Tuna, in particular Atlantic Bluefin tuna, certainly has potential. It's one of the biggest, most powerful fish in the sea. And if you look at the lessons from other types of agricultural production, "big" is a good start for fast growth and high productivity. But can it and should it be done?… 金枪鱼(吞拿鱼),尤其是大西洋蓝鳍鲔金枪鱼,的确有开发潜力。它是海洋中最强大的鱼类之一。如果你观察其他农业生产类型的经验,“大”这个特点为其快速增长和高产量开了一个好头。但是,是否可以利用或者是否应该利用金枪鱼呢?我是Sue Broom,与BBC一起来寻找答案。 欧洲科学家正在尝试找到养殖更多的海洋鱼群的方法。…