[00:03.040]You got the touch 你燃起动力 [00:07.510]You got the power 你发动力量 [00:13.670]Yeah [00:29.030]After all is said and done 毕竟说过,做过 [00:32.690]You've never walked, you've never run, 你从不曾退缩,你从不曾逃脱 [00:35.970]You're a winner 你是胜利者 [00:40.340]You got the moves, you know the streets 拨开迷雾,你看清道路 [00:43.770]Break the rules, take the heat 冲破羁绊,斗志昂扬 [00:47.200]You're nobody's fool 你怎能被邪恶所愚弄 [00:51.800]You're at your best when when the goin' gets rough 当前进变得艰难,你显示出你的非凡 [00:54.990]You've been put to the test, but it's never enough 你已突破考验,但是仍然有限 [01:00.400]You got the touch 你燃起动力 [01:04.310]You got the power 你发动力量 [01:08.360]When all hell's breakin' loose 当地狱之门放逐邪恶肆虐开战 [01:10.530]You'll be riding the eye of the storm 你义无返顾,在如暴风雨般炮火的核心 [01:15.460]You got the heart 你燃起斗志 [01:19.530]You got the motion 你付诸行动 [01:23.570]You know that when things get too tough 当一切变得艰难的时候,你明寮 [01:27.150]You got the touch 你燃起动力 [01:35.490]You never bend, you never break 你从不屈服 你从不放弃 [01:38.860]You seem to know just what it takes 你仿佛知道什么带来正义 [01:42.540]You're a fighter 你是一名斗士 [01:47.030]It's in the blood, it's in the will 它已溶入生命,它已化作意志 [01:50.480]It's in the mighty hands of steel 它握在那强有力的钢铁的手里 [01:53.790]When you're standin' your ground 当你屹立在你的阵地 [01:57.930]And you never get hit when your back's to the wall 当陷入绝境,你从不曾被打倒 [02:01.470]Gonna fight to the end and you're takin' it all 坚持战斗到最后,并且赢得所有 [02:04.090]You got the touch 你激活动力 [02:12.100]You got the power 你发动力量 [02:16.180]When all hell's breakin' loose 当地狱之门放逐邪恶肆虐开战 [02:18.330]You'll be riding the eye of the storm 你义无返顾,在如暴风雨般炮火的核心 [02:23.370]You got the heart 你燃起斗志 [02:27.170]You got the motion 你付诸行动 [02:31.220]You know that when things get too tough 当一切变得艰难的时候,你明寮 [02:34.790]You got the touch 你燃起动力 [02:45.570]You're fightin' fire with fire 你战斗不息 [02:53.010]You know you got the touch 你知道你该燃起动力 [03:02.820]You're at your best when when the road gets rough 当前路变得艰难,你显示出你的不凡 [03:06.330]You've been put to the test, but it's never enough 你已突破考验,但是仍然有限 [03:11.480]You got the touch 你燃起动力 [03:15.090]You got the power 你发动力量 [03:21.870]Yeah [03:28.640]You got the touch 你燃起动力 [03:32.650]You got the power 你发动力量