Do you agree with the SWOT that came out of our annual review meeting? I agree with parts of it, but I just don't think the evaluation of current opportunities is realistic or even viable. What do you mean? The report said we could boost our sales by addressing international distribution problems. You don't think that would work? No, I agree solving problems with our import and export side would help to boost revenue, but I just don't think we could achieve as much as 50% more, which is what the analysis yielded. The problems are more complex than the SWOT took into account. Do you at least agree with the threat analysis? Yes, I think determining our competitors' strengths and weaknesses is much more straightforward. We can list our threats on one hand, there's Spalding, Mercid, and Yaleford. 你同意我们评议年会上通过 的态势分析结果吗? 我部分同意,不过我认为对目前的机遇评价不太现实甚至是不可行。 你是什么意思?报告上说我们能通过解决国际销售问题来增加销售额。你看这不可行吗? 是的,我认同通过解决进出口方面的问题会增加收入,但我认为最多不超过50%,这是分析出来的结果。问题远比SWOT所考虑的要复杂。 至少你同意威胁方面的分析吧? 是的,我认为对我们竞争对手的强项及弱项的分析更坦率了。我们还能把对我们造成威胁的公司单列出来,如斯波尔丁、麦赫斯迪、耶鲁福特。 yield 产生 address problems 处理问题 work(= be effective) 有效 take into account 考虑 list on one hand 单列出来