Well, it might be a good idea. I know our market share's growing, but the strategy still relies too much on low prices to attract customers. What we really need to do more is to make people want our beds and furniture because they're special, not because they're cheap. You mean moving into niche markets? I'd describe it as staying in the mass market, but standing out from the rest. Right. Consumers are becoming more demanding these days, after all. Exactly. What about you, Tania? How do you feel about your new responsibility? It's going to be quite a challenge, I reckon. I mean, sorting out the reorganisation of the business into divisions sounds simple enough, but I suspect it'll produce plenty of headaches. And with several brands to deal with, some of which cut across the divisions, it's going to be pretty complicated. I suspect it'll be tough to finish it in the time I've been given. And of course, congratulations on becoming Export Sales Manager, Jerry. Thanks. You don't sound very enthusiastic. Don't you want the job? Oh yes, it's just the sort of challenge I need. Something to get my teeth into, and the chance to use what I learnt when I was in Export Sales before. But there are other people who've stayed in the department who might resent me going back into it over them.