[00:03.530]- Hey. - Hi. - [00:06.770]Phoebe, what's wrong? [00:08.440] I'm just so exhausted from dragging around this huge engagement ring. [00:12.140]- Oh, my God. - Congratulations. - [00:15.080]So did he get on one knee? Did he have a speech prepared? [00:18.280]Oh, did he cry? [00:22.220]Yeah, big surprise, I like proposals. [00:26.120]Well, it was really sweet, and, like, the most romantic thing ever. [00:30.490]Here's to Phoebe, who's found the greatest guy in the world. [00:33.960]To Phoebe and.. [00:35.300]I want to say "Mike"? [00:38.000]- To Phoebe and Mike. - Hey. - [00:40.670]Thank you. Oh, and I have something for you. [00:43.510]It's my little black book. It's got the numbers of all the guys I've dated. [00:47.340]Oh, Phoebe, that's nice, but you know what? I think I'm okay. [00:51.910]Give it to one of your other single girlfriends. [00:54.250]I would, but you're the last one. [00:58.350]Give me the book! [01:01.360]"Pablo Diaz. [01:03.390]Brady Smith. [01:06.090]Guy in Van"? [01:08.000]Oh, my first love. [01:11.300]What is the red X next to Bob Gremore's name mean? [01:14.740] Dead. [01:17.870]Oh, it's okay. No, he was old. Yeah. [01:21.510]And he lived a full life. He was in the first wave at Omaha Beach. I should've given you guys my black book when I got married. [01:26.310]And he lived a full life. He was in the first wave at Omaha Beach. I should've given you guys my black book when I got married. [01:29.350]Although, it wasn't so much a book as a napkin.. [01:33.660]With Janice's phone number on it. ...。 [01:36.760]Phoebe, isn't Jethro Tull a band? [01:43.830]Oh, yes, they are. [02:35.980]Hey, honey. [02:38.390]Hey, sweetie. [02:40.520]- Is Monica not here? - No. [02:42.360]Then I'll tell you. My agency was bidding for a big account, and they got it. [02:46.290]- It's my first national commercial. - Cool [02:48.900]And I don't want to brag, but a lot of the ideas were mine. [02:52.100]Hell, you weren't there. All the ideas were mine [02:55.570]That's great. Hey, can you cast me in it? [02:59.540]I really don't think you're right for the part. .. [03:02.280]What do you mean? I can do anything. I'm a chameleon. [03:07.350]I'm old. [03:10.920]I'm tired. [03:12.790]Oh, I am hot. I'm cold. Come on, what can't I do? [03:18.790]First of all, bravo. [03:22.030]But I don't think you're right for this. The part's a stuffy college professor. [03:26.130]I can do that. Hello, I'm your professor. [03:30.310]When I'm not busy thinking of important things, or professing.. [03:36.140]I like to use.. What's the product? [03:38.310]Software that facilitates inter-business networking e-solutions. [03:47.020]I'm cold. [03:51.530]- Hey. - Hey. [03:53.230]Guess who's a finalist for a huge research grant? [03:55.900]I'll give you a hint. He's looking right at you. [03:59.270]Well, unless it's the creepy guy with his hand up his kilt.. [04:02.640]I'm gonna say, "Congratulations [04:05.340]I'm so excited. Apparently, I beat out hundreds of other applicants.. [04:10.040]including five guys I went to graduate school with.。 [04:12.880]Not that I'm keeping score, or anything. Five. [04:16.750]- Wow, that's great. - Yeah. [04:18.590]- So tell me about the grant. - Well, okay, it's for $25,000. [04:21.990]And if I get it, I'll be able to complete my field research. [04:25.360]And there will be an article about me in the Paleontology Review. [04:29.400]It'll be the first time my name is in there.. [04:31.870]without people raising serious questions about my work. [04:35.740]- Are you talking about the Dewer Grant? - Yeah. Why? [04:39.070]Benjamin Hobart is administering that grant. [04:41.410]- Your ex-boyfriend? - Yeah. [04:43.710]So your ex-boyfriend is gonna determine if your new boyfriend gets this grant? [04:48.280]Wow, your new boyfriend is screwed. [04:51.320]No. No, we ended on great terms. [04:53.820]If anything, I think this could help you. You know what? [04:56.920]Why don't we all go out to dinner, and I can introduce you. [04:59.960]- If you think it'd help. - Yeah, absolutely. I'll call him. [05:03.030]Now, is there anything I could do to butter him up? [05:05.930]Anything he really likes? [05:08.970]He does have a pretty serious latex fetish. [05:11.310]We'll