I'd like to go over the statistical report with you, if that's alright. No problem. Take a look. Here's the first page. According to this report, 30% of our viewers have a median income of more than 40K annually. Is that accurate? Yes. If you look at the pie chart here, you'll see that 30% are in the above 40K category, 20% are between 35 and 40K, and 50% fall below 35K. What percentage of customers come from household with children? Nearly 75% of our customer base comes from childless households. Only 25% of respondents reported having children. What was the ratio of singles versus married? There was a clear cut of 50-50 on marital status. 如果可以的话,我想和你一起看一下数据统计报告。 没问题。看吧,这是第一页。 根据这份报告,30%的观众是中等收入,每年4万多美元。这数字准确吗? 准确,看一下这个饼形图,你能看到30%的人属于4万美元以上的那一类,20%的位于3万5千美元到4万美元之间,而50%的人3万5千美元以下。 那些顾客中有孩子的家庭占多大比例? 几乎75%的顾客都没有孩子,只有25%的参与者说自己有孩子。 那单身和已婚的比率是多少? 婚姻状况的物分界线非常清楚,各占50%。 ratio 比率 versus 对 K( thousand in dollars) 1000美元 customer base 顾客基数 if that's alright 如果可以的话 pie chart 饼形图 marital status 婚姻状况