Can you tell me a little more about your company organization? Certainly. Here's a copy of our company profile for your review. We are divided up into a three tier system. The first tier is our executive branch, which includes the CEO and Board of Directors. Below that is our managerial tier, which includes all department heads and supervisors. Lastly, our laborial tier. What percentage of your employees fall under the laborial tier? Nearly 75% of all employees are considered laborial staff. Now, the laborial staff category is very broad. It includes maintenance crews, secretarial staff, account managers, sales representatives, any entry level positions, cafeteria workers, the janitorial staff. As you can see, a very large and varied categorization. I see. Now then, how many laborial staff members do you have working under you? Me personally? Well, I am the lead financial officer, so in our financial department, we have three accountants and one financial secretary. 请你介绍下你们公司的体质好吗? 当然可以.这里有一份我们公司的简介可以参考.我们分三层管理.第一层是行政层,包括执行总裁和董事会.下面是我们的管理层,包括所有的部门领导和主管人员.最后是普通员工层. 你们普通员工占多大比例? 几乎75%的雇员都属于这一层.目前,员工层范围很广,包括维修工,秘书,账目管理员,销售代表,所有初级职位的人员,餐厅员工以及清洁工…你也能看到,这一层非常庞大和复杂.我明白.那现在你手下有多少员工? 我直接负责的?我负责财务部,在我们部门有3名会计和1名财务秘书.