Tomorrow is gonna be a long day. Not only do we have performance reviews scheduled all day, but I also still haven't filed the reports on our department. I was thinking the same thing. Tomorrow is going to be a drag. Will you be ready tomorrow? I've been so busy. I can hardly keep up with things because there simply hasn't been any time to get ready. So what are you going to do? They will do the review whether you're ready or not. I will just have to face the performance review unprepared. You can't use being too busy as an excuse. We're all equally busy, but some of us put in a lot of overtime. There's more work than there is time. I know things are especially chaotic now, but we can't afford to make excuses. You've got to get better at meeting deadlines. Yeah, maybe you're right. We should probably quit complaining about our deadlines and get to work. There is no time to lose now. 明天会很忙。不但一整天要进行业绩评估,而且我还没有提交我们部门的报表。 我也在想这件事。明天会很难熬的,你都准备好了吗? 我一直忙得脱不开身,简直快应付不过来了,因为根本没有时间准备。 那么你打算做点儿什么?不管你准备的如何,他们都要检查的。 我只好在毫无准备的情况下面对业绩检查了。 你不能总拿太忙当借口。我们都一样忙,只是有些人加了不少班而已。 可是,时间总是不够用。 我知道现在情况尤其糟糕,但我们不能有任何借口。你必须尽力如期做好一切工作。 好的,也许你说得对。也许我们不应再抱怨最后期限,而应该着手工作。现在不能浪费时间了。 chaotic 混乱的 be a drag 无聊或令人厌倦的事 face sth. unprepared 无准备地去面对某事 no time to lose 抓紧时间