see how dinner goes. [05:17.380]- Hey. - Hey, you want to go see a movie? [05:20.650]I told you I had to spend all day clearing out stuff so Mike could move in. [05:24.420]- Oh, right. - Yeah. - [05:26.120]Now that I'm here, I might as well help with the cleaning and organizing. [05:30.790]I just happen to have my label maker. [05:34.700]Oh, it's so hard to get rid of stuff. [05:37.300]Did you and Chandler make compromises when you moved in together? [05:40.940]Chandler did. [05:43.440]- What does he want you to give up? - A bunch of stuff. - [05:46.040]And the worst one, he wants me to get rid of Gladys [05:49.680]Who's Gladys? [05:55.650]What a tragic loss. [05:58.120]Yeah, I really hate to give her up. Oh, I know. Oh, you should take her. 就是说。我真的不 [06:06.890]I don't know.... [06:08.630]- What, you don't like her? - Of course I do. What's not to like? - [06:15.000]I'd take her in a minute. [06:17.540]But I think that you're giving up too easy. 但 [06:19.840]Honey, I think that you need to fight for her. [06:23.240]- Really, you think? - Absolutely. [06:25.610]You say to him, "I'm sorry, Mike, I can't live without her. [06:28.780]She means too much to me." [06:31.250]Okay, I'll fight for her. Okay. [06:34.820]Oh, wait. I just realized, if I do that, that means you don't get her. [06:38.530]Damn it, I did not think this through. [06:44.530]Emma, mom's got a snack for you. [06:53.610]You know, every now and then, she might like some barbecue potato chips. [06:59.150]- Hey, guys. - Hey. [07:01.020]- Hi. - Hey, baby. [07:02.520]Oh, any word on casting yet? [07:04.550]- I told you, you're not right for the part. - What do you mean? [07:07.890]Rach, don't I seem like a professor you'd buy some kind of e-crap from? [07:13.130]I'm sorry, this sounds like something I'm never gonna be interested in [07:17.430]Look, come on, please? It's not like I'm asking you for some crazy favor. [07:21.970]This is what I do for a living. I am a professional actor. [07:25.010]Man, I'm two hours late for work. [07:28.840]Here's my reel. It's got all the commercials that I've been in. [07:32.280]- Joe.. - Just watch it. [07:34.080]If you don't like it, don't pass it on to your bosses. [07:37.050]- Fine. - Thank you. [07:43.930]- Work, Joe. - Damn it. [07:49.930]- What am I gonna do now? - Just pass the tape along. [07:52.600]He's not right for the part. [07:54.600]If I suggest him, my bosses will think I'm an idiot. [07:57.240]And that's something they should learn on their own. [08:00.040]Just tell Joey that you watched the tape.. [08:02.440]and you liked it, but your bosses didn't. [08:04.610]Then you're the good guy, and they're the bad guy. [08:07.220]That's good. I liked it, they didn't.。 [08:11.990]Joey, for God's sake, go to work. [08:20.060]I can't believe I'm about to meet Benjamin Hobart. [08:23.060]I've always thought of him as someone I'd invite.. [08:25.670]to my fantasy dinner party. [08:29.100]Do you think there's any chance he'll bring Christie Brinkley or C-3PO? [08:34.380]Sorry, it looks like it's just him. [08:38.780]Charlie. [08:42.580]My God, you look absolutely stunning.。 [08:46.550]Well, I am having a good hair day. [08:50.490]- It's so good to see you. - Oh, you too. 。 [08:57.900]I'm okay. [09:00.130]I'm sorry. Ross Geller, Benjamin Hobart. [09:03.640]It's an honor to meet you. I can't tell you how long.. [09:06.940]I've been an admirer of your work. I mean, that Nobel Prize. [09:13.550]I mean, I have to tell you that you're one of the reasons I got into the field. [09:18.250]Well, likewise [09:21.090]Not likewise. I'd never heard of you until this morning. [09:24.060]But it's nice to be nice. [09:27.730]- Shall we? - Yeah. Thank you. - [09:33.940]I can't believe that you chose this restaurant. [09:37.610]- Do you remember the night? - Oh, my God. I completely forgot. [09:41.840]Oh, my God, I can't believe they let us back in this place. [09:54.160]You weren't there. [09:57.160]No, but, you know, it's just a funny image. [10:00.530]You know, the two of you in this restaurant with the.. .. [10:07.640]Ross, why don't you tell Benji about your proposal while I go to the ladies' room [10:14.640]So tell me about it. [10:16.480]Okay. Well, I would like to do