No. That's why I think the test. The personality profile? Mm, the psychology one, is so helpful. It shows up that kind of thing. The attitudes to management structures? Well, I was thinking more of how it highlights attitudes, shows the reactions to the dynamics of operating in groups. I have to say I'm more convinced by the case study. Because it shows the candidates in real-life situations? Hmm, I was thinking of the insights it gives you into what they think is most important, the values they attach to things. Because they've got time to work it through logically. Yes, and I think it's vital. Given what the job involves. What's crucial for the position is the way he or she, whoever it is, is going to handle applying developments from Head Office, new approaches. Significant alterations in direction. Of strategy, that are going to define, shape how the company develops over the next few years. Because the IT department will take responsibility for the technology side of things. But it's a question of following one project through all its stages, isn't it? Yes.