It's been a blustery voyage at times for the MS Balmoral crossing the Atlantic carrying 1300 passengers. Some of them relatives of people who travelled the same route on Titanic a century ago. Others, just fascinated by the history and the mystery of what happened to her. Now they're all coming together at the very spot where Titanic sank to be led in prayer, out of here on the decks overlooking the stern of this cruise ship. Wreaths of flowers will be thrown into the ocean directly above the wreck site and then this ship's band will play "Nearer My God To Thee", the hymn said to have been played by Titanic's band as she sank into the cold, dark, icy waters exactly 100 years ago. 对巴尔默拉号来说,载着1300名乘客穿越大西洋,时常是一个狂风大作的航海旅行。 这些乘客中,有些是一个世纪以前乘坐泰坦尼克号在通过同样路线的人的亲人。其他的,仅仅是着迷于发生在她身上的历史和神秘之事。 现在,在泰坦尼克号沉默的主要地点,他们都聚齐在一起,他们离开了船舱到甲板上祷告,并遥望着这艘航海船的艰辛。 在悲剧发生的地方,一束束花将会被扔直接扔入海中,然后这个船上的乐队将会演奏“与主更亲近”,这首圣歌据说是正好在100年前克号沉没入寒冷黑暗冰冷的海水中的时候,由泰坦尼克号的乐队演奏的。