Who'll motion to approve the minutes from last meeting? I motion, she seconds. All in favor? Good. Now what's next on the agenda? We have some new business. Tracy, can you introduce item B on the agenda for us? Yes, but we should probably follow the agenda in order, shouldn't we? Item A is still pending. We should report and approve old business before a new business. Oh, yes, I somehow manage to overlook item A. Well then, Mark, can you report to us about your project under item A? The agenda is a little backwards today. I would prefer that Tracy introduce her project first, then what I have to say might make more sense. Technically, our projects are both new business. The only items of old business we have are the minutes which have already been approved. Oh, is that right? Well, let's re-arrange the agenda then. We can move item A to the end of our new business section. It will follow reports on items B through D. Any objections? Can we have item A directly follow item B? Fine. Any objections? No? If there is no any objections, then our modifications to the agenda have been approved unanimously. We will proceed according to the amendments we've just made. 谁提议通过上次的会议记录? 我提议,她也赞成。大家都同意吗?很好。现在,我们议程上的下一项是什么?我们有一些新的工作。Tracy,你能把议程上的B 项给大家介绍一下吗? 可以,但我们可能应该按照议程顺序走,对吧?A项还悬而未决,我们应该在讲新的之前汇报和讨论一下旧的工作。 哦,是这样的。我不知道怎么把A项给忽略了。那好吧,Mark,你能给我们汇报一下A项的情况吗? 今天的议程有点儿反了。我想让Tracy先介绍一下她的项目,接下来大家可能更容易理解我要说的内容。从技术上讲,这两个都是新项目。今天我们唯一的遗留问题是会议记录中。这个我们已经通过了。 哦,这样对吗?好的,那我们重新调整一下议程。我们把A项转到我们新工作部分的最后一个,在B项和D项报告之后,大家同意吗? 我们能不能在B项完成之后直接进行A项? 很好,还有异议吗?没有了?如果没有反对意见,我们全体通过这个修心意见。下面,按照我们修改过的议程继续讨论。