I have to say I feel almost uneasy about our success, it's as if it's too good to be true, and that eventually all this expansion will have to come to a halt. I don't know if I trust the longterm predictions for growth. But then again, I guess we really have got the right package - reliable product that customers know they can trust in a market where things are changing so rapidly that they can often feel rather bewildered by all the new developments. What they want to be sure of is getting value for money, and we're succeeding by offering high-quality products that don't cost the earth. Anyway, I suppose this refurbishment is the right thing to do, to rearrange the sections like this, it's certainly easier than looking for a new site, at any rate. 我不得不说我对于我们的成功感到非常不安,这是在是太好了,好到令人难以置信,好像最终我们会不得不停止扩张。我不知道自己是否相信(公司)会长期处于成长期的预见。但是又一次,我相信我们拥有着包装一流、性能可靠的产品,在市场变化如此迅速,顾客经常被各种新型产品所迷惑的今天,我们仍然可以得到客户的信任。其实,顾客真正想要的是(产品)物有所值,而我们恰好成功在不大幅增加成本的情况下提供高质量的产品。无论如何,我相信为了像这样更好的安排各个部门,这次整修是极为适宜的,毕竟在任何程度上,整修都要比找新的厂址更加容易。