Doesn't remote working make it difficult for managers to carry out their work? It certainly changes its nature. As part of our performance management process, managers visit staff at home twice a month. When everyone works in one office, you get on with some, and have less rapport with others, and usually that doesn't matter. But when you travel around visiting staff in their own homes, you have to develop relationships with them that are based on their needs, which may mean helping them with aspects of their non-working lives that are affecting their work. So, have you organised training for managers, to deal with this new way of working? Yes, a great deal of thought goes into finding out what would most benefit staff. Many people would focus on how to use the technology, but in our experience that isn't a priority. We've already run workshops on managing remote teams, but many managers find it hard to let go of their traditional control, and feel that remote working is a recipe for chaos. We're trying to tackle this.