To what color am I dyed?/我被染上了什麼颜色 The size of the dyed thing/染物颜色的深浅 changes because of/会因为 the difference of the dyed color./染料的不同而改变 I can grow up if it dyes/我会因被染上 to good people color. /「善人之色」而成长 I want to dye me to such a color./我想染上如此的颜色 To what color am I dyed?/我被染上什麼颜色? The color to be dyed changes/被染上的颜色 under the influence of the private life./会受自身生活环境的影响而改变 I degenerate if it dyes to villain color./我会因被染上「恶人之色」而堕落 The color for which I hope/我所希望的颜色 is a color with high brightness./是有著「高亮」的颜色 I want to become beautiful mind./我想要拥有美丽的心灵 I want to become it./我想要变成这样 I obtain the conscience./我获得了良心 And, becomes a luminous color./成为了光彩耀人的颜色 There are a lot of/大量的 black and white in the private life./黑色白色充斥著我的生活 My color shines/我自身的颜色闪耀著 by "Affection" and "Esteem" and "Kindness"/因为爱情、尊重、仁慈 and "Looking after" and "Nursing" and "Protection"/照顾、护理、保护 and "Consideration" and "Respect" and "Solicitude"/体贴、尊敬、关心 and "Encouragement" and "Friendship", etc./鼓励、友情等等 I want to choose color that is/我想要选择 brighter than the dark color./比黑色更鲜亮的颜色 If the surrounding is a dark color/假如周遭都是黑色的话 I look large./我看起来会很闪耀明显 If the surrounding is a luminous color/但如果在充满明亮颜色的环境中 my existence might be thin./我的存在感会变得很薄弱 The luminous color improves the environment./光明的颜色能改善周遭 The luminous color shines on the dark./光明的颜色能照亮黑暗 However, the luminous color/但是,光明的颜色 shines only in a dark place./在黑暗环境中才会闪耀 Still, I do not care./不过我不介意 A dark color absorbs the luminous color./当黑色吸收了光明的颜色 My existence disappears if it winks out./我的存在眨眼间就会消失 I can become energetic/我会因照亮周遭 by shining on surroundings./而变得神采飘扬 When I become tired and do not shine./当我疲倦而不再照耀时 The source of "Vigour" can be/这活力来源可能就要 gotten from "Good man color"./从「善人颜色」得到吧 The color for which other people hope to me./这是众人希望我成为的颜色 It is different from the color for which I hope./这跟我所期望的颜色不太一样 However, if it is an earth friendly color/但是,如果这颜色是全人类所支持的话 I like the "Color that other people like"./我就会喜欢「他人所喜爱的颜色」 A dark color in the interior of the spirit/内在灵魂中的黑暗 is also as the case may be necessary./在某些情况下仍是必要的 Both necessary dark colors and bright colors./不管黑暗或光明都是必须的 I want to dye me moderately./但我希望自己能适中地被染色 It is possible to change greatly in /「从黑暗变成光明」 "Thing that becomes a luminous color from/这种巨大的改变是有可能的 a dark color" even if my existence is small./ 即使我的存在是如此低微 Now will grow in the future/即使现在很微弱, even if it is small./但未来一定会成长的 いつだって私は今よりもっと求めていたい.../我比以往更进一步的希望 例え“ ”がわたしの/即使「 」是我 最高の“個性色”だとしても・・・/最高的「风格」… To what color am I dyed?/我被染上了什麼颜色 The size of the dyed thing/染物颜色的深浅 changes because of/会因为 the difference of the dyed color./染料的不同而改变 I can grow up if it dyes/我会因被染上 to good people color. /「善人之色」而成长 I want to dye me to such a color./我想染上如此的颜色 To what color am I dyed?/我被染上什麼颜色? The color to be dyed changes/被染上的颜色 under the influence of the private life./会受自身生活环境的影响而改变 I degenerate if it dyes to villain color./我会因被染上「恶人之色」而堕落 The color for which I hope/我所希望的颜色 is a color with high brightness./是有著「高亮」的颜色