France's second city is in the grip of a violent turf war over drugs. It's not new but it's getting worse all the time. 19 people have now been killed in the Marseille region this year alone, two this week. The police say nearly all the killings are carried out by rival drug dealers on the gritty housing estates in the north of the city, using machine guns from eastern Europe bought on the black market. While the government quickly ruled out sending in the military, the prime minister has announced an urgent meeting will be held next week to examine the situation in France's second-biggest city. The illegal drug trade used to be run by the Marseille and Corsican underworld. However, the authorities say they have now been replaced by far more ruthless and reckless French youths of North African origin who see drugs as a quick route out of poverty. With drug dealing the biggest single employer on many housing estates, the police say no matter how many people are arrested there are always youths ready to fill the vacuum. 法国又一城市上演着毒药战争,这不算什么新闻,但现在这种趋势却愈演愈烈。光在今年就已经有19人被杀害,其中本周有2名。据警方透露几乎所以的杀人案都是在法国北部一个多沙的地区发生的,原因是毒贩间的竞争。他们使用的是从东欧黑市上买来的机关枪。 虽然当地政府已经排除了动用军事力量的可能性,但法国总理宣布在下周召开紧急会议,调查法国第二大城市的情况。 过去,非法毒品交易都是在秘密进行,但是,现在当局声称,秘密的毒品交易已经被残酷鲁莽的年轻人所取代,这些人是北非法籍的年青人,他们视毒品为摆脱贫困的捷径。 随着毒品交易在许多地区成为最大的单一雇员来源,当地警方说无论逮捕多少人,都会有年青人填补毒品交易这块空白。