And you felt the job descriptions in our advertisement would offer you the kind of challenge you're looking for? Exactly. Yes. As I said, management in a larger organization and research combined. Also, to be honest with you, I heard about the job before it was advertised. A friend of mine, who works here, Mark Austin, told me a few weeks ago that you were looking for someone to take over the job. He described the position to me in quite a bit of detail and I thought, well, that's exactly what I am looking for. So really I'd written my letter of application before the job was even advertised. I should tell you that with the present cutbacks we have only got one full-time administrative assistant in the section. How would you feel about doing your own word processing, photo copying, that sort of thing? Oh, I am used to that. I have done all my own word processing for ages. It's the only way to write, really, isn't it? I can type well, about 60 words a minute. I did a secretarial course after I left school, so I learnt typing and shorthand. Then a few years later I bought a PC and I learnt how to do word processing too.