So tell me, what's the difference between the Board of Directors, the CEO, and the stockholders? They all seem to be the same group of people to me. No, there's a definite difference. You know, the stockholders are the people who own the company, they're the financial control system. Then there's the CEO - the Chief Executive Officer. He's the hot shot, the main guy who is the boss. If there is only one person with absolute power in an organization, everyone knows that the power will go to their head. It's too dangerous. That's the reason for a Board of Directors. The board is made up of people who are experts in the industry. They could be related to the organization, but more commonly, they are independent and non-biased. How many people are on the board of directors? Usually not more than 15, not less than ten. They meet monthly, quarterly, or biannually to oversee an organization or a company. They provide long-term planning and vision, and also act as moral watchdogs to keep the company in line. 请问董事会,执行总裁和股东有什么区别?对我来说,他们好像就是一类人… 不是一类,区别大着呢.你知道,股东是公司的持有人…他们是财政控制系统.接下来是执行总裁,那大家都知道权利会冲昏他的头脑.这样做太危险.这就是为什么要设立董事会的原因.董事会由该企业的专家组成,他们参与组织管理,但更多时候他们是独立的,而且是不偏不倚的. 董事会由多少人组成? 一般不超过15个,不少于10个.他们每个月,每个季度,或每半年开一次会来监督组织机构或公司.他们提出长远的规划和设想,还充当道德的监督者以确保公司走上正轨. Absolute:绝对的 Expert:专家 Industry:企业 Related:相关 Independent:独立的 Non-biased:不带偏见的 Monthly:每月一次的 Quarterly:每季度一次地 Oversee: to watch sb/sth and make sure that a job or an activity is done correctly 监督;监视 United Nations observers oversaw the elections. 联合国观察员监督了选举 Vision: the ability to think about or plan the future with great imagination and intelligence 想像力;眼力;远见卓识 a leader of vision 有远见的领袖 Hot shot:关注的焦点 Absolute power:绝对权力 Go to sb’s head:使某人感到骄傲,冲昏某人的头脑 More commonly:更常见的 Long term: that will last or have an effect over a long period of time 长期的;长远的;长期有效的 a long-term strategy/solution 长期的战略╱解决方案 the long-term effects of fertilizers 肥料的长远影响 a long-term aim/investment 长期目标╱投资 Act as:担任 Keep in line:走上正轨