
歌曲 MadiDrop
歌手 英语听力
专辑 VOA慢速英语:农业报道


[00:00.10] From VOA Learning English,
[00:02.38] this is the Agriculture Report.
[00:05.56] Students at the University of Virginia
[00:08.60] have developed a new way of purifying water.
[00:13.08] They say it could bring improved water quality
[00:16.41] to millions of people in the developing world.
[00:19.97] They called it MadiDrop.
[00:22.41] Field testing begins recently in South Africa.
[00:26.26] The laboratory in which the MadiDrop is made
[00:30.25] operates like a kitchen.
[00:32.89] Workers add ingredients and mix, weigh, press and bake.
[00:41.42] What the workers are making
[00:43.46] is a ceramic disc that contains silver.
[00:47.45] When the disc is dropped in water,
[00:49.79] silver ions are released to purify the water.
[00:54.12] Ions are atoms that have an electrical charge.
[00:58.20] Testing at the University of Virginia
[01:01.74] shows that the disc produces clean, safe water.
[01:06.27] Beeta Ehdaie is a doctoral candidate at UVA.
[01:11.11] "It's not just about making a really great technology
[01:15.17] that effectively removes or kills bacteria and pathogens.
[01:20.22] It's about making a low cost, simple to use one,
[01:24.06] tailored to people in developing countries
[01:26.10] who don't have many resources."
[01:27.54] The students are experimenting with different sizes of MadiDrops
[01:32.27] to match them with different sized water containers.
[01:36.31] Why the name "MadiDrop"?
[01:39.28] The word "madi" means water in Tshivenda,
[01:43.56] a language of Limpopo Province in South Africa.
[01:47.54] There, fifty women run a factory that makes water filters.
[01:52.57] The university started the factory last summer.
[01:57.17] The women mix sawdust and clay to make flower pot shaped filters
[02:02.66] that they use to purify drinking water.
[02:06.26] The water flows through the filters
[02:09.26] is which trap bacteriaand solid particles.
[02:12.49] The factory sells the filters to local families.
[02:16.52] Manager Certinah Khashane says
[02:21.32] the work has changed the women's lives.
[02:23.87] "When they get money for those pots,
[02:26.98] they just buying school uniform for their children."
[02:30.94] But the MadiDrop is smaller and less expensive than the filters.
[02:36.42] Over the next few months,
[02:38.27] students will test the MadiDrop in South Africa.
[02:41.94] Maggie Montgomery is a water expert
[02:45.57] with the World Health Organization.
[02:48.52] Over Skype, she explained what field testing should show.
[02:52.90] "Do they find it convenient,
[02:54.35] does it have a certain taste they don't like to the water,
[02:57.88] what happens once it becomes exhausted?"
[03:01.32] If the testing is successful,
[03:04.36] the South African women will make and sell the MadiDrops.
[03:08.46] The goal is to expand such factories to other developing countries
[03:14.45] and improve millions of lives each year.
[03:18.69] Jim Smith is a UVA engineering professor.
[03:23.16] He leads the project.
[03:25.25] "Imagine a magic stone and you take this magic stone
[03:29.64] and you drop it in your water container.
[03:31.43] It purifies the water and makes it safe to drink.
[03:34.87] And then imagine that this magic stone only costs a few dollars.
[03:38.90] That's what a MadiDrop is."
[03:41.34] Professor Smith says he has received calls
[03:44.82] from companies that want to make the MadiDrop.
[03:48.26] And that's the Agriculture Report from VOA Learning English.
[03:53.47] I'm Christopher Cruise.


[00:00.10] xuǎn zì VOA màn sù yīng yǔ
[00:02.38] xià miàn shì nóng yè bō bào
[00:05.56] měi guó fú jí ní yà dà xué de xué zhě
[00:08.60] yǐ jīng yán zhì yī zhǒng jìng huà shuǐ de xīn fāng fǎ
[00:13.08] tā men shēng míng zhè zhǒng fāng fǎ kě yǐ gǎi shàn shuǐ zhì
[00:16.41] miàn xiàng yú guǎng dà fā zhǎn zhōng guó jiā de rén
[00:19.97] tā men chēng zhī wéi MadiDrop
[00:22.41] xiàn chǎng cè shì zuì jìn zài nán fēi zhǎn kāi
[00:26.26] zài MadiDrop yán zhì de shí yàn shì lǐ
[00:30.25] máng de bù kě kāi jiāo jiù xiàng chú fáng yí yàng
[00:32.89] gōng rén men tiān jiā yuán liào rán hòu hùn hé, yā zhì, hōng kǎo
[00:41.42] gōng rén men zài zhì zuò de
[00:43.46] shì yī zhǒng dài yín de táo cí pán
[00:47.45] dāng zhè zhǒng pán bèi fàng rù shuǐ zhōng
[00:49.79] yín lí zǐ bèi shì fàng chū lái jìng huà shuǐ
[00:54.12] lí zǐ shì yí gè yǒu diàn hè de yuán zǐ
[00:58.20] zài fú jí ní yà dà xué de yán jiū
[01:01.74] biǎo míng zhè zhǒng pán kě yǐ shēng chǎn chū chún jìng ān quán de shuǐ
[01:06.27] Beeta Ehdaie shì fú jí ní yà dà xué de yī míng bó shì shēng
[01:11.11] shuō," zhè bìng bù zhǐ shì yí gè wěi dà de kē jì jìn bù
[01:15.17] tóng shí tā yǒu xiào dì xiāo chú huò shā sǐ le xì jūn hé bìng yuán tǐ"
[01:20.22] bìng qiě dī chéng běn shǐ yòng jiǎn dān
[01:24.06] shì yòng yú méi yǒu tài duō zī yuán de
[01:26.10] fā zhǎn zhōng guó jiā
[01:27.54] xué zhě men yòng bù tóng dà xiǎo de MadiDrop zuò shí yàn
[01:32.27] yǐ zhī lái shì yìng bù tóng róng liàng de róng qì
[01:36.31] wèi shí me yào mìng míng wèi MadiDrop ne?
