It's taken more than six centuries for the Catholic Church to officially recognise the heroism of hundreds of citizens of Otranto, a small town in the south of Italy who were executed by an invading Turkish army when they refused to convert to Islam. But there was no hint of any anti-Islamic sentiment in the homily that Pope Francis delivered before tens of thousands of worshippers gathered in St Peters Square. Martyrs, he said, inspire Christians who are still suffering violence in many parts of the world, to respond to evil with good. He refrained from naming any single country, although the Catholic Church is deeply concerned about attacks on Christian communities in the Middle East and in East and West Africa. Later this month an Italian priest who's murdered by the Sicilian mafia 20 years ago will be beatified, that's the last step before he too is declared a saint. Pope Francis, following the example of his immediate predecessors, is continuing the process of honouring a new generation of modern as well as historic martyrs. He wants to remind the world that thousands of Christians are still being persecuted for their faith and sometimes being killed in circumstances related to their religion. 天主教教堂花了6个多世纪才正式承认奥特兰托几百个市民的英雄行为,奥特兰托是位于意大利南部的一个小镇,当这些市民拒绝变成回教徒时,被入侵的土耳其军队处决。 但是教皇弗朗西斯对聚集在圣彼得广场上成千上万的礼拜者说教的时候,并没有丝毫的反伊斯兰教情绪。他说,殉难者激励着那些在全球很多地方仍然饱受暴力之苦的基督徒们以德报怨。他并没有点名任何一个单独的国家,尽管天主教会对在中东及东非和西非地区对基督社团们发生的攻击事件表示了很深的关注。 在本月的后来,一个20年前被西西里岛黑手党谋杀的意大利牧师将会进行宣福礼-在他被宣称为圣人之前最后的一个步骤。弗朗西斯教皇,按照他直接前驱的样子,将继续缅怀新一代现代与历史殉道者的过程。他想提醒世界人民还有成千上万的基督徒一位他们的信仰被迫害,有时候甚至因为与他们宗教有关的情况下被杀害。