什么教吧? [09:31.87]No, it's just, you know, you have that look. 没啦,因为,你知道的 你长得很像那种人 [09:35.87]Damn Supercuts! 该死的199剪发! [09:40.61]- Well, what's up? Is Phoebe okay? - Oh, yeah, yeah. -怎么回事呢?菲比还好吗? -喔,还好,还好 [09:44.21]Phoebe is great. But.. 菲比很好,但是… [09:47.62]I'm an idiot, okay? 我是个蠢蛋 [09:49.82]Right before you guys went out.. 就在你们出去约会前… [09:54.76]I accidentally got her all upset. 我不小心惹得她很难过 [09:59.49]That's why she was weird. 难怪她不对劲 [10:01.06]Yes. Yeah, I.. 是的,是啊,我… [10:05.70]Yeah, I said something stupid about her never having had a serious relationship. 我说了些蠢话,关于她从没有过 认真的恋爱关系等等 [10:10.91]But you should know, she is so much fun. A wonderful person. 但是你应该知道,她是很风趣的 很棒的一个人 [10:15.14]- Please, don't blow her off. - I'm not gonna blow her off. -拜托,别将她判出局 -我不会判她出局的 [10:19.48]I just spoke to her. We're going out tomorrow night. 我才刚跟她说完电话 我们明晚要出去 [10:22.58]I mean, I hope that's okay with you, stranger from the coffeehouse. 我是说,如果你没有意见的话 咖啡屋的陌生人 [10:30.49]That's great. So the crying didn't turn you off? 太棒了,所以她狂哭并没有吓跑你? [10:35.30]I just got out of a nine-year relationship with a manic-depressive. 我刚刚跟一个躁郁症患者 结束九年的恋情 [10:38.70]Compared to that, Phoebe's a Mousketeer. 跟她相比,菲比根本是只小猫 [10:41.74]Well, then, I didn't need to bother you. 好吧,那我就不需要再打扰你了 [10:44.74]You or the four other Mike Hanigans I bothered. 你,外加四个麦克汉尼根 都被我打扰了 [10:49.91]One of whom was quite large and a little flirty. 其中一个还很高壮 有点爱打情骂俏 [10:59.72]Wait. Wait. Wait. Wait. Is that true what you said? 等等,等等 你刚刚说的是真的吗? [11:03.62]Phoebe's never had a serious relationship? 菲比从未谈过认真的恋爱? [11:07.66]Of course she has. 她当然有过 [11:09.66]If she's never had a serious relationship.. 如果她没有谈过认真的恋爱… [11:12.33]do you think I'd go around broadcasting it.. 你认为我会到处去广播… [11:14.77]like some kind of unstoppable moron? 像是无法克制的白痴一样 见人就说吗? [11:20.37]- But you did say it. - Yes. Yes, I did. -但是你的确是那样说了 -是的,是的,我是说了 [11:25.88]And I will also say.. 而且我还会说… [11:28.52]what I'm about to say.. 我接下来要说的… [11:31.75]vis-a-vis.. 相对于… [11:34.02]the following. 以下的说法 [11:37.73]Phoebe has never had a serious relationship.. 菲比从未谈过认真的恋爱… [11:43.60]since.. 是从… [11:45.27]her super-serious relationship.. 她超级认真地… [11:50.17]with.. 跟… [11:51.57]Vikram. 伟软分手之后 [11:54.58]- Vikram? - What? That's a real name. -伟软? -怎样?那是真的名字 [12:06.59]Stop it! 停停吧! [12:08.46]Why couldn't they have sent me to Texas? 为什么不是派我去德州呢? [12:12.29]Seven o'clock. 七点钟 [12:14.60]Maybe I'll hit the gym. 或许我该去健身房 [12:22.47]Who am I kidding? Pay-per-view porn. 少来了,还是看情色频道好了 [12:39.72]- Do not disturb! Do not disturb! - Surprise! -不要打扰!不要打扰! -惊喜吧! [12:44.79]- Monica? - Is everything all right? -摩妮卡? -一切都还好吧? [12:47.63]Yeah, everything's great. I was just.. 是啊,一切都很好 我刚刚… [12:49.73]watching some regular television there. 在看一些正常的电视节目 [12:53.23]What a pleasant surprise. 这个惊喜真是太令人兴奋了 [13:03.51]- I'm gonna go freshen up, okay? - Okay, honey. -我去梳洗一下,好吗? -好的,亲爱的 [13:12.12]That was close. 差一点点 [13:25.23]- Hello. - Hey, Rach, it's me. -喂 -嘿,瑞秋,是我 [13:27.74]Okay, I just got to Chandler's room, and I caught him.. 我刚到钱德的房间 然后看到他… [13:32.21]molesting himself. 正在自摸 [13:35.94]That couldn't have been pretty. 