I'm a basilisk from the distant planet Ojom The communes were too cold I badly wanted to go beyond Outer space was calling and I couldn't resist The Arctic's hard and harsh it's a bitch I hardly miss Get me on a space station nation unto itself I search for commerce in the farthest darkest reaches of hell Get me off of this planet before it's enslaved by the Hutts Give me a fraction of the action I've been waiting for months I'm a cook it's a look that's easy to execute Apron and a shirt pants don't hurt forget the shoes My dream's to have a diner on that planet that's a city My dreams to find a girl that's not ashamed to be with me Before I was an informant ran a bar in Ord Sigatt A cover for running guns I'm a lover of selling shots A prospector for a second on a mine on Subterrel Now I'm mining for what's mine only time will tell Might seem a little freaky my hands are kinda greasy My apron's a Pollock painting of stains Might be sextupled limbed my scruples are super slim Let's couple skate before it's too late in the game Let's rink around with the four armed greasy guy I know I may not seem appealing but the feeling is right You know I'm down with the sound your sexy disco style You put a dart in my heart I got Kit Fisto's smile In the outland transit system I ran a dirty business Met the needs of mercenaries who were scary and persistent Bounty hunters took a number under stress I didn't want Sold the rest to Jango Fett and then I left for Coruscant Started selling donuts in the collective commerce district You can score a death stick or whatever is the next fix Hear a Bith play all the hits Dewback inn for sinful stalking So many options you should stop in cop my offerins often In time it was a diner, business grew with my whiskers I eavesdrop and gossip nonstop 'cause I'm the awesomest listener We serve Jawa juice to new recruits sliders to old timers Impolite pod racers never tip their kind sure could be kinder Got a unicycled serving droid she doesn't like organics I'll be spying while I'm frying Hermione sighing at her antics In a panic there was a purge I never liked the use of clones The fact Kamino was kept secret was a weakness we condoned Now I'm back at the bottom, in the depths of city planet Help the displaced become erased because it's hard to face the damage My diner was destroyed but it would later be rebuilt My heart is like a coffee cup that always needs to be refilled Might seem a little freaky my hands are kinda greasy My apron's a Pollock painting of stains Might be sextupled limbed my scruples are super slim Let's couple skate before it's too late in the game Let's rink around with the four armed greasy guy I know I may not seem appealing but the feeling is right You know I'm down with the sound your sexy disco style You put a dart in my heart I got Kit Fisto's smile