Well, they then had to decide which market to aim for, Did they just replicate other drinks on the market and try to eat into those markets? Should they focus solely on the youth market, which was rapidly expanding? Or should they be daring and go for an older, more sophisticated age group with more expensive products? Riskily, they plumped for the latter, Then, having decided where they were going, the R and D department began developing the products. Right, and a key factor here was deciding on the all-important design of the packaging. Now, designers tend to have a track record of success - or not - so the safest option would have been to employ a team of consultants who specialized in this. But, driven by the focus on innovation from the new chairman, they trawled the market for recent graduates, thinking their enthusiasm would make up for their lack of experience. They were also approached by designers from other companies, but thought they'd be too set in their ways, So the industry was waiting eagerly to see what Ralcona had to offer, but at the last minute, the company halted the launch for three months, Why was that?