Around the world, there are only about 100 shark attacks on humans each year, ten of which prove fatal. But consider this, in the US alone, about 3 million people are bitten by dogs each year. Of these, 13 people die. If a shark bites you, says Dr. Clark, the reason is usually because it mistakes you for its natural food. For example, say you went underwater-fishing and saw a shark, you could be in trouble. The shark might go for the injured fish you had attacked and take a big bite of you at the same time. If you go into a shark's territory and threaten it, it might try to bite you. That's because sharks are territorial and tend to guard their territory. Like dogs, they protect the area that they think is their own. 全世界每年有大约100起鲨鱼攻击人类的事件,其中10个是致命的。但是想想这个:每年仅在美国,就有300万人被狗咬,其中有13人死亡。克拉克博士说,如果鲨鱼咬你,那很可能是因为它把你当成了它的食物。比如,加入你去潜水钓鱼,看见了一只鲨鱼,那你可能就有麻烦了。鲨鱼可能会去追赶你攻击了的那些伤鱼,一大口下去顺便也把你咬了。如果你进入了某只鲨鱼的领地并且威胁到了它,那么它也可能会咬你。这是因为鲨鱼是有领地性的,它们要保护自己的领地。就像狗一样,它们需要保护它们觉得是自己的那一亩三分地。