a dig in the Painted Desert. [10:21.080]There are still several areas that haven't been fully excavated [10:24.450]- Break up with Charlie. - What? [10:25.950]What? [10:28.420]Did you just say, "Break up with Charlie"? [10:33.590]Well, yes and no. Yes, I did say it. And no, I didn't not say it. [10:40.070]- Kind of inappropriate, don't you think? - Listen, I'm sorry. [10:44.140]I just haven't seen her for so long, all these feelings are rushing back [10:47.910]I'm starting to realize how much I've missed her. [10:50.410]And I'm gonna need you to break up with her. [10:54.950]- Are you serious? - If you say, yes, then I'm serious. [10:57.790]If you say, no, then I'm joking. [11:01.420]- No. - Joking it is. [11:07.460]- Hi, sorry I'm late. - Hey, how'd it go with Mike? [11:10.500]- Is he gonna let you keep the painting? - No, he really hates it. [11:14.600]But he's gonna let me keep my box of human hair. [11:18.770]So you gotta pick your battles. But the good news is, Gladys is yours [11:25.910]Wow, what's the bad news? [11:28.780]- Who's Gladys? - Oh, she's that work of art I made. [11:32.220]You know, with the woman coming out of the frame. [11:35.820]And Monica gets to keep her? [11:39.760]In her house? I am so jealous. [11:44.970]I didn't know you wanted her too. [11:49.070] Well, I mean, sure, of course. [11:53.010]But you already gave that to Monica, so.. 但.. [11:55.340]- You know, I would give her up for you. - No, I couldn't let you do that. [11:59.310]- No, but I want to. - But I don't want you to. - [12:01.820]- But I insist. - But I insist harder. [12:07.560]Girls. Girls. Stop. Okay, we'll flip a coin. [12:10.020]Heads, she's Rachel's. Tails, she's Monica's. [12:15.660]- Tails. Monica, she's yours. - No, that landed in your food. [12:20.530]No, no, that's okay. You won fair and square. I'm so sad [12:27.040]Then the little red squirrel took all of his acorns.. [12:31.310]and put them in his little satchel and set off for.. [12:36.350]Okay. Someone's getting a little fussy. I think it's time for bed. [12:40.490]Where's the little red squirrel going? [12:47.230]Hey, Joe? [12:53.600]Oh, that's so sweet. [12:57.610]- What's up? - Bad news. [12:59.070]I watched the tape and passed it along to my bosses and they weren't interested. [13:05.080]I'm sorry, man. [13:08.950]- But you watched the tape? - Yeah, I liked it. [13:14.290]But my bosses didn't go for it. Stupid sons of bitches. [13:24.400]- You didn't watch the tape. - What? Of course I did. [13:29.170]Look, it's one thing not to cast me, but to lie to me? [13:32.170]- I'm not lying to you. I watched it. - You lied again. - [13:35.480]- I watched it. - Keep going, Pinocchio. - [13:39.810]- I did. - No, you didn't. [13:41.850]I'm telling you, I watched the tape.。 [13:45.920]- Did you watch the tape? - No. - [13:53.190]Hi. Look, I realize only one of us can get this grant. [13:57.130]And I just wanted to wish both of you the best of luck. [14:00.600]Are you crossing your fingers? [14:03.870]What, this? No. This.. That's just the result of a childhood injury. [14:10.710]I'm cured! 治好了! [14:15.520]Good morning, everybody. [14:16.780]If you go ahead and take your seats we can get started. [14:19.690]Actually, Dr. Hobart, can I have a word with you? [14:22.420]And you are? [14:25.760]- Ross. - I know. I'm kidding. [14:30.630]Listen, I just want to say, last night.. [14:33.030]Dinner was a little awkward. [14:35.270]- I just wanna make sure we're okay. - Oh, yeah. Absolutely. [14:38.610]- You didn't tell Charlie what I said, did you? - Oh, no. Of course not. - [14:42.180]Well, thank you. I want you to know, I respect your decision not to give her up. [14:47.410]It was the biggest mistake I ever made in my whole life. [14:50.220]Well, that and tattooing her name on my shoulder. [14:54.460]last night stupidly. [14:58.160]Seriously? [14:59.330]My Nobel Prize was not for moving on. [15:04.470]- So no hard feelings? - None at all. Good luck today. [15:07.330]- Thank you. - Okay. - 谢谢 - 不客气 [15:09.170]All right. The selection committee has chosen the three of you as our finalists. [15:14.110]The ultimate decision will be based on the answers you give to the questions I ask. [15:19.210]We're gonna go ahead and