[00:00.00]Fortunately, the woman we've signed up to fill the temporary gap is available for exactly the period that Martin's going to be away. [00:08.59]She's been working for an electronics company in France that's just been taken over by a German firm. [00:15.06]Actually the boss met her quite by chance the very day she was made redundant. [00:20.76]What could be very useful is that she's done quite a lot of budgeting work on development projects. [00:28.39]She's a total workaholic, always the first to arrive at the office and the last to leave, but she spends a lot of time at the leisure centre as well. [00:38.03]Mind you, we've all been under pressure with the re-organisation, so it's doubtless been even worse for her in Human Resources, having to cope with so many redundancies and resignations. [00:50.09]It's something you only expect to happen to older employees, isn't it? [00:55.01]Anyway it actually happened during a Finance Committee meeting, but the medical team were very efficient. [01:02.14]Anyway, let's hope she won't be away too long. [01:05.01]There are a couple of managers just back from secondments. [01:08.48]They're going to do more of her work at Head Office, it seems, with weekly visits. [01:12.92]Everybody's assuming it isn't too serious.