If the predictions about the greenhouse are correct, temperatures will rise by the same amount in the next 100 years as they did in the past 10,000. Will animals and plants be able to adapt that quickly to change in the environment? Many won't. Certain species will probably become very rare. Experts say plants under climate stress will be very open to disease and fire. Forest fires may become more common. That, in turn, may harm animals that depend on the trees for food or shelter. Any preserves we set up to protect endangered species may become useless as the species are forced to migrate along with their natural homes. Change is part of life, but rapid change, says scientist George Woodwell, is the enemy of life. 如果关于温室效应的预测正确的话,气温在未来一百年内升高的程度将和过去一万年的温度变化持平。可是动植物能这么快就适应环境变化么?很多都不能。一些物种将变得非常稀有。专家表示,气候压力下的植物更容易生病,也更容易遭受火灾。森林大火将变得更加频繁。这会反过来影响到那些以植物为食或者做窝的动物。我们为了保护濒危物种而建的那些保护区可能都会失去效用,因为这些物种栖息的自然环境变化了,他们就得被迫迁徙。科学家乔治·伍德维尔说,变化是生命的一部分,但是剧烈变化却是生命的敌人。