In my opinion, we are living on borrowed time. We have 3 or 4 days' worth of food in the city. And if that food supply is disrupted, we'll be in a lot of trouble. We should have something in the city that replaces this very tenuous food supply and it should be growing in the city. The bulk of t… 我认为我们已经处在危险状态之中了。城市里只有3至4天的粮食储备。如果这种粮食供给遭到破坏,我们就会遭遇很多麻烦。人们应该拥有某种东西,它取代可以目前十分贫乏的粮食储备,而且能够在城市里生长。 世界上大多数人都将在城市生活,身居高层住宅。如何才能做到现实世界的可持续生存? 到2050年,世界上超过3/4的人口将…