Sometimes these statistical reports don't even seem like their written in English. Take this sentence for example. "In the sample group consisting of 500 respondents, two out of every three households interviewed fell below the median level, while control group yielded an average of 62% infiltration." What are they talking about? It's not as confusing as you think. The sample group is made up of the people you are studying, they are the ones who have filled out the surveys and handed in the rough data. The control group is a standard group that you can compare against. Average means the level that most people are at. Infiltration is just whether or not they have heard of our product. So what about this sentence? "Nearly 1/3 of respondents ranked in the 25th percentile nationwide, while less than 2% ranked in the top five percentile." You're getting bogged down with the words. Think of it this way. Respondents are the people who responded to your survey. So 1/3 of the people are considered top 25% on a national standard. In this same group of people, fewer than 2% ranked in the top 5% nationally. Does that make more sense to you now? I guess so. Too many numbers. Too many words. 有时这些统计报告写得简直不像是英语。拿这句话为例:“在有500名参与者参加的调查组中,所面谈的每三个家庭中有两个在中等水平以下,而对照组中平均有62%的渗透。”他们到底想说什么? 不像你想的那么难懂。调查组包括你在调查研究的人,他们已经填写过调查表并提供了大致的数据。对照组是你能与之比较的标准组。平均值是指大多数人处于的水平。渗透只是指他们是否听说过我们的产品。 那这句话呢?“几乎1/3的参与者在全国的排名是百分位的第25位,而不到2%的人排在百分位的前第5位。” 你是被这些词弄糊涂了。这样想一想。参与者是对你的调查做出应答的人。就全国水平来看,那这些人中有1/3被认为是前25%。同样这一组人中,不到2%的人排在全国的前5%。现在这样是不是更明白些了? 我想是这样。太多的数字。太多的术语。 median 中值的 infiltration 渗透 percentile 百分位 fall below 在...以下 fill out the survey 填写调查表 rough data 大致的数据 compare against 与...相比 bog down 陷入困境