The Decade for Natural Disaster Reduction is a program designed to reduce the impact of natural disasters throughout the world. With support from the United Nations, countries will be encouraged to share information about disaster reduction, for instance, information about how to plan for and cope with hurricanes, earthquakes and other natural disasters. One of the most important things the program plans to do is to remind us of what we can do to protect ourselves. For example, we can pack a suitcase with flashlights, a radio, food, drinking water and some tools. This safety kit may help us survive a disaster until help arrives. Besides, the program will encourage governments to establish building standards, emergency response plans, and training programs. “国际减灾十年”项目旨在减少全球范围内自然灾害的影响。联合国的支持和鼓励各个国家分享防灾信息,比如如何为飓风、地震等自然灾害做好准备以及一旦发生如何应对。这个项目内容中很重要的一条就是要提醒我们要如何保护自己。比如,我们可以打包装好手电筒、收音机、食物、饮用水以及一些工具。这个应急包可以帮助我们支撑到救援到达。另外,该项目还鼓励政府建立施工标准,应急反应计划以及训练项目。