Right, that ends the third and final part of our presentation. I'd like to end by emphasizing the main points. I'll give you a brief summary. There are three potential areas for development in the future: domestic, overseas market, and the Internet. Each of these markets have their own particular need for marketing strategy. For domestic, we can rely on past research, for overseas markets we depend heavily on our cultural consultants, and for the Internet, we need to redo our image to appeal to a younger set of consumers. Our main issue here is that we need to be sensitive to the needs of different markets in order to continue to see success. Mark, did you have anything to add? Yes, I want to restate one more time the importance of reinventing our company's image to appeal to different customer bases. I want to end with a true story that has to do exactly with what we've been talking about today. 好了,第三部分和最后一部分的陈述就到这儿了。我想最后强调几个要点,简单总结一下。将来三个有发展潜力的领域是:国内市场、海外市场和互联网。每个市场都有自己特有的销售策略要求。对国内市场来说,我们可以依靠过去的调查研究,对海外市场而言,我们要重点依靠我们的文化顾问,而对于互联网,我们需要重新塑造我们的形象以吸引年轻的消费群体。我们的主要观点是:要想不断取得成功,我们需要对不同的市场需求保持敏感性。马克,你还有什么要补充的吗? 是的,我想再次重申一下,重新塑造我们公司的形象以吸引不同消费者的重要性。我想用一个真实的报导结束我的讲话,它跟我们今天一直讨论的话题密切相关。 main point 要点 production date 生产日期 see success 见证成功 customer base 顾客基础 have to do with 与……有关