The study collected information on the students' teachers and homes. Not surprisingly, the highest-scoring students had well-educated parents or came from homes containing study aids such as computers, dictionaries or even such elemental facilities as desks. The study also shows that boys generally did better than girls in science, but there was little difference between them in math. Boys scored better than girls in physics and chemistry. There were no sex differences in the life and environmental sciences. In addition to being tested, students in the project were asked how proficient they thought that they were in math and science. Students in some countries, such as Columbia and Kuwait, had an overly optimistic view of their skills. Meanwhile, some of the best students from Japan and Korea for example were needlessly pessimistic even though they did far better in math than almost all of other students. 研究收集了这些学生的老师和家庭信息。毫不意外的,分数最高的那批学生或者家长都受过良好的教育,或者家里有学习辅助工具,比如电脑、词典、甚至于基础设施诸如书桌。研究还表明,男孩一般比女孩要更擅长科学,但是他们在数学上的差别并不大。男孩在物理和化学上的分数较高,但在生命和环境科学中的差别不大。这些学生除了接受测试以外,还被问到他们自己觉得自己数学和科学都怎么样。某些国家的学生,比如哥伦比亚和科威特,对自己的能力过于自信。而同时,来自日本和韩国的尖子生却过于悲观,哪怕他们其实比所有其他人做得都要好。