Let's go over Friday's performance reviews. Most of them were pretty positive. Take Tow Clerk for example. He's extroverted, which makes him a very effective salesman. You can see his sales for this quarter are a record high for our company. He's also easy-going and very friendly. Add that to his good looks, and you can see why he's so popular, in and out of the office. Yes, I've also heard that he's a lady's man. Well that is actually a strike against him in the performance review. It seems like he has trouble keeping his private life and professional life separate. He's been involved in several office romances that have been detrimental to employee professionalism and performance. He was censored for the two incidents and since then he has corrected his behavior. I think that says a lot for his character. 我们看一下周五的业绩评估情况。 大部分都是正面评价。拿汤姆. 克拉克来说,他性格外向,因此做推销员非常合适。你可以看到他这个季度的销售额创了我们公司的最高记录。他本人也比较随和,很友好。再加上他长相不错,因此他在我们办公室内外备受欢迎。 你说得对,我也听说他很讨女人喜欢。事实上,这也正是他在业绩评估中现遭到攻击的原因。似乎他公私生活不分,又卷入了几宗办公室绯闻,这对一个员工的职业道德和业绩表现有害无益。 他因为那两件事情受到审查,从那以后,他改正了自己的行为。我想这清楚说明了他的性格。