商务英语节目: 情景商务英语每日19点更新,BEC中级每日9点更新。 上一期BEC中级: 【BEC中级】如何成为一名管理人员(4/4) 上一期情景商务英语: 【情景商务英语】092 数据统计报告(二) 本节目订阅地址: 点击订阅更方便。 **全文听写** 请按美式拼写。 Hints: 文中有三处连字符 How do you plan to distribute the information about last week's meeting? I was planning on sending a bulk email to all the users on our company's server. That's a time-saving way to get the word out, but I don't think it will be that effective. Most of us just delete the bulk emails without even reading them. Even if you put a really catchy subject line in there, I don't think anyone will get the information. Well, it would be way too time-consuming to send the emails one by one to our entire staff. What do you suggest? You could send the meeting brief to the managers by email, and ask them to forward it to the people underneath them. Most people will read an email if it is sent by their supervisor. That's a good idea. I can just put the meeting minutes on the email as an attachment, then forward it along to the managers. Can you show me how to make an attachment with our email program? I'm sorry, I know next to nothing about the new email program. It's supposed to be more user-friendly than our last program, but I still haven't figured it out. I'll ask our tech support for some help. It shouldn't be too complicated, I'm sure. 你准备怎么传达上周的会议信息? 我准备在公司的服务器上给所有的用户群发电子邮件。 这样发布信息确实能节省时间,但我认为效果不见得会好。大多数人会连看也不看就删掉这种群发邮件。哪怕你的主题词再吸引人,我认为也不是所有人都能看到信息。 那一个一个地给大家发电子邮件又太浪费时间了。你有什么建议? 你可以通过电子邮件把会议简讯发给各位主管人员,然后再让他们传达给手下人。如果由他们的主管发邮件,大多数人会看的。 好主意。我只要把会议记录放在附件里,然后直接发给经理们就行。你能教教我怎样在我们邮件程序中粘贴附件吗? 抱歉,我对新的电子邮件程序几乎一无所知。使用起来应该比我们以前的程序更方便,可我还是搞不明白。 我去找技术人员帮忙。我相信不会太复杂的。 minute 简短记录 attachment 附件 user-friendly 使用方便的 bulk email 群发邮件 subject line 主题词 make an attachment 粘贴附件 next to nothing 差不多没有 send along 发送