[00:00.10]From VOA Learning English, [00:01.75]this is the Agriculture Report. [00:05.13]A decline in the number of honeybees [00:08.23]is a growing problem worldwide. [00:11.26]The decreasing bee population could contribute [00:14.91]to an increase in prices for crops [00:17.74]that depend on pollination by honeybees. [00:21.29]Researchers continue to study the decline [00:24.22]while beekeepers like Terrence Ingram [00:27.62]struggle to keep their bee colonies alive. [00:31.05]He says he loves being at the center of a swarm of bees. [00:38.97]"I love beekeeping. It's one of God's greatest miracles." [00:44.01]He has raised honeybees since 1954 in managed colonies [00:49.59]behind his house in rural Apple River, Illinois. [00:54.27]"We had 250 hives at one time. [00:56.41]We sold five, six tons of honey a year." [00:59.97]But that number is declining. [01:02.31]"Now we’re down to about probably four tons." [01:05.25]Not because the 73 year-old beekeeper is slowing down, [01:09.59]but because there are fewer bees producing honey. [01:13.83]He says the decline in his bee population began in 1996. [01:20.05]he blames that decline on the use of insecticides [01:24.38]and herbicides on the farmland surrounding his property. [01:29.17]"Every three weeks that summer, [01:30.82]they were spraying with the airplane, [01:32.81]and by the end of the year, [01:34.35]I didn't have any of my 250 hives left." [01:36.49]This caught the attention of researchers like Christian Krupke, [01:41.54]a professor at Purdue University who studies bees and other insects. [01:47.52]"There have been similar reports from Europe in the past, [01:50.85]and so we looked into it a little bit further [01:52.80]from the point of view of wondering [01:54.29]first of all what is killing these bees, [01:56.39]and second of all how are these bees acquiring [01:58.93]whatever this toxic chemical is." [02:01.51]Experts say there are many reasons for the worldwide bee decline, [02:06.35]not just insecticides. [02:08.89]But in this case, Proffessor Krupke and his colleagues [02:13.32]thought insecticides might be the cause. [02:16.91]So they studied the insecticides [02:20.61]- known as neonicotinoids - that are applied to seeds [02:24.49]as they are planted in the ground, rather than sprayed from above. [02:29.12]"The two compounds that kept coming up when we tested these dead bees [02:33.24]were the pesticides clothianidin and thiamethoxam. [02:37.32]Those are insecticides that are applied to corn seeds." [02:39.60]About 30 years ago, [02:41.45]there were 4 million managed bee colonies throughout the United States. [02:47.07]Today, there are fewer than 2 million. [02:51.36]Researchers like Professor Krupke blame that in part on the use of insecticides. [02:57.14]"Can we get by without neonicotinoids insecticides in these field crops? [03:01.67]I believe we can. I believe we have data that show that we can." [03:04.52]This December, the European Union plans [03:08.20]to ban the use of some insecticides [03:10.69]that researchers have linked to bee deaths. [03:14.33]No such restrictions are planned in the United States. [03:18.62]Illinois beekeeper Terrence Ingram says [03:22.31]some of the damage already done is permanent. [03:26.34]"We've got many bee keepers around here that have quit, [03:29.19]just gone out of business because they can't succeed." [03:32.03]But not Terrence Ingram, he says his passion for bees [03:36.32]is just as strong as it was when he tended his first colony, [03:41.34]more than 60 years ago. [03:44.03]"See one bee coming out right here, she is attend coming up." [03:49.86]And that's the Agriculture Report from VOA Learning English. [03:55.25]I'm Christopher Cruise.