Race - the word that everybody knows, but nobody can define. This is Steven Jones on the BBC World Service in search of what that word really means. For some, race has sinister overtones. Many crimes have been carried out in its name and in some places, they still are. For science, the term "race" … “种族”--一个人人皆知却又无人能给出定义的词。这里是英国广播公司的对外广播节目,我是史提芬·琼斯,本期我们将要探索“种族”的真正含义。 对一些人来说,“种族”这个词有那么几丝邪恶的味道,很多罪行都是打着“种族”的旗帜犯下的,并且在一些地方,这些罪行还在继续。而从科学上来说,“种族”则完全是另一码事了…