[01:39.28] madi zài wén dá yǔ zhòng yì wèi shuǐ
[01:43.56] yī zhǒng zài nán fēi lín bō bō shěng de yǔ yán
[01:47.54] zài na r, 50 míng nǚ xìng jīng yíng yī jiā zhì zào lǜ shuǐ qì de gōng chǎng
[01:52.57] shì fú jí ní yà dà xué qù nián xià tiān kāi bàn de
[01:57.17] nǚ rén men jiāng jù mù xiè hé nián tǔ hùn hé, rán hòu zuò chéng huā pén zhuàng de lǜ shuǐ qì
[02:02.66] yòng lái jìng huà yǐn yòng shuǐ
[02:06.26] dāng shuǐ liú guò guo lǜ qì
[02:09.26] xì jūn hé gù tǐ kē lì huì bèi guò lǜ chū lái
[02:12.49] zhè jiā gōng chǎng bǎ zhèi xiē guò lǜ qì chū shòu gěi dāng dì jū mín
[02:16.52] jīng lǐ Certinah Khashane shuō
[02:21.32] zhè xiàng gōng zuò gǎi biàn le fù nǚ men de shēng huó
[02:23.87] " dāng tā men dé dào le mài lǜ shuǐ qì de qián,
[02:26.98] tā men jiù kě yǐ gěi zì jǐ de hái zi mǎi xiào fú le"
[02:30.94] dàn shì MadiDrop bǐ zhèi xiē guò lǜ qì gèng xiǎo gèng pián yí
[02:36.42] zài jiē xià lái de jǐ gè yuè qī jiān
[02:38.27] xué zhě men jiāng zài nán fēi kǎo chá MadiDrop
[02:41.94] Maggie Montgomery shì yí gè shuǐ zhuān jiā
[02:45.57] shì shì jiè wèi shēng zǔ zhī de
[02:48.52] tōng guò Skype, tā jiě shì le cǐ cì cè shì de mù dì
[02:52.90] " tā men huì jué de tā fāng biàn me
[02:54.35] tā huì yǒu yī zhǒng tā men bù xǐ huān de tè shū de wèi dào me
[02:57.88] rú guǒ yòng wán shī xiào yǐ hòu zěn me bàn"
[03:01.32] rú guǒ kǎo chá chéng gōng de huà
[03:04.36] nán fēi de fù nǚ jiàng huì zhì zuò hé shòu mài MadiDrop
[03:08.46] mù biāo shì xiàng qí tā fā zhǎn zhōng guó jiā tuī guǎng cǐ zhǒng gōng chǎng
[03:14.45] měi nián gǎi shàn guǎng dà rén mín de shēng huó
[03:18.69] Jim Smith shì fú jí ní yà dà xué de gōng chéng xué jiào shòu
[03:23.16] yóu tā lǐng dǎo zhè gè xiàng mù
[03:25.25] " xiǎng xiàng yī xià zhè shì yí kuài yǒu mó fǎ de shí tou,
[03:29.64] nǐ jiāng zhè kuài shí tou diū rù shuǐ róng qì zhōng,
[03:31.43] tā jiù huì jìng huà shuǐ, bìng shǐ de tā kě yǐ ān quán yǐn yòng.
[03:34.87] tóng shí xiǎng xiàng tā jǐn jǐn zhǐ xū yào yī měi yuán."
[03:38.90] zhè jiù shì MadiDrop
[03:41.34] shǐ mì sī jiào shòu shuō tā yǐ jīng jiē dào le xǔ duō diàn huà
[03:44.82] lái zì xiǎng yào shēng chǎn MadiDrop de gōng sī
[03:48.26] yǐ shàng jiù shì VOA màn sù yīng yǔ cǐ cì bō bào de nóng yè bào dào
[03:53.47] wǒ shì Christopher Cruise.