All of the numbers were down for performance reviews this week. Our sales department failed the test. What was the problem? In general, our personal reviews were alright. The boss said he likes our enthusiasm and dedication. There were no negative reviews for any of our sales people personally, but the problem was our sales numbers have been too low for too long. We're in a real slump. But that's not necessarily our fault. The market's slowed down a lot, so people just aren't buying like they used to. That isn't our fault. Yes, but it affects our sales in a major way, and therefore affects our performance. Sometimes it's all about the bottom line. What do they suggest we do? In yesterday's meeting, the boss suggested we take a more aggressive sales approach. We need stronger advertising and stronger attitude. What was fine for last year just won't cut it this year. He wants stronger sales. 本周业绩表中的所有销售额都下降了。我们销售部门没有通过这次评估。怎么回事? 总体来说,我们的个人评估还可以。老板说他喜欢我们的满腔热情和奉献精神。对我们销售人员个人来说没有任何负面意见,但问题是我们的销售额长期以来一直走低。我们真正陷入了衰退期。 可那不一定是我们的过错……市场发展较缓慢,所以人们就不会像以前那样有购买力。那不是我们的错。 是这样,但是这大大影响了我们的销售额,从而又影响了我们的业绩。有时几乎到了底线。 他们的建议我们怎么么办? 在昨天的会议上,老板建议我们采取更加大胆的销售方案。我们需要加大广告力度,采取更坚定的态度。去年证明不错的做法今年不见得奏效。他要的是更大的销售量。