
Manshee公司的发展(2/2) 歌词

歌曲 Manshee公司的发展(2/2)
歌手 英语听力
专辑 剑桥商务英语高级真题集
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[00:00.00] Initially, we set out strategic and financial targets for the next three years,
[00:05.39] and now we're pleased with just how many of those objectives we've met.
[00:09.36] The value of bringing in outside expertise was that it gave us objectivity.
[00:14.62] It's so easy to take things for granted, and to go on in the same mindset.
[00:19.10] Using consultants meant we received invaluable advice on our business priorities.
[00:25.80] Planning has allowed us to make notable improvements.
[00:29.23] For instance, by segmenting our customer base,
[00:31.95] we realised that we could put our customers,
[00:34.32] currently in excess of a thousand,
[00:36.35] into four distinct groups,according to their buying behaviour.
[00:40.44] That made us realise we could increase sales if we allocated different people to deal with each group.
[00:46.28] So we set up four specialist divisions, and the most successful one has increased its sales by over 20%,
[00:53.64] and that's the division involved with the training sector.
[00:57.07] We're signing off the next plan for growth.
[01:00.08] People are sometimes concerned that planning leads to rigidity,
[01:03.31] but we certainly don't find that it stops us from being as flexible as we need to be.
[01:08.89] Thank you.
[00:00.00] 一开始,我们制定了未来三年的战略和财务目标,
[00:05.39] 现在我们很高兴看到我们已经实现了多少目标。
[00:09.36] 引入外部专家的价值在于它给了我们客观性。
[00:14.62] 我们很容易想当然地看待事物,并以同样的心态去做。
[00:19.10] 使用顾问意味着我们在我们的业务优先事项上得到了宝贵的建议。
[00:25.80] 计划使我们有了显著的进步。
[00:29.23] 例如,通过细分我们的客户群,
[00:31.95] 我们意识到我们可以把我们的客户,
[00:34.32] 目前超过一千个,
[00:36.35] 根据他们的购买行为,分为四个不同的群体。
[00:40.44] 这让我们意识到,如果我们分配不同的人来处理每一个群体,我们就能增加销售。
[00:46.28] 所以我们设立了四个专业部门,最成功的部门增加了20%的销售额,
[00:53.64] 这就是培训部门的分工。
[00:57.07] 我们正在签署下一个增长计划。
[01:00.08] 人们有时会担心计划导致僵化,
[01:03.31] 但我们当然没有发现它会阻止我们变得像我们所需要的那样灵活。
[01:08.89] 谢谢!
Manshee公司的发展(2/2) 歌词
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