那划面可能不是很好看 [13:38.21]But you know, guys do that. 但是你知道的,男生常那样做的 [13:40.48]Well, the weird part is.. 但是,很奇怪的是… [13:42.15]he was getting off.. to a shark-attack show! 他在看的是鲨鱼攻击影片耶! [13:46.09]- No! - Yes! Chandler watches shark porn! -好恶! -是的!钱德竟然在看鲨鱼色情片! [13:58.17]- While watching sharks? - Yeah. -在看鲨鱼的时候? -是啊 [14:00.40]Are you sure that's what he was doing? 你确定他是在做那档事吗? [14:02.90]You know how many times I've seen him jump up like that? 你知道我看他 那样跳起来过多少次了吗? [14:05.97]Believe me, I know what he was doing. 相信我,我知道他在做什么 [14:09.08]Man! Sharks! 天啊!鲨鱼! [14:11.71]I always knew there was something weird about that dude. 我就知道那个人有地方不对劲 [14:15.78]You promised to love him no matter what. 你发誓过无论如何都要爱他的 [14:17.75]"What" means, like, if he gets a disease or kills someone. “无论如何”讲的是像如果他得病 还是杀了人什么的 [14:22.42]Not if he gets his jollies to Jaws. 而不是如果 他把小弟弟放到鲨鱼嘴里 [14:27.16]You know what, honey? Guys are just different. 你知道吗?亲爱的 男生是很不一样的 [14:29.53]They like things that we can't understand. 他们喜欢一些我们无法理解的东西 [14:32.30]I once dated this guy who wanted to pretend.. 我曾经约会过一个男的 总是想要假装… [14:34.80]that he was an archeologist, and I was this.. 他是考古学家 而我是… [14:38.14]naughty cavewoman who he unfroze from a block of ice. 他从冰块中解救出来 调皮的山顶洞女人 [14:44.65]Are you talking about my brother? 你是在说我哥吗? [14:46.78]I didn't disguise that very well, did I? 我装得不像,对不对? [14:51.85]- Hey. - Hi. -嘿 -嗨 [14:53.09]I went out with this girl last night. Halfway through our date I realized.. 我昨晚跟一个女孩子出去 我到一半的时候才发现… [14:57.36]I already slept with her. 我已经跟她上过床了 [15:00.96]You've slept with all the women in N.Y., and now you're going around again? 所以你已经跟全纽约的女人上过床了 现在只是从头开始再来一次? [15:05.60]That's not even the weird part. 这还不是最奇怪的地方 [15:07.27]- She didn't remember sleeping with me! - You don't remember sleeping with her. -她竟然不记得跟我上过床了! -你也不记得跟她上过床啊 [15:11.61]But she should remember sleeping with me. I am very memorable! 但是她应该要记得的 我可是很令人难忘的! [15:16.48]- You guys know. - How do we know? -你们知道的 -我们怎么会知道呢? [15:18.55]- We've never slept with you. - And whose fault is that? -我们又没有跟你上过床 -那是谁的错呢? [15:23.12]What's the big deal? You forgot, she forgot. 又没有什么大不了的 你忘了,她忘了 [15:25.62]- Maybe you were having an off night. - Hey! -或许那天晚上你没有达阵! -嘿! [15:31.46]I never have an off night. Okay? 我向来都有达阵的,好吗? [15:34.23]Although, sometimes if I'm a little bloated, I don't feel that sexy. 虽然有时候如果我吃太胀 可能就不会觉得很性感 [15:37.77]But even then, I'm better than most! 但是即使是那样,我都比别人强! [15:41.37]Honey, why don't you just let it go and ask her out again? 亲爱的,你何不就此释怀 再约她出去呢? [15:44.64]You're both so slutty, you don't remember who you slept with. 你们都是骚货 你们根本都不记得跟谁上过床 [15:47.78]You're made for each other. 你们是天生的一对 [15:51.21]Interesting. 真有趣 [15:54.45]Well, I'll go out with her again and I'll try to get past it. 好吧,我会再跟她出去 然后忘了过去 [15:57.99]No salt! Bloaty! 不吃盐!会胀气! [16:00.85]- Joey? - What? -乔伊? -干嘛? [16:02.46]You don't think sharks are sexy, do you? 你会觉得鲨鱼很性感吗? [16:04.69]No. 不会 [16:06.63]Wait a minute. Wait, what was the Little Mermaid? 等一下,等等 小美人鱼是鲨鱼吗? [16:13.30]It's open! 