To most of us sharks are the most dangerous fish in the sea and they attack humans. However, according to Dr. Clark, who has studied the behavior of sharks for 12 years, humans are not normally on the shark's menu. What do sharks feed on? Mainly fish and other small sea animals. Dr. Clark also found that sharks don't eat as much food as people think. For instance, a nine-foot shark only needs two pounds of food a day to keep healthy. But she says, sometimes sharks starve and at other times they fill themselves with what they have killed. 对我们大多数人来说,鲨鱼是海里最危险的鱼类,而且它们攻击人类。但是,研究了12年鲨鱼行为的克拉克博士说,鲨鱼一般是不吃人的。那么鲨鱼吃什么呢?主要是鱼和其他小型海洋动物。克拉克博士还发现,鲨鱼其实并没有人类想像中吃的那么多。比如,一条九英尺的鲨鱼一天只需要两磅食物九可以保持健康。不过她还说,鲨鱼有时候会饿肚子,还有时候会杀掉什么就吃什么。