[00:00.100]This is the Agriculture Report. [00:03.050]Irrigation systems can make a big difference [00:06.930]in agricultural production. [00:09.070]Irrigation can also improve the lives of farm families. [00:14.710]However, the addition of water to the land or soil [00:19.090]may cause problems in some areas. [00:22.820]A new study describes how irrigation water [00:27.260]can lead to an increase in malaria cases [00:30.990]that could last for ten years or more. [00:35.170]Malaria is spread by mosquitoes, [00:38.800]the insects like to reproduce in standing water. [00:43.280]So when a dry area is irrigated, [00:47.420]the disease can appear and spread. [00:51.600]Mercedes Pascual is a scientist at the University of Michigan. [00:57.580]She and her team studied areas in northern India [01:02.600]where irrigation systems were built over a number of years. [01:08.380]They compared how malaria progressed with the spread of irrigation. [01:15.600]"What happens is that when you irrigate, there is more, [01:18.590]in a sense, more breeding habitats for the mosquito." [01:22.270]She and the other scientist found [01:25.890]that after farmers began irrigating their crops, [01:29.820]the risk of malaria rose sharply. [01:33.560]At first, her team thought maybe the number of cases rose [01:39.440]because there was little effort to control the mosquitoes [01:44.420]that spread the disease. But they were wrong. [01:47.800]"In fact, we saw the opposite. [01:49.440]This transition stage was characterized not just [01:55.910]by heightened malaria risk, [01:58.350]but also by more intervention to control the mosquito vector." [02:03.430]Even after the mosquito control efforts were in place, [02:08.110]the researchers found high rates of malaria [02:12.010]continued for ten years or longer. [02:15.990]Mercedes Pascual suggests that the irrigation project supervisors [02:22.860]need to work more on reducing places [02:26.050]where mosquitoes might reproduce. [02:29.380]She also says health officials may need to try other methods of [02:35.410]malaria prevention that would work for long periods of time. [02:40.290]"And what we are saying is that those measures have to be sustained, [02:44.820]and sustained and also planned for, for the long term." [02:48.660]In the words of the researchers, [02:51.700]irrigation offers considerable rewards in areas with low rainfall. [02:58.670]But as Mrs Pscual and her team discovered irrigation [03:03.690]also can bring years of high rates of malaria. [03:08.480]The only way to avoid the problem [03:11.960]is through better planning and control measures. [03:15.410]A report on the study was published [03:18.940]in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences [03:22.470]of the United States of America. [03:25.460]And that's the Agriculture Report from VOA Learning English.