门没锁! [16:15.94]- Hey. - Mike called! We're going out again! -嘿 -麦克打电话来了,我们要再约会了! [16:23.51]Quick thing. I went to talk to Mike. 一件小事,我去找麦克谈过 [16:26.08]What? 什么? [16:27.65]What did you..? What did you do, Ross? 你做…? 你做了什么?罗斯 [16:30.18]Oh, boy. You got mad at that part. 喔,天啊,光这样你就生气了 [16:33.92]I went over there, you know, to tell him how.. 我过去找他,告诉他… [16:36.99]How great you are. But.. 你是个很棒的人,但是… [16:40.76]Well, you know me. Blah-blah-blah. 嗯,你知道我的,话太多了 [16:45.80]- And I ended up telling him that.. - What? -然后我最后竟然告诉他… -什么? [16:50.64]You had a six-year-long relationship.. 你有过六年的恋情… [16:53.94]with a guy named Vikram. 跟一个叫做伟软的人 [16:57.71]What? Why? 什么?为什么? [16:59.88]Well, he seemed.. 因为,他… [17:02.72]to bum hard when I told him you'd never been in a serious relationship. 在我说你从未谈过 认真的恋情之后,好像有点惊讶 [17:11.99]If you hadn't just had a baby with my best friend.. 如果你不是刚跟我 最要好的朋友生下小孩 [17:15.00]I swear to Lucifer.. 我跟撒旦发誓… [17:18.53]a rabid dog would be feasting on your danglers right now! 一只狂犬病疯狗正要吃掉 你裤档里的那根东西了! [17:24.20]I think you'll feel differently when you know.. 我想如果你知道多一点关于伟软的事… [17:27.31]a little bit about Vikram. 你会感觉好多了 [17:30.21]Okay, he's a.. 好的,他是… [17:32.38]He's a kite designer. 他是风筝设计师 [17:37.48]And he used to date Oprah. 而且他曾经跟于美人约会过 [17:42.39]I'm not going along with some lie you made up, Ross. 我不会跟你唱双簧说谎的,罗斯 [17:46.39]- I'm just gonna be honest with him. - Good. -我会跟他老实说 -很好 [17:48.96]Just be honest with him. 跟他老实说 [17:50.86]- I have nothing to be ashamed of. - No. -我没有什么好隐瞒的 -没错 [17:53.13]So I haven't been in a relationship that lasted longer than a month. 就算我的每段感情 都没有超过一个月… [17:57.77]Okay? I haven't had a real boyfriend. 那又如何呢?是啊 我是没有过真正的男朋友 [18:00.41]If he can't handle it, then he can leave. Which he will. 如果他无法接受 那他可以离开,我想他会离开的 [18:05.18]And, you know, that's okay. So I'll just be alone forever. 而这一切都没有关系 我只不过会永远孤单而已 [18:08.98]You know, all right. It'll be fine. It'll be fine. 都没关系了,一切都会没事的 [18:11.92]I'll go on walking tours with widows and lesbians. 我就跟寡妇还有同性恋一起出去玩嘛 [18:17.96]- I'll get it. - Okay. -我去开门 -好的 [18:22.76]I'm trying to remember the last time I opened a door and you weren't there. 让我想想有哪一次,开门的人不是你 [18:30.00]Phoebe, are you okay? 菲比,你还好吗? [18:34.51]Yeah. There's just.. 还好,只不过是… [18:38.61]There's something you should know. 有件事你必须要知道 [18:43.28]Vikram just called. 伟软刚打电话来 [18:47.62]So it was really a shock after 25 years of marriage.. 所以在经历二十五年的婚姻之后 这真是很让人惊讶 [18:50.69]my parents getting divorced. I took it the hardest.. 我的模范父母竟然要离婚 我真的很难接受 [18:53.79]- because I was the youngest. - Sure. Yeah. -因为我是老么 -当然啰 [18:56.73]How can you not remember me? 你怎么会忘了我是谁? [18:59.73]What? 什么? [19:00.97]How could you not remember that we slept together? 你怎么会忘了我们上过床? [19:03.07]- What? When? - I don't know! -什么?何时? -我不知道! [19:06.67]I really, really think I would remember sleeping with you. 我真的、真的认为 如果有我会记得的 [19:10.11]Come on, come on. Search your brain, all right? It was.. 快点,快点 仔细回想,好吗?那就在… [19:13.71]a certain amount of time ago. I was here. You were here. 之前某个时候 我在这里,你在这里 [19:17.52]We had sex here, here, here.. 我们在这里,这里,这里… [19:20.12]Not there. 没有那里,嘿咻 [19:22.22]- Anything? - No, it's not ringing any bells. -想起来了吗? -没,一点印象也没有 [19:25.53]My God, woman! 