"I am very aware that I have got slightly oriental looks. I've always been curious about it because ever since I was a child, people have made comments about where I come from." This is a programme about human race, the first of two on the BBC World Service. We all know or we think we know what rac… “我很清楚地知道自己长得有些东方化。我一直很对此很好奇,因为打小时候起,别人就会对我的来历指指点点。” 这是BBC全球服务关于种族的节目之一。我们都知道或者我们都以为自己知道种族是什么,但实际上这个问题比大多数人所想的要微妙很多。不同地方的人的长相都有所不同,我们也开始了解其中的原因。通过对肤色、头发和…