start with Dr. Li. [15:21.650]You claim the field is too reliant on the Linnaean taxonomic system. [15:25.990]How do you propose to correct this problem? [15:28.320]Well, I believe that the answers lie in the osteological evidence [15:31.630]- I plan to begin there. - Interesting. [15:33.930]I guess. [15:36.630]Dr. Biely, your proposal includes some fieldwork. Where might that take place? [15:40.730]Primarily in the Pierre Shale region of South Dakota [15:43.600]Certainly. Very well. And Dr. Geller, when is my birthday? [15:54.350]What? I.. [15:58.250]Care to venture a guess? [16:02.920]- May 12? - That's not even kind of close. [16:07.960]Dr. Li, how many graduate students will you need? [16:10.560]- Half a dozen. - I see. And Dr. Biely? - [16:12.670]Three for excavation, and two for analysis. [16:15.140]Certainly. Dr. Geller, which 1965 Shirelles hit.. [16:19.370] was later covered by a popular British Invasion band? [16:26.080]What? I need six graduate students. 什么...? [16:28.750]No, I'm sorry. We were looking for "Baby It's You." [16:32.720]"Baby It's You." [16:35.720]What? Wait just a minute. [16:38.190]None of my questions have anything to do with paleontology. [16:41.530]You're right, I apologize. Scratch the last question. [16:44.160]Spell "Boscodictiasaur." [16:48.670]I've never heard of a "Boscodictiasaur." [16:52.170]Yeah, I just made it up. Spell it.。 [16:57.340]- Okay. B-O.. - No, it starts with a silent M. [17:00.980]Oh, come on! [17:09.560]I can't believe Joey. I hate being called a liar. [17:13.230]But you are a liar. [17:16.000]What did I just say? [17:19.330]- Are you still here? - Yes. [17:20.800]And I'm not just hurt, I'm insulted. When I tell somebody I did something.. [17:25.770]Okay, hold on, let me just stop you right there, okay? First, you lied. Right? [17:29.780]Then you lied about lying, okay? [17:32.510]Then you lied about lying about lying, okay? [17:35.580]So before you lie about lying about lying about lying about lying.. [17:42.990]Stop lying. [17:45.030]Why are you so sure I didn't watch this tape? [17:47.830]You wanna know why? You wanna know why? [17:50.460]Well, this is going well. [17:53.800]Here's how I know you didn't watch. [17:55.670]If you had seen what was on this tape, believe me, you'd have some comments.。 [18:00.710]All right, remember, I got paid a lot of money for this.. [18:03.680]and it only aired in Japan. [18:06.780]Ichiban. [18:09.850]Ichiban, lipstick for men. [18:24.800]Ichiban, lipstick for men. [18:31.540]And that's how I know you didn't watch the tape. [18:37.010]He really is a chameleon. [18:46.350]Well, Gladys, say hello to your new home. [18:53.730]- Oh, my. - Wow. [18:56.560]Oh, she is so nice and big. [19:01.670]Oh, Monica, where are you going to display Gladys, oh, so proudly? [19:08.880]- I haven't really settled on a spot yet. - How about right above the TV? [19:13.310]That way, it will be the first thing that you see when you walk in the door. [19:18.920]Yeah, yeah, and you can get rid of that French poster. [19:22.620]- I like that poster. - Really? [19:25.030]It doesn't have anything coming out of it. [19:28.230]Or maybe there's someplace for her in your bedroom? [19:30.860]- There's nothing above your bed. - Are you still here? [19:38.240]Stupid Nobel Prize winner. [19:47.810]Oh, hi. Hello. [19:49.820]Have you come to ask me some more paleontology-related questions? [19:54.420]Your grandmother's nickname, perhaps? Ann-Margret's pant size? [20:00.960]I've come here to apologize. I think I may have let my feelings. [20:05.770]for Charlie interfere with the interview process. [20:08.600]No. Stop. [20:11.410]Anyway, I decided to offer you the grant. [20:16.010]- Really? - There is just one small stipulation. [20:20.980]- I have to break up with Charlie? - Hey, you got one right. [20:26.450]- You're crazy. - Crazy or romantic? [20:31.360]Crazy. [20:35.130]- Or? - Get out! [20:43.770]Oh, my God. [20:46.970]- What? - Joey, what is this thing doing here? [20:51.510]I got her from Monica. She sold it to me for a very reasonable price. [20:56.480]- Joey, we're not keeping this. - But it's an original Buffay. [21:03.290]All right, fine. You can keep it. [21:06.190]As long as you don't mind that she's