天啊,女人! [19:27.86]How many people have you been with not to remember this? 你跟多少人上过床 让你根本不记得我? [19:30.90]Hey, Hayley. We really gotta fix that doorknob. 嘿,海莉 我们真的要修理那个门把了 [19:35.77]Joey? 乔伊? [19:41.51]I slept with you! 我跟你上过床! [19:45.28]And you obviously remember me! Hey, I still got it! 而且很明显的你记得我! 嘿,表示我还不赖! [19:49.28]So we're good. 所以我们还好嘛 [19:52.12]I'll let myself out. 我自己出去 [19:56.09]And I said, "Okay, Vikram.. 然后我说,伟软… [19:59.23]you can't just call every time you get lonely. 你不能每次寂寞就打电话给我 [20:02.83]You gave up that right when you slept with Rachel." 在你跟瑞秋上床之后 你就没有那个权力了 [20:07.47]Rachel? I thought she just had a baby with Ross. 瑞秋?我以为她才刚生下罗斯的小孩 [20:10.04]Yeah, well.. 是啊,嗯… [20:12.14]Yeah. 是啊 [20:14.31]But Emma's birth certificate might say "Geller".. 艾犸的出生证明上或许生父是罗斯… [20:17.58]but her eyes say "Mukherjee." 但是她长得像伟软 [20:21.78]That is so wrong. And on top of that, he's a glue sniffer? 这实在太糟了 而且他还吸强力胶? [20:25.85]I know. But he calls, and my heart goes to him. 我知道,但是他打来时 我的心就飞向他了 [20:28.96]You know, that bastard is one smooth-talking freelance kite designer. 你知道的,那个浑蛋是个很会 说话的风筝设计师 [20:35.86]If you want, I'll mess him up for you. 如果你要的话,我可以帮你修理他 [20:41.13]You would do that? 真的吗? [20:42.67]Unless he's big. If he's really big, I'll send him.. 除非他很大只 如果他真的很大只,我会给他… [20:46.41]a rude letter. 一封信,骂死他 [20:49.41]I think there's somebody better out there for you. 我想有更好的人在等着你 [20:53.21]I mean, you know, I'm.. I'm not saying me, but.. 我是说,你知道的,我… 我不是指我,但是… [20:57.92]Maybe.. me. 或许…是我 [21:02.92]And you don't have to worry about glue-sniffing with me. 而且你不用担心我会吸强力胶 [21:05.99]Although, I do smell the occasional Magic Marker. 虽然有时候我会闻马克笔的味道 [21:10.93]Yeah. Anyway, I just.. 是啊,反正,我只是… [21:14.27]I think I can make you happy. 我想我可以让你快乐 [21:20.24]- Okay, I can't do this. - What's wrong? -好了,我办不到 -怎么了? [21:22.84]Well, there is no Vikram. Ross made him up. 根本没有伟软这个人 罗斯乱扯的 [21:27.05]Because I.. 因为我… [21:28.68]I really never have been in a long-term relationship. 我从未有过爱情长跑 [21:31.75]I've never lived with a guy. I've never even celebrated an anniversary. 我从未跟男人同居过 从来没有庆祝交往一周年 [21:36.46]So.. 所以… [21:39.56]If that's too weird for you.. 如果这对你而言太奇怪… [21:42.66]and you want to leave, I understand. 所以你想现在就走人 我可以理解 [21:44.97]In fact, I'll close my eyes to make it less awkward. 事实上,我要闭上双眼 让这一切不至于太尴尬 [21:55.81]You kissed me. 你亲了我 [22:00.61]- You don't think I'm a total freak? - No. -你不认为我是怪人吗? -不 [22:04.02]Well.. 那么… [22:06.45]Look, can I..? 那,我可不…? [22:08.09]Can I think you're a little weird and also cool.. 我可不可以认为你有点怪 但又有点酷… [22:11.36]for telling me the truth and also want to kiss you? 因为你告诉我事情的真相 而且让我想亲你? [22:13.99]I guess so. 我想应该可以 [22:16.50]Can I think it's cool that you kissed me.. 我可不可以认为,你亲我真是很酷… [22:19.13]and also want to kiss you again? 而且我想要亲回去? [22:23.27]And be a little concerned about the Magic Markers? 有一点担心马克笔的事可以吗? [22:27.67]Definitely. 当然可以 [22:36.12]This is Vikram. 我是伟软 [22:41.86]I need to talk to you about the long-term relationship we had. 我需要跟你谈我们之间 那段长期的恋情 [22:46.56] [22:55.27]Hi, honey, I'm home. 