What's on today's agenda? We have an appointment with a customer at 9 am, three interviews before lunch, and a project review this afternoon. What about tonight? Will there be time to clean off my desk? Tonight we should have time to catch up on correspondence. Good. I'm always working against time to get letters out. The project review is a week behind schedule. What's causing the delay? We haven't had a sufficient amount of time for our review board to meet. Can we still meet the target date? We should be able to. Even though this part of the project was due a week ago, we can still complete the whole program on time. Is that so? That's wonderful. We'll be able to cut down on our overtime. Yes. Oh, look at the time. We should be in a hurry to make that first appointment. 今天的日程是怎么安排的? 早上9点要见一个客户,午饭前有3个面试,下午有个工程检查。 今晚有安排吗?有时间处理一下手头未完的工作吗? 今晚我们应该有时间把信件赶完。 太好了!我一直都是抢时间写这些信。 工程检查安排推迟一周。造成延误的原因是什么? 我们的检查委员会没有足够的时间在一起商议。 我们还能按期完成吗? 应该能完成。即使这部分工程在一周前就应该完工,我们仍能按时完成整个项目。 是这样吗?那太棒了!这样我们就能少加班了。 是这样。噢,看一下时间。我们得赶紧走赴第一个约会。 correspondence 信件 target date 预定日期 performance review 业绩检查 clean off one's desk 处理手头未完的工作 catch up on 赶完,弥补 work against time 赶工 get letters out 写信 meet/make the deadline 按期完成 cut down on 减少 put in overtime 加班