And it's not just in the office that he's been looking good. I sent him abroad as part of that group a few weeks ago. The basic brief was to secure a continuation of the Asian contract. To be honest, that was a bit of a given, and what I was really hoping for was something extra. And sure enough, he clearly really worked on all our contacts out there, and he came back with some great new insights into how we might be able to develop bulk sales directly through warehouses, rather than through the standard agency channels. Oh right, interesting. I missed the de-brief on that one. But I do know he went on a training course not so long ago, and clearly reaped the benefits there. The content was mundane enough 'how to produce effective reports' or somesuch, but he identified the points that really mattered, and saw that what it actually addressed was how to order the most pertinent facts for delivery to a team.