嗨,亲爱的,我回来了 [22:58.44]Hi. 嗨 [22:59.87]- How was your flight? - It was great. -旅途还好吗? -不错 [23:02.74]I ordered a pool float from the Sky Mall. 我从飞机上的购物目录订了浮板 [23:08.05]Why'd I do that? 为什么我要订呢? [23:11.28]Why don't you sit down. 过来坐下吧 [23:13.32]Get yourself comfortable. 放轻松、舒服点 [23:14.96]Because I have a little.. 因为我有个小… [23:17.79]surprise for you. 惊喜要给你 [23:21.13]Well, well, well. It must be 5:00 in Tulsa.. 喔,喔,喔 土尔沙现在一定是五点… [23:23.93]because it's "sex o'clock" in N.Y.C.! 因为纽约现在是“六”点(音近性)! [23:29.50]Okay. This is how much I love you. 好了,这代表我有多爱你 [23:34.88]The great white.. 大白鲨… [23:42.68]Honey? 亲爱的? [23:44.48]Why am I watching a bunch of sharks swimming around? 为什么要我看一群鲨鱼游来游去呢? [23:49.06]Is this..? Is this not the good part? 这不是…? 这不是你爱看的吗? [23:51.53]Do you want me to fast-forward to something.. toothier? 要我快转吗? 转到露齿…比较多的地方吗? [23:56.43]No, I'm just not sure that you got the right movie, that's all. 不,我只是想确定 你是不是拿错了录影带 [24:01.57]This is the only one they had at our video store. 录影带店里只有这一卷 [24:04.34]Though they did have something called Crocodile Killers. 不过他们倒是有一部叫“鳄鱼杀手”的 [24:07.61]Or does it always have to be sharks? 还是说,你非要鲨鱼不可呢? [24:12.55]Does what always have to be sharks? 为什么我非要鲨鱼不可? [24:14.75]Look, we can do something else. 听着,我们可以来点别的 [24:17.12]Do you want me to get into the tub and.. thrash? 你要我到浴缸里…再用力扭吗? [24:23.06]- What's going on? - It's okay. It's okay. -到底是怎么回事? -没关系,没关系的 [24:26.79]I still love you. 我还是爱你的 [24:28.60]- Let me be a part of this. - Let me be a part of this! -让我了解这一切 -是你应该让我了解这一切! [24:33.97]I saw what you were doing in Tulsa. 我看到你在土尔沙做的事 [24:36.37]Angry sharks turn you on! 愤怒的鲨鱼让你“性”奋! [24:40.47]No, they don't. 不,并没有 [24:42.64]Then why were you watching them and giving yourself a treat? 那为什么你一边看着他们 一边自己玩呢? [24:47.45]Oh, my God! When you came in, I switched the channel. 喔,天啊!当你一进来 我就转台了 [24:50.92]I was just watching regular porn. 我本来只是在看一般的色情片 [24:54.69]Really? 真的吗? [24:55.99]Yes. Just some good, old-fashioned, American, girl-on-girl action. 是的,只不过是一些正常 老套、美式的女对女动作片 [25:02.30]Can I tell you how happy that makes me? 这件事真是让我太高兴了 [25:07.00]You are an amazing wife. 你是个不可思议的老婆 [25:10.14]Really, you are amazing. You were actually gonna do this for me? 真的,太不可思议了 你真的愿意为我这样做? [25:13.67]Where do you find the strength and the understanding for that? 你是怎么会有这样的 意志跟谅解呢? [25:19.21]I'm very, very drunk right now. 因为我现在非常、非常地醉 [25:28.86]Ordinarily, I would talk to her, but my confidence is shaken. 通常我会去跟她搭讪的 但是我的自信已经动摇了 [25:32.33]Did I sleep with her? Did I not sleep with her? 我有跟她上床吗? 我没有跟她上床吗? [25:35.83]Maybe this is a wake-up call. You know, about your whole dating attitude. 或许该是你反省的时候了 检讨你的整个约会态度 [25:40.67]You're in your 30s and you have never been in a long-term relationship. 你已经三十好几了 没有谈过一个长期的恋爱 [25:46.04]Here you go from woman to woman.. 女人从一个换到另一个… [25:48.11]meaningless experience to meaningless experience. 没有意义的关系 换到另一个没有意义的关系 [25:50.68]Never even worrying that it doesn't turn into something more serious. 从不担心这些恋情都没有任何的发展 [25:54.48]You're right. I love my life! 你说的没错,我爱死我的人生了! [26:01.69]I actually did sleep with her. 事实上我跟她上过床了