haunted. [21:08.730]Hey, what? What? [21:10.660]Well, legend has it, Joey, that she comes alive when you're asleep. [21:17.500]She climbs out of the frame.. [21:20.670]and then drags her half-a-body across the floor.. [21:25.150]just looking for legs to steal. [21:28.480]And then with her one good hand.. [21:30.950]she slowly reaches up.. [21:35.090]and turns your doorknob. [21:37.490]Get that legless witch out of here! [21:46.730]- Hey, I sold that to Joey. - Yeah, well, I told him it's haunted. [21:50.070]- Two can play at this game. - Too late. You can't give it back. [21:53.070]- Oh, yes, I can. - No, you can't, she's yours. - [21:55.440]- She's yours. - She's yours. [21:57.010]- She's yours. - Hey. [22:00.950]- She's mine. - She's mine. [22:02.650]- She's mine. - She's mine. ! [22:04.690]You guys, you don't have to fight over her anymore. [22:08.320]Whoever doesn't get Gladys, gets Glynnis. [22:19.730]- I want Gladys. - She's mine. [22:22.070]- She's mine. - She's mine. [22:31.850]No, no. You don't get to do that. [22:33.650]I know. Look, I'm sorry I didn't give them your tape. [22:37.120]And I promise next time to submit you, whether I think you're right or not. [22:41.320]That's not the point, Chandler. The point is that you lied. [22:44.490]I know. You're right. What's it gonna take for you to forgive me? [22:49.260]Oh, my God. [22:54.600]Excellent. [22:57.600]Now what do you say? [23:00.210]Lying is wrong. [23:02.580]And? And?? [23:06.850]I'm a pretty little girl. [23:11.280]I knew it. [23:20.360]Your ex-boyfriend is insane. [23:24.400]- He is a character. - No, no, no. [23:26.400]Charles Nelson Reilly is a character. [23:30.070]- Who? - Charles Nelson Reilly. - [23:32.710]The Ghost and Mrs. Muir? Match Game? The Ghost and Mrs. Muir? Match Game? [23:37.480]Were you never sick as a child? [23:40.610]- Whatever. Did you get the grant? - No. And you wanna know why? [23:43.980]Because your ex-boyfriend is still in love with you. [23:47.420]- What? - Yeah. [23:48.620]He refused me because I wouldn't give you up. [23:51.160]Benji isn't in love with me. I mean, he broke up with me. [23:54.590]- And besides, he's a very ethical man. - Really? [23:59.670]Is it ethical to ask someone in a grant review: [24:02.600]"Who was the voice of Underdog?" [24:05.310]I'm sure he was just joking. [24:07.040]If you don't believe me, let's go talk to him. [24:09.410]I'm telling you, he didn't ask me one paleontological question. [24:12.650]- Seriously? - Oh, I'm sorry. No, he did ask me one: [24:15.750]"How do you spell Boscodictiasaur?" [24:18.250]Well, if it's like the Lake Mbosco in Congo, then M-B-O.. . [24:21.960]Damn it. [24:26.760]Dr. Geller. Charlie, what are you doing here? [24:30.160]I want you to tell her everything. [24:32.230] About the deal you tried to make with me, about the crazy questions you.. [24:36.240]Wally Cox. That's the voice of Underdog. [24:42.180] Like I tried to tell you in the interview.. [24:44.440]this grant is not based on your knowledge of pretty useless trivia. [24:48.550]No, don't do that. I want you to look her in the eyes and tell her the truth. [24:54.750]Benji? [24:57.060]All right. It's true. I behaved horribly, but it's only because I still love you. [25:02.060]And I would do anything to have you back in my life. [25:05.170]Too little, too late, Benji. [25:08.900]- I can't believe this. - I never should've broken up with you. [25:13.210]I think about you all the time. Do you ever still think about me? [25:18.410]No. [25:20.780]- Yes. - What?? [25:23.920]I don't know what to say, Benji. This is all so... [25:28.050]romantic. [25:30.620]Or? [25:34.900]I know I may be way out of bounds here.. [25:37.260]but is there any chance you would take me back? [25:43.270]Maybe.. [25:45.570]Sweetie, this conversation is starting to make me a little uncomfortable. [25:51.140]Oh, God. I am so sorry, but.. [25:55.080]I mean, there's so much history between us, you know? [26:00.050]I'm sorry too. [26:10.600]- I love you. - I love you too. [26:16.270]Okay, that's it, we are seeing other people. [26:39.090]Gladys? 格拉达斯? [26:47.130]For the third time this week. Man, this does not get old. [26:52.370]- You're mean! - Oh, don't be such a baby. Please.